Foreign Relations, 1961-1963, Volume XII, American Republics

Released by the Office of the Historian

List of Abbreviations


AD, Accion Democratica, Venezuelan political party
AFL-CIO, American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations
AFP, Alliance for Progress
AID, Agency for International Development
ALCAN, Aluminium Company of Canada
A.P., Accion Popular, Peruvian political party
APRA, Alianza Popular Revolucionaria Americana, Peruvian political party
ARA, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, U.S. Department of State
ARA/BR, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Office of Brazilian Affairs
ARA/CCA, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Office of the Coordinator of Cuban Affairs
ARA/CMA, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Office of Caribbean and Mexican Affairs
ARA/EST, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Office of East Coast Affairs
ARA/OAP, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Office of Central American and Panamanian Affairs
ARA/REA, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Office of Inter-American Regional Economic Affairs
ARA/RPA, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Office of Inter-American Regional Political Affairs
ARA/WST, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Office of West Coast Affairs
ARs, American Republics
ARS, aerial reconnaissance and security

B/FAC, Deputy Coordinator for Foreign Assistance, Office of the Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs
BG, British Guiana
BWI$, British West Indies dollar

CA, Central America
CAS, Controlled American source
CI, counter insurgency
CIA, Central Intelligence Agency
CIAP, Inter-American Committee on the Alliance for Progress
CINCARIB, Commander in Chief, Caribbean
CINCLANT, Commander in Chief, Atlantic
CINCSO, Commander in Chief, Southern Command
Cirtel, Circular telegram
COAS, Council of the Organization of American States
COMAP, Commerce Committee for the Alliance for Progress
COMIBOL, Corporacion Minera de Bolivia
Contel, Consulate telegram

DCM, Deputy Chief of Mission
Deptel, Department of State telegram
DOD, Department of Defense
DOD/ISA, Department of Defense, Office of the Assistant Secretary for International Security Affairs
DR, Dominican Republic

ECLA, United Nations Council on Latin America
Embdes, Embassy despatch
Embtel, Embassy telegram
EUR/WE, Bureau of European Affairs, Office of Western European Affairs
Eximbank, Export Import Bank of the United States

FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation
FM, Foreign Minister
FY, fiscal year
FYI, for your information

GAWU, Guiana Agricultural Workers Union
GOA, Government of Argentina
GOB, Government of Bolivia; Government of Brazil
GOC, Government of Chile; Government of Colombia
GODR, Government of the Dominican Republic
GOH, Government of Haiti
GOP, Government of Panama; Government of Peru
GUS, Government of the United States

HMG, His/Her Majesty's Government

IA, Inter-American
IADB, Inter-American Development Bank
IA-ECOSOC, Inter-American Economic and Social Council
IAPC, Inter-American Peace Committee
IBRD, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank)
ICA, International Cooperation Administration
IDB, Inter-American Development Bank
IFC, International Finance Corporation
IMF, International Monetary Fund
INR, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State
INR/DDC, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Deputy Director for Coordination
INR/RAR, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Office of Research and Analysis for American Republics
IPC, International Petroleum Company
ITT, International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation

LA, Latin America
LAFTA, Latin American Free Trade Association
LAPC, Latin American Policy Committee

MAAG, Military Assistance Advisory Group
MAP, Military Assistance Program
MATS, Military Air Transport Service
MFM, meeting of Foreign Ministers
MPCA, Man Power Citizens Association, British Guiana
MPD, Movimiento Popular Dominicano, Dominican political party

niact, night action, communications indicator requiring action by the recipient at any hour of the day or night
NIE, National Intelligence Estimate
NSC, National Security Council
NSAM, National Security Action Memorandum
NSP, National Security Paper

OARS, ocean area reconnaissance satellite
OAS, Organization of American States
OASD/ISA, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs
ODECA, Organizacion de Estados Centro-Americanos
OIC, Office of International Conferences, Bureau of International Organization Affairs

P.L.-480, Public Law 480, Food for Peace
PNC, People's National Congress, British Guiana political party
POLAD, Political Adviser
PPP, People's Progressive Party, British Guiana political party
PR, proportional representation
PRD, Partido Revolucionario Dominicano, Dominican political party
PRSC, Partido Revolucionario Social Cristiano, Dominican political party
PWO, People's Women Organization, suborganization of the People's Progressive Party
PYO, People's Youth Organization, suborganization of the People's Progressive Party

SCCS, Special Consultative Committee on Security
SIM, Trujillo's secret police
SNIE, Special National Intelligence Estimate
S/P, Policy Planning Council, Department of State
S/S, Executive Secretariat, Department of State
SUDENE, Superintendency for the Development of the Northeast (Brazil)

TTM, Ton Tons Macoutes (Haiti)
TWI, The West Indies

UF, United Front, British Guiana political party
UCN, Union Civica Nacional, Dominican political party
UCRP, Union Civica Radical del Pueblo, Argentine political party
UN, United Nations
UNCLA, United Nations Economic Commission on Latin America
UNCRI, Union Civica Radical Intransigenta, Argentine political party
UNCTAD, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
USAID, United States Agency for International Development
USG, United States Government
USIA, United States Information Agency
USIS, United States Information Service
USMC, United States Marine Corps
USUN, United States Mission to the United Nations
UWI, University of the West Indies

WAT, Washington Assessment Team
WIROM, telegram indicator for Department of State administrative telegrams

YPF, Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales (national petroleum company of Argentina)

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