NOAA 98-055

Contact:  Dane Konop                      FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE


Commerce Secretary William M. Daley has appointed four new members and reappointed two members to three-year terms on the National Sea Grant Review Panel, the Commerce Department's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced today.

Made up of individuals with diverse backgrounds in marine affairs, the panel advises the secretary, the under secretary for oceans and atmosphere, and the director of the National Sea Grant College Program on scientific and administrative policy.

The new appointees to the 15-member panel are: Peter Bell, adjunct senior scientist with the Carnegie Institution, Washington, D.C., and retired vice president and chief scientist of the Norton Company and St. Gobain Corporation, Worcester, Mass.; Michael Fischer, the environment program officer for the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Menlo Park, Calif.; Frederick Hutchinson, recently retired president of the University of Maine and professor emeritus of the University of Maine in Orono; and Judith Weis, professor in the department of biological sciences at Rutgers University, Newark, N.J.

Panel members reappointed to three-year terms were Carlos Fetterolf, Jr., retired executive secretary, Great Lakes Fishery Commission, Ann Arbor, Mich., and Geraldine Knatz, director of planning for the Port of Long Beach, Long Beach, Calif.

Established by Congress in 1966, the National Sea Grant College Program is a partnership of academia, government and the private sector dedicated to the development and wise use of the nation's coastal, ocean and Great Lakes resources. The program sponsors research, education and outreach through a nationwide network of colleges.

Other panel members are (alphabetically): James Arrington, associate vice president for research and graduate studies, South Carolina State University, Orangeburg; Marne Dubs, consultant, New Canaan, Conn.; Roger Hanson, professor emeritus, University of Alabama, Birmingham; Walter Hartman, retired General Motors Corporation division supervisor, Olcott, N.Y.; Elaine Knight, co-owner and manager of Knight's Seafood, Brunswick, Ga.; Frank Kudrna (chair elect), President of Kudrna & Associates Ltd., Chicago; Arthur Maxwell, director, Institute of Geophysics, University of Texas, Austin; Jeffrey Stephan (chair), manager of the United Fishermen's Marketing Association, Kodiak, Alaska; John Toll, chancellor emeritus, University of Maryland, College Park.


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