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Attendee Registration is Closed for Update 2005

The 18th annual Update 2005 Conference on Export Controls and Policy will be held on October 24-25, 2005 at the Renaissance Hotel, Washington DC.

Update gives the exporting community the opportunity to learn first-hand from senior U.S. Government officials about current issues and trends in export control policies, regulations and practices. It also provides the unique opportunity to network with colleagues in the export control industry, interact with U.S. government officials, and learn about programs and services offered by U.S. Government and industry exhibitors.

Preregistration will take place on Sunday, October 23 from 3:00-7:00 pm with a preregistration reception from 5:00-7:00 pm.


“The Administration is strongly committed to ensuring that our export controls respond quickly and appropriately to significant changes in the global technology, economic and security environment. Because our controls are essentially based on judgments about technology and the risks posed by exports to certain countries, our controls can’t remain static in a dynamic environment. Technology changes more and more quickly every day. And controls may become ineffective if foreign producers start exporting the controlled technology. The risks change too – as some countries reform their old ways, and others take actions that threaten our security. So we must make sure that our controls don’t get out of date. If they do, we will be imposing unnecessary burdens on U.S. exporters without safeguarding our security.”

Acting Under Secretary Peter Lichtenbaum at Update 2004



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