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Biology - Fisheries: Aquatic and Endangered Resources Program

USGS: Biology arrow icon Fisheries Home arrow icon Research by Science Center * Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center

Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC)

2630 Fanta Reed Road
La Crosse, Wisconsin 54603
Phone: 608-783-6451
Fax: 608-783-6066

Samples of fisheries-related research at UMESC:

Fish and Aquatic Organism Health: National Fish Health Laboratories
Fish and Aquatic Organism Health: Aquatic Animal Drugs and Treatments
  • Disease Model (Channel catfish, Flavobacterium columnare/Columnaris disease, Rainbow trout, Walleye, Yellow perch)
  • Hydrogen Peroxide (Channel catfish, Finfish, Flavobacterium branchiophilum, Flavobacterium columnare, Salmonines, Saprolegniasis)
Species Diversity and Life History: Lamprey
Species Diversity and Life History: Sturgeons
Aquatic Community Ecology: Mussels
Aquatic Community Ecology: Ecology Research
Imperiled Aquatic Species: Mussels
Imperiled Aquatic Species: Salmon
Imperiled Aquatic Species: Paddlefish
Restoration Science and Technology: Mussels
Restoration Science and Technology: Paddlefish
River Science

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More Research Samples from:

Contaminant Biology Program

Invasive Species Program

Terrestrial, Freshwater, and Marine Ecosystems Program

Wildlife: Terrestrial and Endangered Resources Program

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Page Last Modified: Friday, 20-Feb-2009 11:23:31 MST