Appendix table 2. Nonfarm business sector: Revised productivity, hourly compensation, unit labor costs, and prices, seasonally adjusted

Appendix table 2.
 Nonfarm business sector: Revised productivity, hourly compensation, unit labor costs, and prices,
 seasonally adjusted
    Year       Output per             Hours     Compensa-   compensa-   Unit     Unit non-   Implicit
    and        hour of                of all    tion per    tion per    labor    labor pay-  price
    quarter    all persons  Output    persons   hour (1)    hour (2)    costs    ments (3)   deflator (4)
                                           Indexes 1992=100

 2004       I    r130.2      151.5    r116.4    r152.9      r117.3     r117.4      r123.7      119.7
           II    r131.7      153.4    r116.5    r154.9      r117.9     r117.6      r125.9      120.6
          III    r132.2      154.9    r117.1    r157.1      r118.7     r118.8      r125.8      121.4
           IV    r132.2      155.9    r117.9    r158.9      r118.9     r120.2      r126.4      122.5

       ANNUAL    r131.6      153.9    r116.9    r156.0      r118.2     r118.5      r125.5      121.1

 2005       I    r133.2      157.3    r118.1    r159.9      r119.1     r120.0      r129.9      123.7
           II     133.4      158.4     118.8    r160.8      r118.9     r120.5      r130.8      124.3
          III    r134.7      160.3    r119.0    r163.2      r118.9     r121.1      r133.4      125.6
           IV    r134.2      160.8    r119.8    r164.7      r118.8     r122.7      r134.2      126.9

       ANNUAL    r133.9      159.2    r118.9    r162.1      r118.9     r121.1      r132.1      125.1

                       Percent change from previous quarter at annual rate(5)

 2004       I      r0.8        2.6      r1.8     r-0.2       r-3.5       -1.0        11.2        3.4
           II      r4.7        5.0      r0.3      r5.2        r2.1        0.5        r7.2        3.0
          III      r1.6        3.8      r2.3      r5.9        r2.9       r4.2       r-0.3        2.4
           IV      r0.0        2.6      r2.6      r4.8        r0.6       r4.8        r2.2        3.8

       ANNUAL       2.8        4.1       1.3      r3.7        r1.0        0.9         4.9        2.4

 2005       I      r2.8        3.7      r0.9      r2.3        r0.6       -0.5       r11.3        3.9
           II      r0.7        2.9      r2.2      r2.3       r-0.5        1.6         3.0        2.2
          III      r3.9        4.8      r0.8      r6.0       r-0.2       r2.0        r8.0        4.3
           IV     r-1.5        1.3      r2.8      r3.8        -0.3       r5.3        r2.4        4.2

       ANNUAL      r1.7        3.4      r1.7       4.0        r0.6        2.2        r5.3        3.4

                      Percent change from corresponding quarter of previous year

 2004       I       4.0        4.8       0.8       3.8         1.9       -0.2         4.6        1.6
           II       3.8        5.0      r1.1       3.4        r0.7      r-0.3         6.6        2.2
          III      r1.7        3.3      r1.6      r3.6        r0.8        1.9        r3.6        2.5
           IV       1.8        3.5       1.7       3.9         0.5        2.1         5.0        3.2

       ANNUAL       2.8        4.1       1.3      r3.7        r1.0        0.9         4.9        2.4

 2005       I       2.3        3.8      r1.5      r4.5        r1.5        2.2         5.0        3.3
           II       1.3        3.3       2.0      r3.8         0.9        2.5         3.9        3.1
          III      r1.8        3.5      r1.6      r3.9        r0.1        2.0        r6.0        3.5
           IV       1.5        3.2      r1.7       3.6        -0.1        2.1         6.1        3.6

       ANNUAL      r1.7        3.4      r1.7       4.0        r0.6        2.2        r5.3        3.4

 See footnotes following Table 6.                                      March 5, 2009
 r=revised                                                             Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

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Last Modified Date: March 05, 2009