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Volume 50(8);  August 1995
HLA genetics and allergic disease.
W M Howell and S T Holgate
Thorax. 1995 August; 50(8): 815–818.
PMCID: PMC474884
Polymorphonuclear leucocyte traffic in lung inflammation.
J C Hogg and B A Walker
Thorax. 1995 August; 50(8): 819–820.
PMCID: PMC474887
Inhaled vasodilator therapy in acute lung injury: first, do NO harm?
S J Brett and T W Evans
Thorax. 1995 August; 50(8): 821–823.
PMCID: PMC474889
Long term benefits of rehabilitation at home on quality of life and exercise tolerance in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
P J Wijkstra, E M Ten Vergert, R van Altena, V Otten, J Kraan, D S Postma, and G H Koëter
Thorax. 1995 August; 50(8): 824–828.
PMCID: PMC474891
Comparison of peak oxygen consumption during cycle and treadmill exercise in severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
R S Mathur, S M Revill, D D Vara, R Walton, and M D Morgan
Thorax. 1995 August; 50(8): 829–833.
PMCID: PMC474893
Comparison of nebulised salbutamol and ipratropium bromide with salbutamol alone in the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
P Moayyedi, J Congleton, R L Page, S B Pearson, and M F Muers
Thorax. 1995 August; 50(8): 834–837.
PMCID: PMC474895
Hormonal, renal, and autonomic nerve factors involved in the excretion of sodium and water during dynamic salt and water loading in hypoxaemic chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
A G Stewart, J C Waterhouse, C G Billings, P H Baylis, and P Howard
Thorax. 1995 August; 50(8): 838–845.
PMCID: PMC474898
Differences in aerodynamic particle size distributions of innovator and generic beclomethasone dipropionate aerosols used with and without a large volume spacer.
C J Kenyon, N J Dewsbury, and S P Newman
Thorax. 1995 August; 50(8): 846–850.
PMCID: PMC474900
Peak flow based asthma self-management: a randomised controlled study in general practice. British Thoracic Society Research Committee.
K P Jones, M A Mullee, M Middleton, E Chapman, and S T Holgate
Thorax. 1995 August; 50(8): 851–857.
PMCID: PMC474903
Gamma/delta T lymphocytes in the blood of patients with sarcoidosis.
M L Wilsher, M Hallowes, and N M Birchall
Thorax. 1995 August; 50(8): 858–862.
PMCID: PMC474907
Follow up of an immunocompromised contact group of a case of open pulmonary tuberculosis on a renal unit.
F A Drobniewski, J Ferguson, K Barritt, R M Higgins, M Higgon, D Neave, A H Uttley, D O'Sullivan, and A Hay
Thorax. 1995 August; 50(8): 863–868.
PMCID: PMC474908
Relation of bronchoalveolar lavage T lymphocyte subpopulations to rate of regression of active pulmonary tuberculosis.
C T Yu, C H Wang, T J Huang, H C Lin, and H P Kuo
Thorax. 1995 August; 50(8): 869–874.
PMCID: PMC474909
Effects of sodium metabisulphite on guinea pig contractile airway smooth muscle responses in vitro.
J Sun, T Sakamoto, and K F Chung
Thorax. 1995 August; 50(8): 875–879.
PMCID: PMC474910
DNA concentration and length in sputum of patients with cystic fibrosis during inhalation with recombinant human DNase.
T Brandt, S Breitenstein, H von der Hardt, and B Tümmler
Thorax. 1995 August; 50(8): 880–882.
PMCID: PMC474911
Sleep-related breathing disorder . 3. How to reach a diagnosis in patients who may have the sleep apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome.
N J Douglas
Thorax. 1995 August; 50(8): 883–886.
PMCID: PMC474912
Malignant mesothelioma: new insights into tumour biology and immunology as a basis for new treatment approaches.
J W Upham, M J Garlepp, A W Musk, and B W Robinson
Thorax. 1995 August; 50(8): 887–893.
PMCID: PMC474913
Airway smooth muscle relaxation.
A J Knox and A E Tattersfield
Thorax. 1995 August; 50(8): 894–901.
PMCID: PMC474914
Comparison of the single breath with the intrabreath method for the measurement of the carbon monoxide transfer factor in subjects with and without airways obstruction.
D Kiss, W Popp, C Wagner, L Havelec, and K Sertl
Thorax. 1995 August; 50(8): 902–905.
PMCID: PMC474915
Herpetic bronchitis with a broncho-oesophageal fistula.
D P Remy, T V Kuzmowych, P K Rohatgi, and L G Ortega
Thorax. 1995 August; 50(8): 906–907.
PMCID: PMC474916
Primary amyloidosis presenting as an isolated mediastinal mass: diagnosis by fine needle biopsy.
N Hiller, D Fisher, O Shmesh, S Gottschalk-Sabag, and M Dollberg
Thorax. 1995 August; 50(8): 908–909.
PMCID: PMC474917
Adult congenital lobar emphysema in pregnancy.
P S Critchley, C P Forrester-Wood, and P D Ridley
Thorax. 1995 August; 50(8): 909–910.
PMCID: PMC474918
Massive haemoptysis complicating prosthetic patch pulmonary embolism after atrial septal defect repair.
M Haro, J Ruiz, J Ribas, J Maestre, J Pérez-Piteira, and J Morera
Thorax. 1995 August; 50(8): 911–912.
PMCID: PMC474919
Parathyroid cyst of the thymus.
W G McCluggage, C F Russell, and P G Toner
Thorax. 1995 August; 50(8): 913–914.
PMCID: PMC474920
Pleural mesothelioma with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
P Hughes and C R McGavin
Thorax. 1995 August; 50(8): 915.
PMCID: PMC474921
Vegetarian diet and tuberculosis in immigrant Asians.
A Hayward, D Kumar, J Bruce, and F Sufi
Thorax. 1995 August; 50(8): 915.
PMCID: PMC474922
D P Strachan, F J Millard, and J D Maxwell
Thorax. 1995 August; 50(8): 915.
PMCID: PMC474923
Vegetarian diet and tuberculosis in immigrant Asians.
L Davis
Thorax. 1995 August; 50(8): 915–916.
PMCID: PMC474924
D P Strachan, F J Millard, and J D Maxwell
Thorax. 1995 August; 50(8): 916.
PMCID: PMC474925
Control and prevention of tuberculosis in the UK.
M Harding
Thorax. 1995 August; 50(8): 916–917.
PMCID: PMC474926
Craig Skinner
Thorax. 1995 August; 50(8): 916–917.
PMCID: PMC474927
Air pollution and COPD.
J G Ayres and R M Harrison
Thorax. 1995 August; 50(8): 917–918.
PMCID: PMC474928
B G Higgins and A Woodcock
Thorax. 1995 August; 50(8): 917–918.
PMCID: PMC474929
Fatal chickenpox pneumonia in asthma
Craig Skinner
Thorax. 1995 August; 50(8): 918.
PMCID: PMC474930
Book Notices
A Colour Atlas of Respiratory Diseases
Thorax. 1995 August; 50(8): 918.
PMCID: PMC474931
Tuberculosis - A Clinical Handbook
Thorax. 1995 August; 50(8): 918.
PMCID: PMC474932
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