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Volume 44(5);  May 1989
Significance of antibodies to cytoplasmic components of neutrophils.
U Specks and R A DeRemee
Thorax. 1989 May; 44(5): 369–370.
PMCID: PMC461830
Cardiac sarcoidosis.
C M Oakley
Thorax. 1989 May; 44(5): 371–372.
PMCID: PMC461832
Antibodies to neutrophil cytoplasmic antigens in Wegener's granulomatosis and other conditions.
D J Harrison, R Simpson, R Kharbanda, V E Abernethy, and G Nimmo
Thorax. 1989 May; 44(5): 373–377.
PMCID: PMC461833
Attitudes to smoking and smoking habit among the staff of a hospital.
P D Davies and K Rajan
Thorax. 1989 May; 44(5): 378–381.
PMCID: PMC461835
Respiratory function in the morbidly obese before and after weight loss.
P S Thomas, E R Cowen, G Hulands, and J S Milledge
Thorax. 1989 May; 44(5): 382–386.
PMCID: PMC461837
Effect of low dose nebulised morphine on exercise endurance in patients with chronic lung disease.
I H Young, E Daviskas, and V A Keena
Thorax. 1989 May; 44(5): 387–390.
PMCID: PMC461838
Anginal chest pain in sarcoidosis.
J L Wait and A Movahed
Thorax. 1989 May; 44(5): 391–395.
PMCID: PMC461840
Detection of pulmonary hypertension by Doppler echocardiography of the inferior vena cava in chronic airflow obstruction.
J P Laaban, B Diebold, M Lafay, J Rochemaure, and P Peronneau
Thorax. 1989 May; 44(5): 396–401.
PMCID: PMC461843
Relation of lung function and exercise capacity to mood and attitudes to health.
B King and J E Cotes
Thorax. 1989 May; 44(5): 402–409.
PMCID: PMC461845
Circadian rhythm of peak expiratory flow in asthmatic and normal children.
A J Henderson and F Carswell
Thorax. 1989 May; 44(5): 410–414.
PMCID: PMC461847
Longitudinal course of extrinsic allergic alveolitis in pigeon breeders.
S J Bourke, S W Banham, R Carter, P Lynch, and G Boyd
Thorax. 1989 May; 44(5): 415–418.
PMCID: PMC461848
How many manoeuvres should be done to measure maximal inspiratory mouth pressure in patients with chronic airflow obstruction?
J A Fiz, J M Montserrat, C Picado, V Plaza, and A Agusti-Vidal
Thorax. 1989 May; 44(5): 419–421.
PMCID: PMC461850
Adrenal function in patients with active tuberculosis.
D J Barnes, S Naraqi, P Temu, and J R Turtle
Thorax. 1989 May; 44(5): 422–424.
PMCID: PMC461851
Distribution of allergy in a population sample residing in Tucson, Arizona.
M G Cline and B Burrows
Thorax. 1989 May; 44(5): 425–431.
PMCID: PMC461852
Abnormal lung lymphatics and respiratory failure.
S F Moss, D C Currie, E A Sheffield, M Baxter, B Corrin, and T W Evans
Thorax. 1989 May; 44(5): 432–433.
PMCID: PMC461854
Opportunist pulmonary infection with Legionella bozemanii.
C R Swinburn, F K Gould, P A Corris, T L Hooper, N J Odom, R Freeman, and C G McGregor
Thorax. 1989 May; 44(5): 434–435.
PMCID: PMC461855
Discrete pleural masses without effusion in a young man: an unusual presentation of tuberculosis.
S B Blunt and M G Harries
Thorax. 1989 May; 44(5): 436–437.
PMCID: PMC461857
Primary pulmonary lymphoma in a patient with the acquired immune deficiency syndrome.
D Poelzleitner, P Huebsch, S Mayerhofer, A Chott, and C Zielinski
Thorax. 1989 May; 44(5): 438–439.
PMCID: PMC461859
Chronic necrotising pneumonia caused by Aspergillus niger.
J Wiggins, T J Clark, and B Corrin
Thorax. 1989 May; 44(5): 440–441.
PMCID: PMC461860
Pericardial actinomycosis with cardiac tamponade from a contiguous thoracic lesion.
A D Slutzker and W D Claypool
Thorax. 1989 May; 44(5): 442–443.
PMCID: PMC461862
Haemoptysis as the sole presenting symptom of dissection of the aorta.
A S Guidetti, A Pik, A Peer, S Shikiar, and D Ben-Yaakov
Thorax. 1989 May; 44(5): 444–445.
PMCID: PMC461864
Transfer factor for carbon monoxide in patients with diabetes with and without microangiopathy.
D Bell and D A Collier
Thorax. 1989 May; 44(5): 446.
PMCID: PMC461866
David Weir, AH Barnett, P Sher Wood Burge, PE Jennings, and MS Hendy
Thorax. 1989 May; 44(5): 446.
PMCID: PMC461867
Prospective study of asthma in relation to smoking habits.
K M Venables and A J Newman Taylor
Thorax. 1989 May; 44(5): 447.
PMCID: PMC461869
Does right ventricular function predict survival in patients with chronic obstructive lung disease?
Mahmut Karakuzu
Thorax. 1989 May; 44(5): 447.
PMCID: PMC461870
W Macnee
Thorax. 1989 May; 44(5): 447.
PMCID: PMC461872
Book Notices
Diagnostic Tests in Respiratory Medicine
Thorax. 1989 May; 44(5): 448.
PMCID: PMC461875
Granulomas and Neoplasms of the Larynx
Thorax. 1989 May; 44(5): 448.
PMCID: PMC461876
Treatment Modalities in Lung Cancer
Thorax. 1989 May; 44(5): 448.
PMCID: PMC461878
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