STATUS OF TRAWL GEAR - 2008 Updated 11/21/2008 8:30 a.m. Area Date Status Reason Note BERING SEA Other Rockfish 1-Jan Bycatch Spec Pacific Ocean Perch 1-Jan Bycatch Spec "Atka Mackerel, Eastern AI/Bering Sea" Incidendal Catch Allowance (ICA) 1-Jan Bycatch Reg "Atka Mackerel, Eastern AI/Bering Sea" Amendment 80 cooperative 20-Jan Open Reg 1-Nov Bycatch Reg "Atka Mackerel, Eastern AI/Bering Sea" BSAI trawl limited access 20-Jan Open Reg 20-Jan Bycatch TAC #08-12 18-Apr Open TAC #08-40 20-Apr Bycatch TAC #08-40 1-Sep Open Reg 1-Sep Bycatch TAC #08-94 10-Oct Open TAC #08-120 13-Oct Bycatch TAC #08-120 20-Oct Open TAC #08-123 23-Oct Bycatch TAC #08-123 "Atka Mackerel, Eastern AI/Bering Sea" Amendment 80 limited access 20-Jan Open Reg 5-Feb Bycatch TAC #08-19 1-Sep Open Reg 20-Oct Bycatch TAC #08-125 Sablefish 1-Jan Bycatch Spec Sablefish Amendment 80 cooperative 20-Jan Open Reg Greenland Turbot 1-Jan Bycatch Reg Greenland Turbot Amendment 80 cooperative 1-May Open Reg 1-Aug Bycatch TAC #08-83 19-Aug PSC TAC #08-90 Pollock - AFA Inshore 20-Jan Open Reg 1-Nov Bycatch Reg Pollock - AFA CP 20-Jan Open Reg 1-Nov Bycatch Reg Pollock - AFA Mothership 20-Jan Open Reg 1-Nov Bycatch Reg Pollock - Incidental Catch Allowance 1-Jan Bycatch Reg ALEUTIAN ISLANDS Other Rockfish 1-Jan Bycatch Spec "Pacific Ocean Perch, Eastern" ICA 1-Jan Bycatch Reg "Pacific Ocean Perch, Eastern" Amendment 80 cooperative 20-Jan Open Reg "Pacific Ocean Perch, Eastern" BSAI trawl limited access 26-Feb Open Reg 19-Mar Bycatch TAC #08-41 18-Apr Open TAC #08-52 29-Apr Bycatch TAC #08-56 "Pacific Ocean Perch, Eastern" Amendment 80 limited access 26-Feb Open Reg 20-Oct Bycatch Reg #08-124 "Pacific Ocean Perch, Central" ICA 1-Jan Bycatch Reg "Pacific Ocean Perch, Central" Amendment 80 cooperative 20-Jan Open Reg "Pacific Ocean Perch, Central" BSAI trawl limited access 26-Feb Open Reg 8-May Bycatch TAC #08-58 "Pacific Ocean Perch, Central" Amendment 80 limited access 26-Feb Open Reg "Pacific Ocean Perch, Western" ICA 1-Jan Bycatch Reg "Pacific Ocean Perch, Western" Amendment 80 cooperative 20-Jan Open Reg "Pacific Ocean Perch, Western" BSAI trawl limited access 26-Feb Open Reg 24-Sep Bycatch TAC #08-109 "Pacific Ocean Perch, Western" Amendment 80 limited access 26-Feb Open Reg "Atka Mackerel, Eastern AI/Bering Sea" ICA 1-Jan Bycatch Reg "Atka Mackerel, Eastern AI/Bering Sea" Amendment 80 cooperative 20-Jan Open Reg 15-Apr Bycatch Reg 1-Sep Open Reg 1-Nov Bycatch TAC "Atka Mackerel, Eastern AI/Bering Sea" BSAI trawl limited access 20-Jan Open Reg 20-Jan Bycatch TAC #08-12 18-Mar Open TAC #08-40 20-Mar Bycatch TAC #08-40 1-Sep Open Reg 1-Sep Bycatch TAC #08-94 10-Oct Open TAC #08-120 13-Oct Bycatch TAC #08-120 20-Oct Open TAC #08-123 23-Oct Bycatch TAC #08-123 "Atka Mackerel, Eastern AI/Bering Sea" Amendment 80 limited access 20-Jan Open Reg 5-Feb Bycatch TAC #08-19 1-Sep Open Reg 20-Oct Bycatch Reg #08-125 "Atka Mackerel, Central" ICA 1-Jan Bycatch Reg "Atka Mackerel, Central " Amendment 80 cooperative 20-Jan Open Reg 15-Apr Bycatch Reg 1-Sep Open Reg 1-Nov Bycatch Reg "Atka Mackerel, Central Harvest Limit Area" Amendment 80 cooperative 22-Jan Open Reg #08-13 5-Feb Bycatch Reg #08-13 13-Feb Open Reg #08-23 27-Feb Bycatch Reg #08-23 3-Sep Open Reg #08-95 13-Sep Bycatch Reg #08-95 15-Sep Open Reg #08-95 25-Sep Bycatch Reg #08-95 "Atka Mackerel, Central " BSAI trawl limited access 20-Jan Open Reg 15-Apr Bycatch Reg 1-Sep Open Reg 3-Oct Bycatch TAC #08-116 "Atka Mackerel, Central Harvest Limit Area" BSAI trawl limited access 20-Jan Bycatch Reg 3-Sep Open Reg 13-Sep Bycatch Reg "Atka Mackerel, Central " Amendment 80 limited access 20-Jan Open Reg 15-Apr Bycatch Reg 1-Sep Open Reg 1-Nov Bycatch Reg "Atka Mackerel, Central Harvest Limit Area" Amendment 80 limited access 22-Jan Open Reg #08-13 5-Feb Bycatch Reg #08-13 7-Feb Open Reg #08-13 21-Feb Bycatch Reg #08-13 3-Sep Open Reg #08-95 11-Sep Bycatch Reg #08-95 13-Sep Open Reg #08-95 21-Sep Bycatch Reg #08-95 "Atka Mackerel, Western " ICA 1-Jan Bycatch Reg "Atka Mackerel, Western " Amendment 80 cooperative 20-Jan Open Reg 15-Apr Bycatch Reg 1-Sep Open Reg 1-Nov Bycatch Reg "Atka Mackerel, Western Harvest Limit Area" Amendment 80 cooperative 7-Feb Open Reg #08-13 21-Feb Bycatch Reg #08-13 3-Sep Open Reg #08-95 13-Sep Bycatch Reg #08-95 15-Sep Open Reg #08-95 25-Sep Bycatch Reg #08-95 "Atka Mackerel, Western " BSAI trawl limited access 20-Jan Bycatch Reg "Atka Mackerel, Western " Amendment 80 limited access 20-Jan Open Reg 4-Apr Bycatch TAC #08-50 1-Sep Open Reg 30-Sep Bycatch TAC #08-112 "Atka Mackerel, Western Harvest Limit Area" Amendment 80 limited access 22-Jan Open Reg #08-13 5-Feb Bycatch Reg #08-13 7-Feb Open Reg #08-13 21-Feb Bycatch Reg #08-13 3-Sep Open Reg #08-95 11-Sep Bycatch Reg #08-95 13-Sep Open Reg #08-95 21-Sep Bycatch Reg #08-95 Sablefish 1-Jan Bycatch Spec Sablefish Amendment 80 cooperative 20-Jan Open Reg Greenland Turbot 1-Jan Bycatch Spec Greenland Turbot Amendment 80 cooperative 1-May Open Reg 15-Aug Bycatch TAC #08-89 Pollock - Incidental Catch 1-Jan Bycatch Reg BERING SEA ALEUTIAN ISLANDS Arrowtooth Flounder 1-Jan Bycatch Spec Arrowtooth Flounder Amendment 80 cooperative 1-May Open Reg Flathead Sole ICA 1-Jan Bycatch Reg Flathead Sole Amendment 80 cooperative 20-Jan Open Reg Flathead Sole BSAI trawl limited access 20-Jan Bycatch Reg Flathead Sole Amendment 80 limited access 20-Jan Open Reg Flathead Sole 22-Nov Bycatch HAL #08-134 """Other Flatfish""" 20-Jan Open Reg """Other Flatfish""" Amendment 80 cooperative 20-Jan Open Reg """Other Flatfish""" BSAI trawl limited access 20-Jan Open Reg """Other Flatfish""" Amendment 80 limited access 20-Jan Open Reg """Other Flatfish""" 22-Nov Bycatch HAL #08-134 Rock Sole ICA 1-Jan Bycatch Reg Rock Sole Amendment 80 cooperative 20-Jan Open Reg Rock Sole BSAI trawl limited access 20-Jan Bycatch Reg Rock Sole Amendment 80 limited access 20-Jan Open Reg Rock Sole Amendment 80 limited access 22-Nov Bycatch HAL #08-134 Alaska Plaice 20-Jan Open Reg Alaska Plaice Amendment 80 cooperative 20-Jan Open Reg Alaska Plaice BSAI trawl limited access 20-Jan Open Reg Alaska Plaice Amendment 80 limited access 20-Jan Open Reg Other Species 1-Jan Bycatch Spec Pacific Cod AFA Trawl Catcher Processor 20-Jan Open Reg 24-Mar Bycatch TAC #08-44 1-Apr Open Reg 1-Apr Bycatch TAC #08-47 10-Jun Open Reg 23-Jun Bycatch TAC #08-67 Pacific Cod Amendment 80 cooperative 20-Jan Open Reg 1-Nov Bycatch Reg Pacific Cod Amendment 80 limited access 20-Jan Open Reg 23-Jan Bycatch TAC #08-15 1-Apr Open Reg 1-Apr Bycatch TAC #08-45 10-Jun Open Reg 25-Jun Bycatch TAC #08-68 Pacific Cod Trawl Catcher Vessel 20-Jan Open Reg 6-Mar Bycatch TAC #08-36 1-Apr Open Reg 4-Apr Bycatch TAC #08-49 10-Jun Open Reg 1-Nov Bycatch Reg Northern Rockfish 1-Jan Bycatch Spec Shortraker Rockfish 1-Jan Bycatch Spec Rougheye Rockfish 1-Jan Bycatch Spec Squid 20-Jan Open Reg Yellowfin Sole ICA 1-Jan Bycatch Reg Yellowfin Sole Amendment 80 cooperative 20-Jan Open Reg Yellowfin Sole BSAI trawl limited access 20-Jan Open Reg Yellowfin Sole Amendment 80 limited access 20-Jan Open Reg 19-May Bycatch HAL #08-59 1-Jul Open Spec 22-Nov Bycatch HAL #08-133 "Amendment 80 limited access, Zone 1" 22-May Bycatch RKC #08-62 BOGOSLOF Pollock - Incidental Catch 1-Jan Bycatch Spec Closure Areas 512 "closed, 50 CFR 679.22(a)(1)" 516 "closed March 15 through June 15, 679.22(a)(2)" CVOA 679.22(a)(5) Catcher/processors fishing for BSAI pollock under 679.4 prohibited from pollock directed fishing " in CVOA during the pollock B season (679.23(e)(5)(ii)), unless under a CDP approved by NMFS." Herring Savings Area 679.21(e)(7)(vi) Chinook Salmon Savings Area 679.21(e)(1)(vii) and (e)(7)(viii); Chum Salmon Savings Area "closed to trawl gear August 1 through August 31, " 679.21(e)(7)(vii) and 679.22(a)(10) Pribilof Islands Area Habitat Conservation Zone "closed to trawl gear, 679.22(a)(6)" Red King Crab (RKC) Savings Area "closed nonpelagic trawl gear, 679.22(a)(3)" Red King Crab Savings Subarea 679.21(e)(3)(ii)(B) Nearshore Bristol Bay Trawl Closure Area "closed to trawl gear except April 1 to June 15, 679.22(a)(9)" C. opilio Crab Bycatch Limitation Zone 679.21(e)(7)(iv) Walrus Protection Areas "closed April 1 through September 30, 679.22(a)(4)" Steller sea lion (SSL) protection areas "679.22(a)(7) and (8) and Tables 4, 5, 6, 12" Steller sea lion conservation area (SCA) 679.22(a)(7)(vii) No person may use nonpelagic trawl gear to engage in 679.24(b)(4) directed fishing for non-CDQ pollock in the BSAI. "GULF OF ALASKA, TRAWL" "WEST, CENT POLLOCK" Pollock 610 20-Jan Open Reg Note 22-Jan Bycatch TAC #08-10 3-Mar Open TAC #08-32 4-Mar Bycatch TAC #08-32 7-Mar Open TAC #08-36 31-May Bycatch Reg 25-Aug Open TAC 4-Sep Bycatch TAC #08-98 1-Oct Open Reg 6-Oct Bycatch TAC #08-118 12-Oct Open TAC #08-121 14-Oct Bycatch TAC #08-121 Pollock 620 20-Jan Open Reg 26-Mar Bycatch TAC #08-46 25-Aug Open TAC 6-Sep Bycatch TAC #08-99 1-Oct Open Reg 1-Nov Bycatch Reg Pollock 630 20-Jan Open Reg 22-Jan Bycatch TAC #08-11 25-Jan Open TAC #08-16 27-Jan Bycatch TAC #08-16 23-Feb Open TAC #08-26 25-Feb Bycatch TAC #08-26 10-Mar Open Reg #08-33 10-Mar Bycatch TAC #08-33 25-Aug Open TAC 26-Aug Bycatch TAC #08-91 1-Sep Open TAC #08-97 19-Sep Bycatch TAC #08-108 1-Oct Open Reg 10-Oct Bycatch TAC #08-119 WESTERN GULF Arrowtooth Flounder 20-Jan Open Reg 21-Apr Bycatch HAL #08-53 1-Jul Open Spec A80 vessels subject to sideboard limits 9-Sep Bycatch HAL #08-103 All sectors 11-Sep Bycatch HAL #08-104 All sectors 1-Oct Open Reg All sectors 6-Nov Bycatch HAL #08-128 All sectors 16-Nov Open Reg #08-131 Deep Water Flatfish 20-Jan Open Reg 21-Apr Bycatch HAL #08-53 1-Jul Open Spec A80 vessels subject to sideboard limits 9-Sep Bycatch HAL #08-103 All sectors 11-Sep Bycatch HAL #08-104 All sectors 1-Oct Open Reg All sectors 6-Nov Bycatch HAL #08-128 All sectors 16-Nov Open Reg #08-131 Shallow Water Flatfish All sectors 20-Jan Open Reg A80 vessels subject to sideboard limits 23-Jan Bycatch HAL #08-14 A80 vessels subject to sideboard limits 29-Jan Open TAC #08-17 All sectors 10-Mar Bycatch HAL #08-38 All sectors 21-Mar Open HAL #08-43 All sectors 21-May Bycatch HAL #08-61 All sectors 1-Jul Open Spec All sectors 7-Aug Bycatch HAL #08-85 All sectors 1-Sep Open Reg All sectors 3-Sep Bycatch HAL #08-96 All sectors 10-Sep Open HAL #08-102 0800 All sectors 11-Sep Bycatch HAL #08-102 2000 All sectors 1-Oct Open Reg All sectors 6-Nov Bycatch HAL #08-128 All sectors 16-Nov Open Reg #08-131 Flathead Sole All sectors 20-Jan Open Reg A80 vessels subject to sideboard limits 23-Jan Bycatch HAL #08-14 A80 vessels subject to sideboard limits 29-Jan Open TAC #08-17 All sectors 10-Mar Bycatch HAL #08-38 All sectors 21-Mar Open HAL #08-43 All sectors 21-May Bycatch HAL #08-61 All sectors 1-Jul Open Spec All sectors 7-Aug Bycatch HAL #08-85 All sectors 1-Sep Open Reg All sectors 3-Sep Bycatch HAL #08-96 All sectors 10-Sep Open HAL #08-102 0800 All sectors 11-Sep Bycatch HAL #08-102 2000 All sectors 1-Oct Open Reg All sectors 6-Nov Bycatch HAL #08-128 All sectors 16-Nov Open Reg #08-131 Rex Sole 20-Jan Open Reg 21-Apr Bycatch HAL #08-53 1-Jul Open Spec A80 vessels subject to sideboard limits 9-Sep Bycatch HAL #08-103 All sectors 11-Sep Bycatch HAL #08-104 All sectors 1-Oct Open Reg All sectors 6-Nov Bycatch HAL #08-128 All sectors 16-Nov Open Reg #08-131 Pacific Ocean Perch 1-Jan Bycatch Reg 1-Jul Open Reg 4-Jul Bycatch TAC #08-69 14-Jul Open TAC #08-72 18-Jul Bycatch TAC #08-79 Pelagic Shelf Rockfish 1-Jan Bycatch Reg 1-Jul Open Reg Northern Rockfish 1-Jan Bycatch Reg 1-Jul Open Reg 7-Jul Bycatch TAC #08-71 14-Jul Open TAC #08-73 5-Oct Bycatch TAC #08-117 Other Rockfish 1-Jan Bycatch Spec Pacific Cod - Inshore All sectors 20-Jan Open Reg A80 vessels subject to sideboard limits 23-Jan Bycatch HAL #08-14 A80 vessels subject to sideboard limits 29-Jan Open Reg #08-17 All sectors 29-Feb Bycatch TAC #08-31 All sectors 10-Mar Bycatch HAL #08-38 All sectors 1-Sep Open Reg All sectors 3-Sep Bycatch HAL #08-96 All sectors 10-Sep Open HAL #08-102 0800 All sectors 11-Sep Bycatch HAL #08-102 2000 All sectors 1-Oct Open Reg All sectors 1-Nov Bycatch Reg Pacific Cod - Offshore All sectors 20-Jan Open Reg A80 vessels subject to sideboard limits 23-Jan Bycatch HAL #08-14 A80 vessels subject to sideboard limits 29-Jan Open Reg #08-17 All sectors 4-Mar Bycatch TAC #08-34 All sectors 10-Mar Bycatch HAL #08-38 All sectors 1-Sep Open Reg All sectors 3-Sep Bycatch HAL #08-96 All sectors 10-Sep Open HAL #08-102 0800 All sectors 11-Sep Bycatch HAL #08-102 2000 All sectors 1-Oct Open Reg All sectors 1-Nov Bycatch Reg Sablefish 1-Jan Bycatch Spec Thornyhead Rockfish 1-Jan Bycatch Spec 13-Aug PSC TAC #08-86 Big Skates 1-Jan Bycatch Spec Longnose Skates 1-Jan Bycatch Spec Shortraker Rockfish 1-Jan Bycatch Spec 4-Aug PSC TAC #08-84 Rougheye Rockfish 1-Jan Bycatch Spec CENTRAL GULF Arrowtooth Flounder 20-Jan Open Reg 21-Apr Bycatch HAL #08-53 1-Jul Open Spec A80 vessels subject to sideboard limits 9-Sep Bycatch HAL #08-103 All sectors 11-Sep Bycatch HAL #08-104 All sectors 1-Oct Open Reg All sectors 6-Nov Bycatch HAL #08-128 All sectors 16-Nov Open Reg #08-131 Deep Water Flatfish 20-Jan Open Reg 21-Apr Bycatch HAL #08-53 1-Jul Open Spec A80 vessels subject to sideboard limits 9-Sep Bycatch HAL #08-103 All sectors 11-Sep Bycatch HAL #08-104 All sectors 1-Oct Open Reg All sectors 6-Nov Bycatch HAL #08-128 All sectors 16-Nov Open Reg #08-131 Shallow Water Flatfish All sectors 20-Jan Open Reg A80 vessels subject to sideboard limits 23-Jan Bycatch HAL #08-14 A80 vessels subject to sideboard limits 29-Jan Open TAC #08-17 All sectors 10-Mar Bycatch HAL #08-38 All sectors 21-Mar Open HAL #08-43 All sectors 21-May Bycatch HAL #08-61 All sectors 1-Jul Open Spec All sectors 7-Aug Bycatch HAL #08-85 All sectors 1-Sep Open Reg All sectors 3-Sep Bycatch HAL #08-96 All sectors 10-Sep Open HAL #08-102 0800 All sectors 11-Sep Bycatch HAL #08-102 2000 All sectors 1-Oct Open Reg All sectors 6-Nov Bycatch HAL #08-128 All sectors 16-Nov Open Reg #08-131 Flathead Sole 20-Jan Open Reg A80 vessels subject to sideboard limits 23-Jan Bycatch HAL #08-14 A80 vessels subject to sideboard limits 29-Jan Open TAC #08-17 All sectors 10-Mar Bycatch HAL #08-38 All sectors 21-Mar Open HAL #08-43 All sectors 21-May Bycatch HAL #08-61 All sectors 1-Jul Open Spec All sectors 7-Aug Bycatch HAL #08-85 All sectors 1-Sep Open Reg All sectors 3-Sep Bycatch HAL #08-96 All sectors 10-Sep Open HAL #08-102 0800 All sectors 11-Sep Bycatch HAL #08-102 2000 All sectors 1-Oct Open Reg All sectors 6-Nov Bycatch HAL #08-128 All sectors 16-Nov Open Reg #08-131 Rex Sole 20-Jan Open Reg 21-Apr Bycatch HAL #08-53 1-Jul Open Spec A80 vessels subject to sideboard limits 9-Sep Bycatch HAL #08-103 All sectors 11-Sep Bycatch HAL #08-104 All sectors 1-Oct Open Reg All sectors 6-Nov Bycatch HAL #08-128 All sectors 16-Nov Open Reg #08-131 Pacific Ocean Perch 1-Jan Bycatch Reg Pelagic Shelf Rockfish 1-Jan Bycatch Reg Northern rockfish 1-Jan Bycatch Reg Other Rockfish 1-Jan Bycatch Spec Pacific Cod - Inshore All sectors 20-Jan Open Reg A80 vessels subject to sideboard limits 23-Jan Bycatch HAL #08-14 A80 vessels subject to sideboard limits 29-Jan Open TAC #08-17 All sectors 20-Feb Bycatch TAC #08-25 All sectors 29-Feb Open TAC #08-27 All sectors 1-Mar Bycatch TAC #08-27 All sectors 10-Mar Bycatch HAL #08-38 All sectors 1-Sep Open Reg All sectors 3-Sep Bycatch HAL #08-96 All sectors 10-Sep Open HAL #08-102 0800 All sectors 11-Sep Bycatch HAL #08-102 2000 All sectors 1-Oct Open Reg All sectors 3-Oct Bycatch TAC #08-111 Pacific Cod - Offshore All sectors 20-Jan Open Reg A80 vessels subject to sideboard limits 23-Jan Bycatch HAL #08-14 A80 vessels subject to sideboard limits 29-Jan Open TAC #08-17 All sectors 9-Mar Bycatch TAC #08-37 All sectors 10-Mar Bycatch HAL #08-38 All sectors 1-Sep Open Reg All sectors 3-Sep Bycatch HAL #08-96 All sectors 10-Sep Open HAL #08-102 0800 All sectors 11-Sep Bycatch HAL #08-102 2000 All sectors 1-Oct Open Reg All sectors 1-Nov Bycatch Reg Sablefish 1-Jan Bycatch Spec Thornyhead 1-Jan Bycatch Spec Big Skates 1-Jan Bycatch Spec Longnose Skates 1-Jan Bycatch Spec Shortraker Rockfish 1-Jan Bycatch Spec Rougheye Rockfish 1-Jan Bycatch Spec EASTERN GULF Pacific Cod - Inshore All sectors 20-Jan Open Reg A80 vessels subject to sideboard limits 23-Jan Bycatch HAL #08-14 A80 vessels subject to sideboard limits 29-Jan Open #08-17 All sectors 10-Mar Bycatch HAL #08-38 All sectors 21-Mar Open HAL #08-43 All sectors 21-May Bycatch HAL #08-61 All sectors 1-Jul Open Spec All sectors 7-Aug Bycatch HAL #08-85 All sectors 1-Sep Open Reg All sectors 3-Sep Bycatch HAL #08-96 All sectors 10-Sep Open HAL #08-102 0800 All sectors 11-Sep Bycatch HAL #08-102 2000 All sectors 1-Oct Open Reg All sectors 1-Nov Bycatch Reg Pacific Cod - Offshore All sectors 20-Jan Open Reg A80 vessels subject to sideboard limits 23-Jan Bycatch HAL #08-14 A80 vessels subject to sideboard limits 29-Jan Open #08-17 All sectors 10-Mar Bycatch HAL #08-38 All sectors 21-Mar Open HAL #08-43 All sectors 21-May Bycatch HAL #08-61 All sectors 1-Jul Open Spec All sectors 7-Aug Bycatch HAL #08-85 All sectors 1-Sep Open Reg All sectors 3-Sep Bycatch HAL #08-96 All sectors 10-Sep Open HAL #08-102 0800 All sectors 11-Sep Bycatch HAL #08-102 2000 All sectors 1-Oct Open Reg All sectors 1-Nov Bycatch Reg Thornyhead 1-Jan Bycatch Spec Big Skates 1-Jan Bycatch Spec Longnose Skates 1-Jan Bycatch Spec Shortraker Rockfish 1-Jan Bycatch Spec Rougheye Rockfish 1-Jan Bycatch Spec WEST YAKUTAT Arrowtooth Flounder 20-Jan Open Reg 21-Apr Bycatch HAL #08-53 1-Jul Open Spec A80 vessels subject to sideboard limits 9-Sep Bycatch HAL #08-103 All sectors 11-Sep Bycatch HAL #08-104 All sectors 1-Oct Open Reg All sectors 6-Nov Bycatch HAL #08-128 All sectors 16-Nov Open Reg #08-131 Deep Water Flatfish 20-Jan Open Reg 21-Apr Bycatch HAL #08-53 1-Jul Open Spec A80 vessels subject to sideboard limits 9-Sep Bycatch HAL #08-103 All sectors 11-Sep Bycatch HAL #08-104 All sectors 1-Oct Open Reg All sectors 6-Nov Bycatch HAL #08-128 All sectors 16-Nov Open Reg #08-131 Shallow Water Flatfish All sectors 20-Jan Open Reg A80 vessels subject to sideboard limits 23-Jan Bycatch HAL #08-14 A80 vessels subject to sideboard limits 29-Jan Open #08-17 All sectors 10-Mar Bycatch HAL #08-38 All sectors 21-Mar Open HAL #08-43 All sectors 21-May Bycatch HAL #08-61 All sectors 1-Jul Open Spec All sectors 7-Aug Bycatch HAL #08-85 All sectors 1-Sep Open Reg All sectors 3-Sep Bycatch HAL #08-96 All sectors 10-Sep Open HAL #08-102 0800 All sectors 11-Sep Bycatch HAL #08-102 2000 All sectors 1-Oct Open Reg All sectors 6-Nov Bycatch HAL #08-128 All sectors 16-Nov Open Reg #08-131 Flathead Sole All sectors 20-Jan Open Reg A80 vessels subject to sideboard limits 23-Jan Bycatch HAL #08-14 A80 vessels subject to sideboard limits 29-Jan Open #08-17 All sectors 10-Mar Bycatch HAL #08-38 All sectors 21-Mar Open HAL #08-43 All sectors 21-May Bycatch HAL #08-61 All sectors 1-Jul Open Spec All sectors 7-Aug Bycatch HAL #08-85 All sectors 1-Sep Open Reg All sectors 3-Sep Bycatch HAL #08-96 All sectors 10-Sep Open HAL #08-102 0800 All sectors 11-Sep Bycatch HAL #08-102 2000 All sectors 1-Oct Open Reg All sectors 6-Nov Bycatch HAL #08-128 All sectors 16-Nov Open Reg #08-131 Rex Sole 1-Jan Open Reg 21-Apr Bycatch HAL #08-53 1-Jul Open Spec A80 vessels subject to sideboard limits 9-Sep Bycatch HAL #08-103 All sectors 11-Sep Bycatch HAL #08-104 All sectors 1-Oct Open Reg All sectors 6-Nov Bycatch HAL #08-128 All sectors 16-Nov Open Reg #08-131 Pacific Ocean Perch 20-Jan Bycatch Reg 1-Jul Open Reg Other Rockfish 1-Jan Bycatch Spec Pelagic Shelf Rockfish 1-Jan Bycatch Reg 1-Jul Open Reg Pollock 20-Jan Open Reg 1-Nov Bycatch Reg Sablefish 1-Jan Bycatch Spec SOUTHEAST Closed to trawl gear ENTIRE GOA Other Species All sectors 20-Jan Open Reg A80 vessels subject to sideboard limits 23-Jan Bycatch HAL #08-14 A80 vessels subject to sideboard limits 29-Jan Open #08-17 All sectors 10-Mar Bycatch HAL #08-38 All sectors 21-Mar Open HAL #08-43 All sectors 21-May Bycatch HAL #08-61 All sectors 1-Jul Open Spec All sectors 7-Aug Bycatch HAL #08-85 All sectors 1-Sep Open Reg All sectors 3-Sep Bycatch HAL #08-96 All sectors 10-Sep Open HAL #08-102 0800 All sectors 11-Sep Bycatch HAL #08-102 2000 All sectors 1-Oct Open Reg All sectors 6-Nov Bycatch HAL #08-128 All sectors 16-Nov Open Reg #08-131 Other Skates 1-Jan Bycatch Spec Atka Mackerel 1-Jan Bycatch Spec Gulf of Alaska (GOA) notes: (1) Areas around Steller sea lion rookeries and certain walrus sites closed. 679.22 "(2) Trawling in the BSAI and GOA is closed from January 1, until noon on January 20, 679.23" (3) Use of any gear other than nontrawl gear is prohibited at all times "in Southeast Outside District, Figure 3. 679.22(b)(4)" (4) Chiniak Gully Research Area (679.22(b)(3)) closure for federally permitted vessels using trawl gear from August 1 through September 20 has been rescinded. (5) Sitka Pinnacles Marine Reserve. No vessel required to have a Federal fisheries permit may fish for groundfish or anchor in the Sitka Pinnacles Marine Reserve. (679.22(b)(5) and Figure 18). "(6) Kodiak Island, trawls other than pelagic trawls see closures at 679.22(b)(1)." (7) Cook Inlet. No person may use a non-pelagic trawl in waters of the EEZ of Cook Inlet north of a line from Cape Douglas to Point Adam. 679.22(b)(7) (8) Directed fishing for rockfish of the genus Sebastes and Sebastolobus with trawl gear is closed for the West Yakutat District and Western GOA. "until July 1, 2008. 679.23(d)(1). Please refer to the rockfish pilot program status of fisheries for closure information in the Central GOA." NOTES: BYCATCH = Directed fishery closed. Defined at 50 CFR 679.20(e) and (f). HAL = Halibut ICA = Incidental catch allowance OPEN = Directed fishery open as noted. Defined at 50 CFR 679.20(e) and (f). PSC = Species must be treated in the same manner as a prohibited species. Defined at 50 CFR 679.21(b). Reg = Regulations Spec = Groundfish Harvest Specifications TAC = Total allowable catch "For species group definitions, please refer to the footnotes in Table 1 of the harvest specifications at"