KBSI's capabilities reflect the development of research initiatives into cutting edge solutions. We specialize in business process redesign, logistics and supply chain optimization, data and information retrieving and processing, simulation analysis, project and team management, and systems integration.

KBSI’s professionals come from all over the United States and abroad, bringing a wealth of education and expertise in mechanical, industrial, electrical,aeronautical and manufacturing engineering, as well as computer science, management science, and artificial intelligence.

Our professionals are industry leaders in applying advanced, scientific research to the development of focused technologies, and we have over two decades of experience in converting research results into next generation products and services that meet
the unique needs of each of our clients.

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Featured Capabilities

Industrial Engineering
KBSI's EPAS initiative applied process mapping and analysis, detailed WBS, part/ material control and kitting, and decision support and scheduling systems to CCAD's engine production shops.
Web Hosting
KBSI's BASIS technology provides Web-based blood data collection and management, allowing users to monitor inventories and forecast the daily and emergency use of blood supplies across the nation.
Natural Language Processing
KBSI's TAKE™ technology combines ontology engineering methods with cutting-edge knowledge discovery techniques to extract, analyze, and map ontologies from distributed and disparate knowledge and data sources.