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Good Samaritans Volunteers Helping Victims Program Handbook and Training Guide
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Photo: Man and woman looking out of a broken window.

Publication Date: April 2009

minus iconFilling a Void—Origins of the Program
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minus iconVolunteers: Recruiting,
Screening, and Training

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minus iconModule 2: The Victim Experience
minus iconModule 3: Basic Skills for Volunteers
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Module 5: Self-Care

Topic: Self-Care for the Good Samaritan

    Training Techniques

    Lead participants through one of the three relaxation exercises that follow:

    • Progressive muscle relaxation: Have participants alternately tense and relax specific groups of muscles for 10 seconds each. For example, have them start with their toes and work their way slowly up the body, ending with the facial muscles. Caution them not to hold their breath or tense any other part of the body. Have them note the difference between tensing and relaxing a muscle.
    • Quieting response: Have participants focus on their breathing. Keep breathing slow and relaxed. On the exhale, have them think of a single word that has personal significance such as "love," "peace," or "calm."
    • Guided imagery: Ask participants to imagine a place where they feel calm, peaceful, etc.

    Develop a stress management plan.

    Have participants complete the "Refueling" handout. Next, have them choose the three areas of their lives that need the most improvement, and then instruct them to take a piece of paper and fold it into thirds. On each third, have participants write down one of the areas needing improvement and three things they can do about it.

Topic: Questions and Wrap-up

  • Allow participants time for final questions and concerns.
  • Review key points, especially any concepts that were difficult for the group to grasp.
  • End with words of encouragement and thanks.

This document was last updated on April 22, 2009