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1964-1968, Volume XXXIV
Energy, Diplomacy, and Global Issues

Department of State
Washington, DC

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The editors of the Foreign Relations series have complete access to all the retired records and papers of the Department of State: the central files of the Department; the special decentralized files ("lot files") of the Department at the bureau, office, and division levels; the files of the Department's Executive Secretariat, which contain the records of international conferences and high-level official visits, correspondence with foreign leaders by the President and Secretary of State, and memoranda of conversations between the President and Secretary of State and foreign officials; and the files of overseas diplomatic posts. All the Department's indexed central files for these years have been permanently transferred to the National Archives and Records Administration (Archives II) at College Park, Maryland. Many of the Department's decentralized office (or lot) files covering this period, which the National Archives deems worthy of permanent retention, are in the process of being transferred from the Department's custody to Archives II.

The editors of the Foreign Relations series also have full access to the papers of President Johnson and other White House foreign policy records. Presidential papers maintained and preserved at the Presidential libraries include some of the most significant foreign affairs-related documentation from the Department of State and other Federal agencies including the National Security Council, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Department of Defense, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

In preparing this volume, the editors conducted research in a wide range of manuscript sources. They made particularly extensive use of Presidential papers and other White House records at the Lyndon B. Johnson Library. Some White House memoranda, including memoranda to the President, document President Johnson's concern with these scientific, energy, and global issues. The bulk of the foreign policy records at the Johnson Library are in the subject and country files and the other component parts of the National Security File, and in the papers of the President's science adviser.

The Department of State arranged for access to the many audiotapes of President Johnson's telephone conversations that are held at the Johnson Library. These audiotapes include substantial numbers of telephone conversations between President Johnson and his principal foreign policy advisers and key members of Congress. The editors of this volume cited for publication a summary of one audiotape of President Johnson's telephone conversation dealing with water for peace.

Second in importance only to the White House records at the Johnson Library were the records of the Department of State. The Department's central files contain the cable traffic recording U.S. diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union, European nations, and the Middle East, memoranda of diplomatic conversations, and memoranda proposing action or providing information. Some important documents are found only in the Department's lot files. Documentation on initiatives that were not approved is often found only in desk or bureau files.

The papers of Hubert H. Humphrey at the Minnesota Historical Society were also very useful. Vice President Humphrey was chairman of the National Aeronautics and Space Council and took an active interest in the problems of rapid population growth and family planning matters in the developing world as well as world food production.

The editors also collected documents on space policy in the Historical Reference Collection at the National Space and Aeronautics Administration and on energy policy at the Department of Energy Archives.

Almost all of this documentation has been made available for use in the Foreign Relations series thanks to the consent of the agencies mentioned, the assistance of their staffs, and especially the cooperation and support of the National Archives and Records Administration.

The following list identifies the particular files and collections used in the preparation of this volume. The declassification and transfer to the National Archives of the records of U.S. government agencies is in process. Many of the records are already available for public review at the National Archives. The declassification review of other records is going forward in accordance with the provisions of Executive Order 12958, under which all records over 25 years old, except file series exemptions requested by agencies and approved by the President, should be reviewed for declassification by 2000.

Unpublished Sources

Department of State

Central Files. See National Archives and Records Administration below.

Lot Files. These files have been transferred or will be transferred to the National Archives and Records Administration at College Park Maryland, Record Group 59.

ARA Files: Lot 74 D 467
Country files, chronological files, subject files, and staff assistants' files for Assistant Secretaries Charles Meyer and Covey T. Oliver, 1967-1969 and 1971-1972

E Files: Lot 69 D 76
Country files for 1965, plus the records of petroleum and fuels and energy, general files, and office chronological files for 1963 and 1964

E Files: Lot 70 D 54
Chronologies for 1965 and 1966, general, petroleum, and fuels and energy files for 1966, and country files for 1966

E Files: Lot 71 D 84
Office files for 1967 including chronological files and the records of fuels and energy, petroleum, general files, and country files

SCI Files: Lot 67 D 132
Office of Science and Technology subject files for 1964; miscellaneous office files including personnel, atomic energy, and science

SCI Files: Lot 68 D 152
Office of Science and Technology subject files for 1965 and personnel records

SCI Files: Lot 68 D 383
Office of Science and Technology subject files for 1966 plus miscellaneous office files

SCI Files: Lot 71 D 483
Office of Science and Technology material having to do with the special local currency program, P.L. 480, for Israel, 1968-1970; plus one folder on the brain drain, 1966-1968

S/P Files: Lot 70 D 199
Policy Planning Council files for 1963-1964: subject files by subject, country, or area containing S/P papers and memoranda; studies and reports relevant to S/P interests; S/P chronologicals, working papers, and research files; and speeches and statements of the Secretary of State and the Under Secretary of State

S/P Files: Lot 72 D 124
S/PC and S/P files for the years 1963 and 1965-1968; chronologicals and personal files; and subject and country files

S/S Files: Lot 69 D 217
Chronological files for the Middle East Crisis, the Pueblo Crisis, and the Dominican Crisis; administrative history of the Johnson administration; and transition books

S/S-NSC Files: Lot 72 D 316
Master File of the National Security Action Memoranda (NSAMs), 1961-1968

National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Maryland

Record Group 59, Records of the Department of State

Central Files

Following are the principal files used for this volume:

AE 6, Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy

AV 3, Organizations and Conferences

AV 3 ICAO, International Civil Aviation Organization

AV 6, Airlines

AV 6 US, Airlines, United States

AV 12 US, Aircraft and Aeronautical Equipment, United States

AV 12-1 US, Production, Repair

AV 12-7 US, Research and Development

E 11, Water Resources

E 11-3 NEAR EAST, Saline Water Conversation, Near East

E 11-3 ISRAEL, Saline Water Conversation, Israel

ORG 7 OST, Visits

PET 1 IRAQ, Petroleum General Policy, Plans, Iraq

PET 1 OECD, Petroleum General Policy, Plans, OECD

PET 1 UK-US, Petroleum General Policy, Plans, United Kingdom-United States

PET 1 US, Petroleum General Policy, Plans, United States

PET 2 ARAB, Petroleum General Reports and Statistics, Arab World

PET 2 GERW, Petroleum General Reports and Statistics, West Germany

PET 2 UK, Petroleum General Reports and Statistics, United Kingdom

PET 3 ARAB, Petroleum Organizations and Conferences, Arab World

PET 3 OAPEC, Petroleum Organizations and Conferences, OAPEC

PET 3 OECD, Petroleum Organizations and Conferences, OECD

PET 3 OPEC, Petroleum Organizations and Conferences, OPEC

PET 3 US, Petroleum Organizations and Conferences, United States

PET 5 IRAQ, Petroleum Laws and Regulations, Iraq

PET 6 IRAN, Petroleum Companies, Iran

PET 6 IRAQ, Petroleum Companies, Iraq

PET 6 KUW, Petroleum Companies, Kuwait

PET 6 LIBYA, Petroleum Companies, Libya

PET 6 SAUD, Petroleum Companies, Saudi Arabia

PET 6 US, Petroleum Companies, United States

PET 7 US, Petroleum Visits, United States

PET 10-3 IRAQ, Petroleum Concessions, Leases

PET 12-2 FR, Petroleum Stocks, France

PET 12-3 US, Petroleum Surpluses, Shortages, United States

PET 15-2 ALG, Petroleum Nationalization, Appropriation, Algeria

PET 15-2 KU, Petroleum Nationalization, Appropriation, Kuwait

PET 15-2 SYR, Petroleum Nationalization, Appropriation, Syria

PET 17 IRAQ-TURK, Petroleum Trade, Iraq and Turkey

PET 17 SAUD-US, Petroleum Trade, Saudi Arabia and the United States

PET 17-1 ARAB, Petroleum Exports, Arab World

PET 17-1 IRAQ, Petroleum Exports, Iraq

PET 17-1 LIBYA, Petroleum Exports, Libya

PET 18-1 IRAQ-SYR, Petroleum Pipelines and Facilities, Iraq-Syria

POL ARAB-US, Political Affairs and Relations, Arab World-United States

POL 7 GER, Political Visits and Meetings

PS 8-4 US-ALG, Consular Protective Services

SCI 1-1 EURW-US, Science and Technology, International Cooperation, Western Europe-United States

SCI 1-1 NATO, Science and Technology, International Cooperation, NATO

SCI 3 OECD, Science and Technology, Organizations and Conferences, OECD

SCI 3 NATO, Science and Technology, Organizations and Conference, NATO

SOC 13, Social Conditions, Population

SOC 13-3, Social Conditions, Population, Growth, Decline

SOC 14 UN, Social Conditions, Human Rights, Race Relations

SOC 14-3, Social Conditions, Human Rights, Race Relations, Children, Youth

SP 1 US, Space and Aeronautics, General Policy, Plans, Coordination, United States

SP 1-1 EUR-US, Space and Aeronautics, General Policy, Plans, Coordination, International Cooperation

SP 6, Space and Aeronautics, Peaceful Uses of Space

SP 6 UN, Space and Aeronautics, Peaceful Uses of Space, United Nations

SP 10 US, Space and Aeronautics, Space Flight and Exploration, United States

SP 11 ELDO, Space and Aeronautics, Research and Development, ELDO

TEL 1 US, Telecommunication, General Policy, Plans, United States

TEL 6, Telecommunications, Space Communications

Record Group 359, Records of the Atomic Energy Commission

Office of Science and Technology, OST Administrative History

Lyndon B Johnson Library, Austin, Texas

Papers of Lyndon B. Johnson

National Security File

Agency File
Charles E. Johnson Files
Country File
Gordon Chase Files
Harold H. Saunders Files
McGeorge Bundy Files
Memos to the President
Name File
NSC Special Committee Files
Robert W. Komer Files
Subject File

White House Central Files

Office Files of White House Aides

Ernest Goldstein

Other Personal Papers

Donald F. Hornig Oral History
Papers of Donald F. Hornig

Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul, Minnesota

Papers of Hubert H. Humphrey
Vice Presidential Files

National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Laurel, Maryland

Historical Reference Collection
Files of the Office of International Affairs

Department of Energy, Germantown, Maryland

Archives, Records of the Atomic Energy Commission
Secretariat Files

Published Sources

Basic Facts About the UN (New York: United Nations, 1992)

Congressional Quarterly Almanac, 89th Congress, 2nd Session, 1966, Volume XXII (Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Service, 1967)

Congressional Quarterly Almanac, 90th Congress, 1st Session, 1967, Volume XXIII (Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Service, 1968)

Frutkin, Arnold. International Cooperation in Space (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1965)

King, Alexander. Science and Policy: The International Stimulus (London: Oxford University Press, 1974)

Logsdon, John M., ed.: Exploring the Unknown, Selected Documents in the History of the U.S. Civil Space Program, Vol. I: Organizing for Exploration (Washington, D.C.: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1995)

------. Exploring the Unknown, Selected Documents in the History of the U.S. Civil Space Program, Vol. II, External Relationships (Washington, D.C.: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1996)

Seaborg, Glenn T. Journal of Glenn T. Seaborg, Pub-265, 28 volumes (Berkeley, CA: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, 1989-1992)

U.S. Congress, House of Representatives, Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on Inter-American Affairs (90th Congress, 2d Session). Air Piracy in the Caribbean Area; report pursuant to H. Res. 179 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1968)

U.S. Department of State. American Foreign Policy: Current Documents, 1964-1967 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office)

------. Department of State Bulletin, 1964-1968 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office)

U.S. National Archives and Records Administration. Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: John F. Kennedy, 1963 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office)

------. Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Lyndon B. Johnson, 1963-1968 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office)

U.S. Task Group on Nuclear Power and Saline Water Conversion. An Assessment of Large Nuclear Powered Sea Water Distillation Plants; a Report of an Interagency Task Group (Washington, D.C.: Office of Science and Technology, Executive Office of the President, March 1964)

Yearbook of the United Nations, 1968, Vol. 22 (New York: Office of Public Information, United Nations, 1971)

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Volume XXXIV Index | Historian's Office | State Department