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HTCG Dialogue on Defense Technology, Data Privacy, and Export Licensing 

A Public-Private Forum Under the Auspices of the
U.S. - India High Technology Cooperation Group

Co-Sponsored by:
U.S.-India Business Council
Confederation of Indian Industry
Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
National Association of Software and Service Companies

November 18, 2004
U.S. Department of Commerce
1401 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington , DC 20230


8:30 – 9:00
(Main Lobby)

  • Registration
  • Coffee/tea and refreshments
9:00 - 9:30
  • Introductory Remarks by Under Secretary Kenneth I. Juster
  • Introductory Remarks by Under Secretary Phillip Bond
  • Introductory Remarks by Foreign Secretary Shyam Saran
9:30 – 9:45
  • Break
9:45– 12:15
  • Roundtables by Sector: Defense Technology and Data Privacy
  • See below for details
  • Break
12:30– 1:30
  • Working Lunch
  • Report of Recommendations for U.S. and Indian Governments by Sector: Defense Technology and Data Privacy
  • Break
1:45– 3:00
  • Discussion on Export Licensing
  • See below for details




Defense Technology Roundtable


  1. How can we foster greater defense industrial cooperation?
  2. What actions are necessary to ease the flow of defense technology and information from and between the two governments?
  3. What is U.S. Government policy on sourcing defense components from foreign countries and what are the opportunities and hurdles in this context for India ? What are the capabilities of the Indian private sector to respond to such opportunities?
  4. What are Indian government policies on defense procurement?

Moderator and Co-Chairs



  • Introductions by Claudio Lilienfeld


  • GOI Defense Presentation: Technology Flows and Public-Private Partnerships in Defense
    • Dr. S. Jaishankar, Joint Secretary ( Americas ), Ministry of External Affairs
    • Anup K. Chatterjee, Director of International Cooperation, Defense Research & Development Organization


  • U.S. Department of Defense Presentation: Developing U.S.-Indian Cooperation in Defense Technology and Acquisitions
    •   Edward Ross, Director for Middle East/Asia/North Africa , Defense Security Cooperation Agency, Department of Defense
    • Marty Ischinger, International Program Manager, Directorate for International Cooperation, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics


  • U.S. and Indian Industry Presentations: Issues Confronting the U.S. and Indian Defense Industries
    • Allan Tarkenton, Senior Vice President, Government and Defense Relations, General Electric
    • Serge Buchakjian, Vice President, International, Honeywel
    • Lt. Gen. (retired) S. S. Mehta, Principal Adviser, CII


  • Roundtable Discussion


  • Development of recommendations for USG and GOI by industry - Moderated by Industry Co-Chairs



Data Privacy Roundtable


  1. What is India 's current privacy regulatory environment?
  2. What are the possible approaches under consideration for data protection in India
  3. What initiatives have the OECD and APEC undertaken to develop privacy regimes?
  4. Why is a balanced approach to privacy protection important to commercial interests?

Moderator and Co-Chairs



  • Introductions by Benjamin Wu


  • U.S. Industry Presentation: The Importance of a Flexible Approach to Data Privacy, Industry-Specific Requirements, and Ensuring Trans-Border Data Flows
    • Joseph Alhadeff, Vice President for Global Public Policy and Chief Privacy Officer, Oracle


  • Roundtable discussion of the topic presented


  • Indian Industry or GOI Presentation: Current Privacy Provisions in Indian Law
    • Dr. A. K. Chakravarti, Advisor, Department of Information Technology


  • Roundtable discussion of the topic presented


  • Development of recommendations for USG and GOI by industry - Moderated by Industry Co-Chairs



Discussion on Export Licensing


  1. Overview of export licensing of dual-use and munitions items
  2. Policies and practices related to the export licensing of dual-use and munitions items to India
  3. Impact of the U.S.- India Next Steps in Strategic Partnership on export licensing to India




  • Introductions by Co-Chairs


  • Presentation on dual-use licensing issues by Department of Commerce official
    • Steven Goldman, Director of the Office of Nonproliferation and Treaty Compliance, Department of Commerce


  • Presentation on munitions licensing issues by Department of State official
    • Ann Ganzer, Director, Office of Defense Trade Controls Policy, Department of State


  • Discussion, Questions, and Answers

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