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Wind Energy for Farmers and Ranchers

Photo of cows sharing a field with large wind turbines.

Cows share a field with large wind turbines.

The following resources will help you learn how a small wind energy system could provide your farm or ranch with electricity. Some resources also provide information on the economic opportunities available to those who let utilities put large-scale wind turbines on their farms and ranches. If you are unfamiliar with this technology, see the introduction to wind energy.

Research and Commercial Opportunities

NREL National Wind Technology Center
Has information about the latest research and development efforts in wind energy.

U.S. Department of Energy Wind Powering America Program
Features information about wind energy development on agricultural lands.

Wind Power for America: Rural Electric Utilities Harvest New Crop (PDF 314 KB). Download Adobe Reader.

Works to create an understanding of wind energy opportunities for rural economic benefit.

General Information

Small Wind Electric Systems: A U.S. Consumer's Guide (PDF 1.3 MB) Download Adobe Reader.

U.S. Department of Energy Consumer's Guide: Small Wind Electric Systems
Basic information about small wind power systems.

Harvesting Clean Energy
Features information on renewable energy technologies, like wind, for rural landowners, including farms, ranches, and communities in Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington.

Training and Workshops

Solar Energy International: Wind Power Workshops
Learn how to design and install a working wind turbine from scratch.


U.S. Department of Agriculture 2002 Farm Bill: Section 9006
A grant and loan program to help farmers, ranchers, and rural small businesses invest in energy-efficient and renewable energy technologies.

U.S. Department of Energy Financial Opportunities
Offers financial assistance opportunities for the development and demonstration of energy-efficient and renewable energy technologies.

Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy
Provides information on state, local, utility, and selected federal incentives that promote renewable energy.