Appendix table 4. Durable manufacturing sector: Revised productivity, hourly compensation, and unit labor costs seasonally adjusted

Appendix table 4.
 Durable manufacturing sector: Revised productivity, hourly compensation, and unit labor costs
 seasonally adjusted
      Year           Output per                  Hours       Compensa-       compensa-      Unit 
      and            hour of                     of all      tion per        tion per       labor
      quarter        all persons     Output      persons     hour (1)        hour (2)       costs
                                             Indexes 1992=100

 2004       I         r184.5        164.6        r89.2       r152.3         r116.8          82.6
           II         r185.1        164.6        r88.9       r155.7         r118.5         r84.1
          III         r186.0        166.1        r89.3       r159.8         r120.8         r85.9
           IV         r189.5        168.5        r88.9       r161.3         r120.6         r85.1

       ANNUAL         r186.3        165.9        r89.1       r157.3         r119.2         r84.4

 2005       I         r192.5        171.4        r89.0       r158.1         r117.8         r82.1
           II         r195.0        172.6        r88.5       r159.6         r118.1          81.9
          III         r197.2        174.7        r88.6       r162.2         r118.1         r82.2
           IV         r199.8        179.4        r89.8       r160.8         r116.0         r80.5

       ANNUAL         r196.2        174.5        r89.0       r160.2         r117.5          81.7

                         Percent change from previous quarter at annual rate(5)

 2004       I          r-2.5          1.3         r3.9       r-18.6         r-21.3         -16.5
           II           r1.3          0.0        r-1.3         r9.2           r5.9           7.8
          III            2.0          3.6          1.5         10.9            7.8           8.7
           IV            7.6          5.9        r-1.6         r3.7           -0.4          -3.6

       ANNUAL            1.7          2.3         r0.6         r0.3           -2.4          -1.4

 2005       I           r6.5          7.1         r0.5        r-7.6          r-9.2        r-13.3
           II           r5.4          3.0        r-2.2         r3.9           r1.0         r-1.3
          III           r4.7          4.9         r0.2         r6.4           r0.1           1.7
           IV           r5.3         11.2         r5.5        r-3.2          r-7.0          -8.2

       ANNUAL           r5.3          5.2        r-0.1          1.9           -1.4          -3.3

                     Percent change from corresponding quarter of previous year

 2004       I            2.9          1.8         -1.1         -0.5           -2.3          -3.4
           II           r2.1          2.5         r0.4         r0.0          r-2.7          -2.1
          III           -0.3          2.3         r2.6          1.0           -1.7           1.3
           IV            2.0          2.7         r0.6         r0.6          r-2.7          -1.4

       ANNUAL            1.7          2.3         r0.6         r0.3           -2.4          -1.4

 2005       I           r4.3          4.1        r-0.2         r3.8           r0.8          -0.5
           II            5.4          4.9        r-0.5         r2.5          r-0.4          -2.7
          III           r6.0          5.2        r-0.8         r1.5          r-2.2          -4.3
           IV            5.5          6.5          1.0         -0.3           -3.9          -5.4

       ANNUAL           r5.3          5.2        r-0.1          1.9           -1.4          -3.3

 See footnotes following Table 6.                               March 5, 2009
 r=revised                                                      Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

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Last Modified Date: March 05, 2009