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Biology - Terrestrial, Freshwater, and Marine Ecosystems Program

USGS: Biology arrow icon Ecosystems Home arrow icon Research Topics * Interdisciplinary Ecosystems Science

Interdisciplinary Ecosystems Science

 The following are bureau-wide, landscape-scale projects where interdisciplinary research in ecosystems science is being conducted:

  • Priority Ecosystems Science (PES) - enter the Priority Ecosystems Science (PES) Web site for more information about USGS research in the Chesapeake Bay and watershed, Greater Everglades, Greater Yellowstone area, Platte River, Mojave Desert, and San Francisco Bay Delta

  • Integrated Landscape Monitoring Program (ILM) - USGS scientists from across scientific disciplines--geology, geography, water, and biology--work together to monitor changes at four eco-regions: the Great Basin, Puget Sound, Prairie Potholes, and Mississippi Alluvial Valley.

  • Southern California Multi-hazards Demonstration Project - The objective of the Southern California Multi-hazards Demonstration Project is to "increase resiliency to natural hazards by incorporating the needs of the southern California decision-making community into natural hazards science in new and existing research activities." The natural hazards covered by these research activities include earthquakes, floods, wildfires, landslides, coastal erosion and tsunamis.

Map of Research Sites within Priority Ecosystems Science,

Integrated Landscape Monitoring, and the Multi-Hazards Initiative

PES, ILM, and Multi-Hazards Initiative sites


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