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North American Breeding Bird Survey Loggerhead Shrike
North American Breeding Bird Survey

What's New

Frequent visitors to our site will want to check this page regularly to see the latest updates and additions that we've made!

March 19, 2009 - Department of the Interior's  State of The Birds Report
Secretary of the Interior, Ken Salazar, today unveiled a watershed report assessing the conservation status of North America's birds. The report reveals troubling declines of bird populations during the past 40 years while also depticting heartening evidence that strategic land management and conservation actions can reverse declines of birds. Given the prominant role of the BBS in providing data underlying these conclusions, this is yet another excellent example of the overwhelmingly postive contribution that BBS observers are making each year!

May 22, 2008 - Memorandum, Summer 2008  [PDF version]

May 15, 2007 - The 1999-2003 Summary of the North American Breeding Bird Survey  [PDF version]
Data and trends from the North American Breeding Bird Survey are periodically summarized for publication in the Institute for Bird Population’s peer reviewed journal, “Bird Populations”. In this latest report, BBS data from 1999-2003 were used to estimate continental and regional changes in bird populations from both the 5-yr period and a 2-yr sub-increment, 2002-2003.

March 10, 2008 - Enter Stop Coordinates Using Online BBS Mapper
The BBS office is beta testing a new web based mapping tool that allows observers to indicate stop locations on a satellite map and automatically save those coordinates into the BBS database. The tool is easily accessed by logging into the BBS data entry interface, visiting your route list, and then selecting the stop location “update” link for each route.

March 5, 2008 - Region Specific Field Sheets
Observers who enter their data online enjoy the option of submitting a hard copy of their tally sheets in whatever 8 ½ x 11 format they choose. To assist those observers, we now offer optional up-to-date and convenient printable sheets for use in the field.

February 1, 2008 - Fact Sheet - Expanding the BBS into Mexico
To date, the ability of the BBS to document the status of North American species whose breeding ranges extend into northern Mexico has been limited by a lack of information from poorly surveyed regions there. In 2007 a multinational partnership embarked on a course aimed at implementing a Mexican BBS program by 2010 – a significant step toward making the BBS a truly North American program.

May 7, 2007 - Memorandum, Summer 2007  [PDF version]

April 15, 2007 - Strategic Plan for the North American Breeding Bird Survey: 2006-2010
A monumental step for the BBS, by setting clear goals, strategies, and measures of success, this plan provides
a cohesive framework and vision for the developmnet and maintenance of the BBS.

October 26, 2007 - BBS meeting products from the North American Ornithological Conference, Veracruz, Mexico
The Breeding Bird Survey was well represented at this fourth collective meeting of the North American Ornithological Societies, including two posters describing volunteer demographics and the expansion of the program into Mexico.

July 7, 2006 - Summary Of Newest Changes to the AOU Checklist  [PDF version]
As the official source on the taxonomy of North American birds, the order of the American Ornithologists'
Union (AOU) check-list of North American Birds is closely adhered to by the BBS and other bird related
programs. Take this sneak peak to see why Blue Grouse isn't likely to be on your species list next year.

June 1, 2006 - Memorandum, Summer 2006  [PDF version]
The 2006 field season is in full swing and the "Quick Quide To Online Data Entry' included in this
edition will have you on the fast track towards early submission this year. Also included are coordinator
updates and surprising news about recent record tying years.

May 3, 2006 - Data Entry Program (V3.0)
The long-awaited overhaul of the BBS database and its web interface has finally reached fruition!
Initial response has been great and we encourage all observers to enter their data online in 2006.

Feb. 3, 2006 - Memorandum, Winter 2005-2006  [PDF version]
BBS memoranda are written twice per year to keep participants apprised of recent programmatic changes or
projects in the BBS office. This latest installment includes information on the new BBS database, state
coordinator updates, stories from the 2005 field season, and our annual list of BBS awardees.

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U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey
Patuxent Wildlife Research Center Laurel, MD, USA 20708-4038
Operations Contact: Keith Pardieck, email:
Analyses Contact: John Sauer, email:
Last Modified: 4/14/09-->
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