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Integrated Analysis of Fish Monitoring Data LTRMP Pools - Upper Mississippi River

The overall hypothesis of the Long Term Resource Monitoring Program (LTRMP) is as follows: Biological resources–including fisheries–are influenced by physical, chemical, and hydrological changes to the river system such as sedimentation, nutrient loading, water level manipulation, and biotic invasion by nonindigenous species.

Detection of changes in Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS) fish populations will provide evidence for forming and testing hypotheses directed at determining the factors causing the observed changes. Integrated analysis of fish component data will identify long-term temporal variability and spatial patterns of UMRS fish populations and communities as documented by the LTRMP.

This study will compile and synthesize fisheries data collected from 1990 to 1999 at six LTRMP trend analysis areas of the UMRS. We will analyze systemic-level trends of fish populations identified as "key species" by UMRS resource managers on the basis of their commercial and recreational value.

A secondary objective is to analyze fish community dynamics (species richness, evenness, and diversity) at the aquatic habitat, pool, reach, and UMRS scales. The LTRMP fisheries component sampling design uses multiple gear types in a variety of aquatic habitat types to gain an annual assessment of entire fish communities, making these types of analyses possible. This information will be useful in developing management strategies for the UMRS.

This study was terminated in September 2001.


Principal Investigator: Brian Ickes

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Page Last Modified: December 15, 2008