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Volume 48(12);  December 1993
Leukotrienes and aspirin induced asthma.
T H Lee and P E Christie
Thorax. 1993 December; 48(12): 1189–1190.
PMCID: PMC464963
HIV in the lung: guilty or not guilty?
C M Mayaud and J Cadranel
Thorax. 1993 December; 48(12): 1191–1195.
PMCID: PMC464964
Woods and trees
Daphne Gloag
Thorax. 1993 December; 48(12): 1195.
PMCID: PMC464965
Vasodilators in pulmonary hypertension.
A Peacock
Thorax. 1993 December; 48(12): 1196–1199.
PMCID: PMC464966
Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings: lessons from early childhood asthma.
M Silverman
Thorax. 1993 December; 48(12): 1200–1204.
PMCID: PMC464967
Effect of the leukotriene receptor antagonist MK-0679 on baseline pulmonary function in aspirin sensitive asthmatic subjects.
B Dahlén, D J Margolskee, O Zetterström, and S E Dahlén
Thorax. 1993 December; 48(12): 1205–1210.
PMCID: PMC464969
How many times per day should peak expiratory flow rates be assessed when investigating occupational asthma?
J L Malo, J Côté, A Cartier, L P Boulet, J L'Archevêque, and M Chan-Yeung
Thorax. 1993 December; 48(12): 1211–1217.
PMCID: PMC464971
Is exercise testing useful in a community based asthma survey?
T K Ninan and G Russell
Thorax. 1993 December; 48(12): 1218–1221.
PMCID: PMC464973
Relation of HIV-I in bronchoalveolar lavage cells to abnormalities of lung function and to the presence of Pneumocystis pneumonia in HIV-I seropositive patients.
J R Clarke, I K Taylor, J Fleming, J D Williamson, and D M Mitchell
Thorax. 1993 December; 48(12): 1222–1226.
PMCID: PMC464975
To Egypt—with my defibrillator
Guy Chappell
Thorax. 1993 December; 48(12): 1226.
PMCID: PMC464976
Value of bacterial antigen detection in the diagnostic yield of transthoracic needle aspiration in severe community acquired pneumonia.
F Bella, J Tort, M A Morera, J Espaulella, and J Armengol
Thorax. 1993 December; 48(12): 1227–1229.
PMCID: PMC464978
Correlation of GM-CSF mRNA in bronchoalveolar fluid with indices of clinical activity in sarcoidosis.
A Itoh, E Yamaguchi, K Furuya, N Hizawa, N Ohnuma, Y Kawakami, and N Kuzumaki
Thorax. 1993 December; 48(12): 1230–1234.
PMCID: PMC464979
Kinetics and cellular localisation of putrescine uptake in human lung tissue.
P H Hoet, D Dinsdale, C P Lewis, E K Verbeken, J M Lauweryns, and B Nemery
Thorax. 1993 December; 48(12): 1235–1241.
PMCID: PMC464981
Identification of sleep disruption and sleep disordered breathing from the systolic blood pressure profile.
R J Davies, K Vardi-Visy, M Clarke, and J R Stradling
Thorax. 1993 December; 48(12): 1242–1247.
PMCID: PMC464983
Investigation and management of pulmonary infiltrates following bone marrow transplantation: an eight year review.
J H Campbell, N Blessing, A K Burnett, and R D Stevenson
Thorax. 1993 December; 48(12): 1248–1251.
PMCID: PMC464984
Endocrine cells in diffuse pulmonary fibrosis.
N J Wilson, J R Gosney, and F Mayall
Thorax. 1993 December; 48(12): 1252–1256.
PMCID: PMC464986
Tuberculin testing in residential homes for the elderly.
M Nisar, C S Williams, D Ashby, and P D Davies
Thorax. 1993 December; 48(12): 1257–1260.
PMCID: PMC464987
Chlamydia pneumoniae seroprevalence in immunocompetent and immunocompromised populations in Milan.
F Blasi, R Cosentini, M C Schoeller, A Lupo, and L Allegra
Thorax. 1993 December; 48(12): 1261–1263.
PMCID: PMC464989
Pulmonary rehabilitation in chronic respiratory insufficiency. 5. Home mechanical ventilation.
J F Muir
Thorax. 1993 December; 48(12): 1264–1273.
PMCID: PMC464990
Respiratory gas exchange using a triaxial alveolar gas diagram.
J F Fuster, T Pages, and L Palacios
Thorax. 1993 December; 48(12): 1274–1275.
PMCID: PMC464993
Long term survival in non-encapsulated primary liposarcoma of the mediastinum.
R G Grewal, K Prager, J H Austin, and H Rotterdam
Thorax. 1993 December; 48(12): 1276–1277.
PMCID: PMC464995
Gastropleural fistula following pulmonary resection.
P A O'Keefe and P Goldstraw
Thorax. 1993 December; 48(12): 1278–1279.
PMCID: PMC464997
Use of continuous positive airway pressure in the management of community acquired pneumonia.
A Brett and D G Sinclair
Thorax. 1993 December; 48(12): 1280–1281.
PMCID: PMC464998
Endobronchial nocardial infection.
K D McNeil, D W Johnson, and W A Oliver
Thorax. 1993 December; 48(12): 1281–1282.
PMCID: PMC465000
Mycobacterial contamination of fibreoptic bronchoscopes.
N M Brown, E A Hellyar, J E Harvey, and D S Reeves
Thorax. 1993 December; 48(12): 1283–1285.
PMCID: PMC465001
Unilateral wheeze caused by pseudomembranous aspergillus tracheobronchitis in the immunocompromised patient.
R C Tait, B R O'Driscoll, and D W Denning
Thorax. 1993 December; 48(12): 1285–1287.
PMCID: PMC465002
Pulmonary nodules due to reactive systemic amyloidosis (AA) in Crohn's disease.
T W Beer and C W Edwards
Thorax. 1993 December; 48(12): 1287–1288.
PMCID: PMC465004
Accuracy of the typical computed tomographic appearances of fibrosing alveolitis.
P Brown and C Selby
Thorax. 1993 December; 48(12): 1289.
PMCID: PMC465007
Respiratory symptoms questionnaire for asthma epidemiology: validity and reproducibility.
K P McKinlay and K M Venables
Thorax. 1993 December; 48(12): 1289.
PMCID: PMC465009
Diagnostic rigid and flexible oesophagoscopy in carcinoma of the oesophagus: a comparison.
L R Murmu
Thorax. 1993 December; 48(12): 1289.
PMCID: PMC465011
Thorax: Annual Report October 1992-September 1993
Thorax. 1993 December; 48(12): 1290–1291.
PMCID: PMC465012
Book Notice
Intensive Respiratory Care
Thorax. 1993 December; 48(12): 1288.
PMCID: PMC465005
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