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Volume 22(3);  May 1967
Tumours of the thymus: A review of 88 operation cases
T. Holmes Sellors, A. C. Thackray, and A. D. Thomson
Thorax. 1967 May; 22(3): 193–220.
PMCID: PMC471606
An evaluation of oxygen therapy equipment: Experimental study of various devices on the human subject
D. W. Bethune and J. M. Collis
Thorax. 1967 May; 22(3): 221–225.
PMCID: PMC471607
Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy in association with pulmonary metastases from extrathoracic tumours
M. H. Yacoub, G. Simon, and J. Ohnsorge
Thorax. 1967 May; 22(3): 226–231.
PMCID: PMC471608
Jaundice following cardiopulmonary bypass
James S. Robinson, F. R. Cole, P. Gibson, and J. A. Simpson
Thorax. 1967 May; 22(3): 232–237.
PMCID: PMC471609
Foreign body in the myocardium as a cause of constrictive pericarditis
Y. Kishon, Y. Pauzner, F. Dalith, and Henry N. Neufeld
Thorax. 1967 May; 22(3): 238–241.
PMCID: PMC471610
Investigation and treatment of constrictive pericarditis
M. K. A. Dayem, F. M. Wasfi, H. H. Bentall, J. F. Goodwin, and W. P. Cleland
Thorax. 1967 May; 22(3): 242–252.
PMCID: PMC471611
Percutaneous arterial catheterization for multiple sampling
F. Moran, A. R. Lorimer, and G. Boyd
Thorax. 1967 May; 22(3): 253–255.
PMCID: PMC471612
Cartilage-containing tumours of the lung: Relationship between the purely cartilaginous type (chondroma) and the mixed type (so-called hamartoma): an unusual case of multiple tumours
Eric M. Bateson
Thorax. 1967 May; 22(3): 256–259.
PMCID: PMC471613
Bronchiolar carcinoma: a case report with pulmonary function studies
N. H. Dyer, D. T. D. Hughes, and J. M. A. Thompson
Thorax. 1967 May; 22(3): 260–264.
PMCID: PMC471614
Pathogenic organisms in the sputum of patients with chronic bronchitis
O. L. Wade, P. C. Elmes, and Eileen Bartley
Thorax. 1967 May; 22(3): 265–270.
PMCID: PMC471615
Smoking versus infection as the aetiology of bronchial mucous gland hypertrophy in chronic bronchitis
Gamal E. Megahed, Gamal A. Senna, Mohammed H. Eissa, Safeia Z. Saleh, and Houda A. Eissa
Thorax. 1967 May; 22(3): 271–278.
PMCID: PMC471616
Chronic bronchitis: a 10-year follow-up
Neville C. Oswald, V. C. Medvei, and R. E. Waller
Thorax. 1967 May; 22(3): 279–285.
PMCID: PMC471617
Proceedings of the Thoracic Society
Thorax. 1967 May; 22(3): 286–290.
PMCID: PMC471618
Journal Matter
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