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North American Breeding Bird Survey Mourning Warbler
North American Breeding Bird Survey

Data Liability Disclaimer And Terms


Although BBS data have undergone substantial quality assurance review prior to posting, it is possible that some errors or inaccuracies have remained undetected. BBS data should therefore be considered provisional given that ongoing review is likely to result in future revision. Users are cautioned to carefully consider this caveat before using BBS data for decisions directly relating to public and personal safety issues or those involving significant monetary or operational consequence.

While these data have been successfully processed on computer systems at the USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, no guarantee is expressed regarding the accuracy or utility of these data on any other system nor should their distribution be construed as implication of such a warranty. This disclaimer applies to both individual and aggregate uses of the data. It is strongly recommended that BBS data be obtained directly from BBS staff at either the USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center or Canadian Wildlife Service and not via other sources where there has been opportunity to modify the data. The U.S. Geological Survey and the Canadian Wildlife Service shall not be held liable for improper or inappropriate use of data obtained from the North American Breeding Bird Survey data retrieval site. Information concerning the accuracy and appropriate use of these data may be obtained from the U.S. or Canadian National BBS Coordinator.

Not all of the data available for download on this site meet the criteria for inclusion in the annual BBS analysis. The Run Type code is used to distinguish those data that do from those that do not. Acceptable data are designated Run Type "1"; those marked Run Type "0" are considered unacceptable by BBS standards. Run Type codes are available for each route via the weather data files and are described in further detail in the help section of the online data retrieval system.

Terms of Use

The BBS is a publicly supported program and users of the program's data are obligated to acknowledge their use of BBS data when describing their work to both the public media and scientific audiences alike. These data represent the combined efforts of thousands of U.S. and Canadian BBS participants who survey routes annually, as well as the work of dedicated USGS and CWS scientists and managers. If a publication is based solely on the analysis of BBS data, we suggest that you involve the BBS office with the writing and/or review of the manuscript. It is of vital interest to the continued success of the program that all data users submit a reprint or photocopy of work augmented by BBS data at the time of its publication.

Finally, if you are not already an active observer in the survey, we encourage you to join the team and contribute by running a route yourself. The only requirements are a thorough knowledge of the bird vocalizations in your area, good hearing and a reliable vehicle. Thank you for supporting our program and we look forward to learning of your work.

By clicking the button below, you signify that you have thoroughly
reviewed the liability statement above and agree to the terms of use

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U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey
Patuxent Wildlife Research Center Laurel, MD, USA 20708-4038
Operations Contact: Keith Pardieck, email:
Analyses Contact: John Sauer, email:
Last Modified: 10/31/01
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