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Volume 51(5);  May 1996
Domiciliary ventilation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: where are we?
J. A. Wedzicha and D. J. Meecham Jones
Thorax. 1996 May; 51(5): 455–457.
PMCID: PMC473586
Genetic analysis of IgE.
F. K. Stevenson, R. E. Snow, C. J. Chapman, A. J. Frew, and S. T. Holgate
Thorax. 1996 May; 51(5): 458–460.
PMCID: PMC473587
Humoral control of airway tone.
N. C. Thomson, K. D. Dagg, and S. G. Ramsay
Thorax. 1996 May; 51(5): 461–464.
PMCID: PMC473588
Mechanisms of cigarette smoke induced increased airspace permeability.
X. Y. Li, I. Rahman, K. Donaldson, and W. MacNee
Thorax. 1996 May; 51(5): 465–471.
PMCID: PMC473589
Increase in non-specific bronchial hyperresponsiveness as an early marker of bronchial response to occupational agents during specific inhalation challenges.
O. Vandenplas, J. P. Delwiche, J. Jamart, and R. Van de Weyer
Thorax. 1996 May; 51(5): 472–478.
PMCID: PMC473590
Pulmonary effects of short term selenium deficiency.
D. B. Coursin and H. P. Cihla
Thorax. 1996 May; 51(5): 479–483.
PMCID: PMC473591
Development of OASYS-2: a system for the analysis of serial measurement of peak expiratory flow in workers with suspected occupational asthma.
P. F. Gannon, D. T. Newton, J. Belcher, C. F. Pantin, and P. S. Burge
Thorax. 1996 May; 51(5): 484–489.
PMCID: PMC473592
Impaired reflex responses to airway occlusion in the inspiratory muscles of asthmatic subjects.
J. E. Butler, D. K. McKenzie, and S. C. Gandevia
Thorax. 1996 May; 51(5): 490–495.
PMCID: PMC473593
Relationship between the inflammatory infiltrate in bronchial biopsy specimens and clinical severity of asthma in patients treated with inhaled steroids.
J. K. Sont, J. Han, J. M. van Krieken, C. E. Evertse, R. Hooijer, L. N. Willems, and P. J. Sterk
Thorax. 1996 May; 51(5): 496–502.
PMCID: PMC473594
Interrelationships between diagnosed asthma, asthma-like symptoms, and abnormal airway behaviour in adolescence: the Odense Schoolchild Study.
H. C. Siersted, G. Mostgaard, N. Hyldebrandt, H. S. Hansen, J. Boldsen, and H. Oxhøj
Thorax. 1996 May; 51(5): 503–509.
PMCID: PMC473595
Effect of maximum ventilation on abdominal muscle relaxation rate.
D. Kyroussis, G. H. Mills, M. I. Polkey, C. H. Hamnegard, S. Wragg, J. Road, M. Green, and J. Moxham
Thorax. 1996 May; 51(5): 510–515.
PMCID: PMC473596
Effect of L-arginine on renal blood flow in normal subjects and patients with hypoxic chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
T. Q. Howes, S. E. Keilty, V. L. Maskrey, C. R. Deane, S. V. Baudouin, and J. Moxham
Thorax. 1996 May; 51(5): 516–519.
PMCID: PMC473598
Impact of obstructive airways disease on quality of life in older adults.
D. S. Renwick and M. J. Connolly
Thorax. 1996 May; 51(5): 520–525.
PMCID: PMC473599
Detection of the multidrug resistance marker P-glycoprotein by immunohistochemistry in malignant lung tumours.
T. W. Beer, D. C. Rowlands, and J. Crocker
Thorax. 1996 May; 51(5): 526–529.
PMCID: PMC473600
Growth of acid fast L forms from the blood of patients with sarcoidosis.
P. L. Almenoff, A. Johnson, M. Lesser, and L. H. Mattman
Thorax. 1996 May; 51(5): 530–533.
PMCID: PMC473601
Pulmonary function before and after anterior spinal surgery in adult idiopathic scoliosis.
C. A. Wong, A. A. Cole, L. Watson, J. K. Webb, I. D. Johnston, and W. J. Kinnear
Thorax. 1996 May; 51(5): 534–536.
PMCID: PMC473603
Particle size selection device for use with the Turbohaler.
M. L. Everard, S. G. Devadason, and P. N. Le Souef
Thorax. 1996 May; 51(5): 537–539.
PMCID: PMC473604
Radiographic features of staphylococcal pneumonia in adults and children.
J. Macfarlane and D. Rose
Thorax. 1996 May; 51(5): 539–540.
PMCID: PMC473606
Respiratory irritants encountered at work.
A. J. Taylor
Thorax. 1996 May; 51(5): 541–545.
PMCID: PMC473607
Scorpion venoms: taking the sting out of lung disease.
D. F. Rogers
Thorax. 1996 May; 51(5): 546–548.
PMCID: PMC473608
Spontaneous regression of a giant pulmonary bulla.
D. A. Bradshaw, K. M. Murray, and D. E. Amundson
Thorax. 1996 May; 51(5): 549–550.
PMCID: PMC473610
Sternocostoclavicular hyperostosis presenting with thoracic sinus formation.
G. E. Wilson and C. C. Evans
Thorax. 1996 May; 51(5): 550–552.
PMCID: PMC473611
Lymphangitis carcinomatosa complicating primary malignant peritoneal mesothelioma.
P. S. Craft, M. S. Reading, S. Jain, and R. A. O'Neil
Thorax. 1996 May; 51(5): 552–553.
PMCID: PMC473613
Pulmonary eosinophilia due to Trichomonas tenax.
A. El Kamel, N. Rouetbi, M. Chakroun, and M. Battikh
Thorax. 1996 May; 51(5): 554–555.
PMCID: PMC473614
Lung disease induced by drug addiction.
M. Slade and K. Burgess
Thorax. 1996 May; 51(5): 556.
PMCID: PMC473617
Book Reviews
Lung Cancer
Thorax. 1996 May; 51(5): 556.
PMCID: PMC473618
Atlas of Human Cross-Sectional Anatomy
Thorax. 1996 May; 51(5): 556.
PMCID: PMC473619
Asthma and Outdoor Air Pollution
Thorax. 1996 May; 51(5): 556.
PMCID: PMC473621
Acute lung injury following lung resection: is one lung an-aesthesia to blame?
Thorax. 1996 May; 51(5): 556.
PMCID: PMC473622
Corrects: E. A. Williams, et al. Acute lung injury following lung resection: is one lung anaesthesia to blame? Thorax. 1996 February; 51(2): 114–116.
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