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Volume 17(3);  September 1962
Asthma: A Study in Prognosis of 1,000 Patients
A. G. Ogilvie
Thorax. 1962 September; 17(3): 183–189.
PMCID: PMC1018694
Primary Lymphosarcoma of the Lung
C. W. H. Havard, J. B. Nichols, and A. G. Stansfeld
Thorax. 1962 September; 17(3): 190–200.
PMCID: PMC1018695
Contralateral Cervical Node Metastases in Lung Cancer
Wilson I. B. Onuigbo
Thorax. 1962 September; 17(3): 201–204.
PMCID: PMC1018696
A Broader Concept of Caplan's Syndrome Related to Rheumatoid Factors
A. Caplan, R. B. Payne, and J. L. Withey
Thorax. 1962 September; 17(3): 205–212.
PMCID: PMC1018697
Pulmonary Function in Diaphragmatic Paralysis
Michael McCredie, Frank W. Lovejoy, Jr., and Nolan L. Kaltreider
Thorax. 1962 September; 17(3): 213–217.
PMCID: PMC1018698
Congenital Aortic Stenosis
F. Ronald Edwards and Richard S. Jones
Thorax. 1962 September; 17(3): 218–229.
PMCID: PMC1018699
Unilateral Lung Transradiancy
Lynne Reid and George Simon
Thorax. 1962 September; 17(3): 230–239.
PMCID: PMC1018700
Chest Injuries in Childhood and Adolescence
B. J. Bickford
Thorax. 1962 September; 17(3): 240–243.
PMCID: PMC1018701
Inhalation of Blood, Saliva, and Alcohol: Consequences, Mechanism, and Treatment
D. F. J. Halmagyi, H. J. H. Colebatch, and B. Starzecki
Thorax. 1962 September; 17(3): 244–250.
PMCID: PMC1018702
Pulmonary Alveolar Microlithiasis
R. Viswanathan
Thorax. 1962 September; 17(3): 251–256.
PMCID: PMC1018703
A Fatal Case of Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis
R. L. Ray and R. Salm
Thorax. 1962 September; 17(3): 257–266.
PMCID: PMC1018704
Epiphrenic Diverticulum of the Oesophagus Complicated by the Impaction of a Foreign Body
C. S. Sadasivan and A. Umapathy
Thorax. 1962 September; 17(3): 267–270.
PMCID: PMC1018705
Instrumental Transatrial Mitral Valvotomy
F. Ronald Edwards
Thorax. 1962 September; 17(3): 271–273.
PMCID: PMC1018706
Quinidine Therapy after Mitral Valvotomy
Clive P. Aber
Thorax. 1962 September; 17(3): 274–279.
PMCID: PMC1018707
A Mechanical Pulse Duplicator for Testing Prosthetic Mitral and Aortic Valves
V. O. Björk, F. Intonti, and A. Meissl
Thorax. 1962 September; 17(3): 280–283.
PMCID: PMC1018708
Proceedings of the Thoracic Society
Thorax. 1962 September; 17(3): 284–288.
PMCID: PMC1018709
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