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Wildlife and Wetland Ecology

Presentations and Discussions Technology Briefings May 1999 Forum


Last updated: October 11, 2002
South Florida Restoration Science Forum

Wildlife and Wetland Ecology

Tree Islands Symposium


July 14 & 15 1998
Florida Atlantic University, University Center
Boca Raton, Florida

Arnold van der Valk, Florida Center for Environmental Studies • Fred Sklar, South Florida Water Management District
Wiley Kitchens, U.S. Geological Survey
July 14, Live Oak Pavilion
Topics Speakers
8:00 Welcome and Introductory Remarks

Moderator: Fred Sklar

To be announced
8:30 Stratigraphy, origins, and succession of tree islands
on deep peats in the northern Everglades
Patrick Gleason, Peter Stone and William Spackman
9:00 Tree islands of the southern Everglades: their geological and paleoecological characteristics Arthur D. Cohen, Peter Kremer and William Spackman
9:30 Tree islands of the Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge Laura Brandt, Jennifer Silveira and Wiley Kitchens
10:00 Coffee Break
10:30 Tree island plant communities and water management
in the central Everglades
Lorraine Heisler, Tim Towles, Laura Brandt and Robert Pace
11:00 Vegetation changes on fixed tree islands over two decades Paul Wetzel, Daniel Mason, Dale Gawlik and A. G. van der Valk
11:30 Hammock Forest Community Types of Everglades
National Park and Adjacent Areas
Tom Armentano, David Jones and Mike Ross
12:00 Lunch (included in registration fee)

Moderator: Wiley Kitchens

1:00 Feasibility of relating tree ring to Everglades hydrology William Connor
1:30 5000 years of human ecology on Everglades tree islands Robert Carr
2:00 Breeding birds on bayheads in the central Everglades:
who are the seed dispersers?
Dale E. Gawlik, Peg Gronemeyer and Robert A. Powell
2:30 Coffee Break
3:00 Small mammal population dynamics on tree islands Michael S. Gaines
3:30 The tree island fauna of Everglades National Park Oron L. Bass, Walter E. Meshaka, William B. Robertson, Jr., and Ray W. Snow
4:00 Evaluating changes in hydrology using tree island models Yegang Wu and Fred Sklar
July I5, Senate Chambers
A technical session to discuss future research needs will be held from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Center for Coastal Geology
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Last updated: 11 October, 2002 @ 09:42 PM (KP)