
Press Releases From the National Archives, Northeast Region

February 2009

Captain Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. Awards Dinner and Civil War Round Table events

What: Civil War Round Table Annual Meeting and Awards Ceremony

The Evening Awards Dinner is by ticketed registration only (tickets are $40).

  • The Dinner and Awards Ceremony starts at 6:00pm. The dinner features keynote speaker and this year's honoree - Civil War historian Professor James McPherson (Pulitzer Prize winning author of Battle Cry of Freedom). The dinner will be emceed by Jack Williams of WBZ-TV. A special behind-the-scenes tour of the National Archives will be available starting at 4:30.

When: Sunday, April 26, 2009, at 6:00 pm

Where: The National Archives and Records Administration is located at 380 Trapelo Road, Waltham, MA.

For additional information contact: Diane Leblanc, Regional Administrator, National Archives, Northeast Region (Boston) at Civilwar@nara.gov.

See also the program brochure

The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
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