Abbreviations and Terms

AADC, Area Air Defense Commander
ABM, anti-ballistic missile
Ack-ack, anti-aircraft artillery
AID, Agency for International Development
AIM, U.S. Army Mission in Iran/Military Assistance Advisory Group
Amb, Ambassador
API, American Petroleum Institute
ARAMCO, Arabian-American Oil Company
ARMISH/MAAG, U.S. Army Mission in Iran/Military Assistance Advisory Group
ASD/ISA, Assistant Secretary of Defense, International Security Affairs
Atty, attorney

BNDD, Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, Department of Justice
BP, British Petroleum
BPI, Ba'ath Party of Iraq

CENTO, Central Treaty Organization
CFP, Compagnie Francaise des Paroles
CIA, Central Intelligence Agency
CINCEUR, Commander in Chief, U.S. Forces, Europe
CINCMEAFSA, Commander in Chief, Middle East/South Asia and Africa South of the Sahara
CINCSTRIKE, Commander in Chief, Strike Command
CINCUSNAVEUR, Commander in Chief, U.S. Navy, Europe
CIS, Confederation of Iranian Students
ConGen, Consul General
COMECON, Council for Mutual Economic Assistance
COMINT, communications intelligence
COMIDEASTFOR, Commander, Middle East Forces Cons, Consulate
CONUS, continental United States
CPI, Communist Party of Iraq
CSAF, Chief of Staff, United States Air Force
CT, Country Team
CU, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Department of State
CY, calendar year

DASD, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense
DCI, Director of Central Intelligence
DDCI, Deputy Director of Central Intelligence
Dept, Department of State
Deptel, Department of State telegram
DIA, Defense Intelligence Agency
Dissem, dissemination
DOD, Department of Defense
DOD/ISA, Department of Defense, International Security Affairs
DOD/ISA/NESA, Department of Defense, International Security Affairs, Office of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs
DOS, Department of State

E, Bureau of Economic Affairs, Department of State
ELINT, electronic intelligence
Emb, embassy
Embtel, embassy telegram
ERAP, Entreprise de Recherches et d'Activites Petrolieres
EUCOM, European Community
Exdis, Exclusive Distribution (acronym indicating extremely limited distribution or dissemination)
EXIM, Export-Import Bank

FAA, Federation of Arab Amirates
FBIS, Foreign Broadcast Information Service
FMS, foreign military sales
FonMin, Foreign Minister
FonOff, Foreign Office
FSO, Foreign Service Officer
FSS, Foreign Service Spouse
FY, fiscal year

GAO, General Accounting Office
GENMISH, U.S. Mission to the Iranian Gendarmerie
GNP, gross national product
GOI, Government of Iran
GOI, Government of Iraq
G/PM, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Politico-Military Affairs, Department of State

HCR, High Commissioner for Refugees
HFAC, House Foreign Affairs Committee
HIM, His Imperial Majesty
HK, the President's Assistant for National Security Affairs, Henry Kissinger

IAS, Iran-America Society
IBRD, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank)
ID, Iraqi Dinars
IDF, Israeli Defense Force
IDP, Internal Defense Plan (Iran)
IFC, International Finance Corporation IIA, Imperial Iranian Army
IIAF, Imperial Iranian Air Force IIF, Imperial Iranian Forces
IMF, International Monetary Fund INOC, Iraq National Oil Company
INR, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State
INR/RNA, Office of Research and Analysis for Near East and South Asia, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State
IO, Bureau of International Organization, Department of State
IPC, Iraq Petroleum Company
IRG, Interdepartmental Regional Group
ISA, Iranian Students Association

JCS, Joint Chiefs of Staff
JCSM, Joint Chiefs of Staff Memorandum
JSOP, Joint Strategic Objectives Plan

KDP, Kurdish Democratic Party
LimDis, Limited Distribution

MAAG, Military Assistance Advisory Group
MAP, Military Assistance Program
ME, Middle East
MEMCON, memorandum of conversation
MIDEASTFOR, Middle East Forces

NATO, North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NEA, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State
NEA/IRN, Office of Iranian Affairs, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State
NEAINE, Office of Near Eastern Affairs, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State
NEA/NR, Office of Near Eastern, South Asian Regional Affairs, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State
NIE, National Intelligence Estimate NIOC, National Iranian Oil Company
NoDis, no distribution
NoForn, no foreign dissemination
NPT, Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty
NRM, National Resistance Movement (Kurdish)
NSA, National Security Agency
NSAM, National Security Action Memorandum
NSC, National Security Council
NSCIG/NEA, National Security Council Interdepartmental Group for Near East and South Asia
NSDM, National Security Decision Memorandum
NSSM, National Security Study Memorandum

OAPEC, Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries
ODASD/ISA, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs
OBE, overtaken by events
OCI, Office of Current Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency
ODDI, Office of the Deputy Director of Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency
OECD, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
OER, Office of Economic Research, Central Intelligence Agency
OMB, Office of Management and Budget, Department of State
ONE, Office of National Estimates, Central Intelligence Agency
OPEC, Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
OSD, Office of the Secretary of Defense
OSD/ISA, Office of the Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs
OTR, Office of Technical Research, Central Intelligence Agency

PlanOrg, Plan Organization, Iranian state agency charged with promoting economic development
PM, PRIMIN, Prime Minister
PM/MAS, Office of Military Assistance and Sales, Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs, Department of State
PRSY, People's Republic of Southern Yemen

RAF, Royal Air Force
RCC, Revolutionary Command Council, Ba'athist Government in Iraq
REF, reference
Reftel, reference telegram
Rep, representative
RN, President Richard Nixon
RPT, repeat

SAM, surface to air missile
SAMAA, Special Assistant for Military Assistance Affairs, Joint Chiefs of Staff
SAVAK, Farsi language acronym for Iranian National Bureau of Security and Intelligence (Sazman-i Ittili'at va Amniyat-i Kishvar)
SECDEF, Secretary of Defense
SC, Security Council (UN)
SCS, Supreme Commander's Staff
SEATO, Southeast Asia Treaty Organization
SECDEF, Secretary of Defense
SECNAV, Secretary of the Navy Secy, Secretary of State
SNIE, Special National Intelligence Estimate
SOV, Soviet
S/S, Executive Secretariat, Department of State
STRATCOM, Strategic Command

TAFT, Technical Assistance Field Team

U, Office of the Under Secretary of State, Department of State
UAD, United Arab Emirates
UAR, United Arab Republic
UK, United Kingdom
UN, United Nations
UNHCR, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
UNSC, United Nations Security Council
UNSEC, Under Secretary
UNSYG, United Nations Secretary General
USAF, United States Air Force
USG, United States Government
USIA, United States Information Agency
USINT, United States Interests Section, Baghdad, Iraq
USIS, United States Information Services USN, United States Navy
USSR, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
USUN, United States Mission to the United Nations

VP, Vice President
VIP(S), Very Important Person(s)