Argonne National Laboratory Working at Argonne U.S. Department of Energy

Senior Management Opening:

Argonne National Laboratory — Director, X-ray Science Division

Argonne National Laboratory invites applicants for the position of Director of the X-ray Science Division (XSD) to provide scientific leadership and research program direction, strategic planning, and resource management for effective operations and future development of Advanced Photon Source (APS) synchrotron radiation research capabilities. This position provides scientific management of all APS experimental X-ray science research, development, and construction activities.

The Division Director will:

  1. direct the development of beamline instrumentation, X-ray research applications, and coordinate design and related activities with other APS Divisions and APS Users;
  2. direct the preparation of divisional research budgets and new initiatives for APS X-ray science facilities;
  3. enhance the strengths and visibility of existing basic and applied research programs, and grow new research programs that use state-of-the-art equipment and approaches;
  4. recruit, hire, and retain world-class researchers;
  5. promote interactions with other programmatic directorates, other divisions and programs at Argonne National Laboratory;
  6. interface with programmatic sponsors at the U.S. Department of Energy; and
  7. foster and maintain high standards in Environment, Safety, and Health (ES&H) and quality assurance for all of the division's activities.

This position requires an outstanding international reputation in X-ray science. The successful candidate should have a Ph.D. in Physics, an internationally recognized research stature, 10+ years of relevant experience in science administration and/or closely related fields, and experience in managing a multi-program, multidisciplinary research organization. For a description of the division's programs, please visit APS's home page on the Internet at

Argonne offers an excellent compensation and benefits package. Interested candidates should send a curriculum vitae, list of publications and patents, professional references, and salary history to

Argonne National Laboratory is a multi-program laboratory managed by UChicago Argonne, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Science.  Argonne's site is located about 25 miles southwest of Chicago on a beautiful 1,500-acre campus. For additional information, please refer to Argonne's home page on the Internet at

Argonne is an equal opportunity employer, and we value diversity in our workplace.

X-ray Science Division (XSD) Director Search Committee

  • Dennis M. Mills, Chair
    Deputy Associate Laboratory Director
    Photon Sciences (PSC) e-mail:
    Ph: 630-252-5680
  • Sam D. Bader
    Argonne Distinguished Scientist
    Materials Science Division (MSD)
    Ph: 630-252-4960 or 7877
  • Katherine C. Harkay
    Accelerator Systems Division (ASD)
    Ph: 630-252-9758
  • Dion L. Heinz
    Associate Professor
    Dept. Geophysical Sci., James Franck Inst., The University of Chicago
    Ph: 773-702-3046
  • Simon G. J. Mochrie
    Physics Department
    Yale University
    Ph: 203-436-4809
  • William G. Ruzicka
    Division Director
    APS Engineering Support (AES)
    Ph: 630-252-5842
  • Stephen K. Streiffer
    Associate Division Director for Science
    Center for Nanoscale Materials (CNM)
    Ph: 630-252-5832
  • Stefan Vogt
    X-Ray Science Division (XSD)
    Ph: 630-252-3071
  • Ivy S. Wong
    Human Resources Specialist Senior
    Human Resources Division (HR)
    Ph: 630-252-2976
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