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1964-1968, Volume XXXIV
Energy, Diplomacy, and Global Issues

Department of State
Washington, DC

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Index N-R

Nasher, Ray, 493n
Nason, Rachel, 567n, 568n, 569n
Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 330-331, 418-419
National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) (see also Petroleum issues), 320-321, 359-361, 368
National Security Council Action Memoranda (NSAM):

No. 252, 124n
No. 285, 54-56
No. 338, 143, 165, 176n
No. 338, revised, 180-182
No. 342, 153-154, 158-159, 168, 171
No. 344, 230-231
No. 345, 4n
No. 354, 104-105
No. 357, 9

Nehmer, Stanley, 331
Nelson, Thomas E., 158n, 178n, 199n, 201n
Nesbitt, Trevanion H.E., 81n, 89n, 91n, 96n, 125n, 164n, 185n, 194n
Netherlands, 22, 90n, 92n, 96, 381, 434
Neuman, Robert H., 399n
Newberry, Daniel O., 354n
Newman, Joseph K., 185n
Newton, David G., 407n, 470n
Nickerson, Al, 461
Nigeria, 147, 335-336, 417
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) (see also under Technology gap issues), 8, 13, 75-77, 80
Novak, Alan, 301n

O'Brien, Lawrence, 130n
Ockrent, Roger, 1-2
O'Connell, Gen. James D., 104n, 132-136, 142-143, 146-147, 151-152, 155-157, 158n, 159n, 163-166, 173-180, 205
Oil embargo crisis, 1967 (see also Petroleum issues; Six-Day War), 379, 416-421, 423-424, 467-468, 470-471

Algeria, 426 428-429, 437, 448-449
Apportionment issue, 445-446, 448
Arab Heads of State conference, September 1967, 469-470
Arab Oil Ministers meeting, Baghdad, 436-438, 467
Arab Oil Ministers resolutions for embargo, 422
Aramco, 419-421, 423, 431-432, 461-463, 470
Bahrain, 426
Belgian position, 434, 451
British position, 423, 427
CIA briefing, 452-456
Defense Production Act of 1950, 424, 426n, 440
Department of Defense alternative sourcing, 416n
Emergency Petroleum Supply Committee, 474
Esso affiliates, 428-429
Foreign Petroleum Supply Committee, 416n, 424-425, 445-446, 447
French position, 427-428, 433-434, 439, 442-443, 445-450
German concerns, 442-443, 445-446, 450, 451n, 468-469
Greek position, 434, 451
Gulf of Aqaba sovereignty, 422
Gulf of Aqaba transit arrangement, 454, 456
Iran, 473
Iraq, 422-423, 426, 431-432, 453, 457-458, 464, 469, 473
Japanese position, 434, 439
Kuwait, 423-424, 426, 470
Labor strikes, 431-433, 457
Lebanese position, 423, 453, 455, 470, 473
Libya, 424, 426, 430-431, 436-438, 444, 454-455, 457-458, 459-460, 469-470, 473
Middle East Emergency Committee, 425
Netherlands position, 434
OECD Oil Committee, 420, 424-425, 427-428, 433-435, 439-441, 447-451, 458-459, 465-466, 474

Industry Advisory Group, 424-425, 439-442, 448, 465-466

Oil companies attempts to influence Western governments at request of producers, 423, 425, 431-433, 436-438, 440, 443n, 445, 448, 458-459, 461-462, 466-467
OPEC summit meeting, 472-473
Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries, 475-476
Pipelines, effect on, 416, 418, 426
Portuguese position, 451
Post-crisis studies, 470-472
Resumption of exports, 429-430, 459-460, 469-470
Saudi Arabia, 423, 431-433, 453, 462-463, 464, 466-467, 469-470, 473
Swedish position, 434
Syria, 453
Texas and Louisiana East Coast allowables, 455-456
Turkish position, 451
U.S. concerns about emergency, 426, 452-456
U.S. response to European concerns, 445-448, 452-456, 467-468
Venezuelan position, 464, 472-473
Western organization to deal with crisis, 424-425
World supplies, 416-419, 435-436, 442-443, 445-446, 474

Vietnam War oil supplies, 452
Western Hemisphere production, increase, 442-443, 464
Western supplies, effect on, 435-436, 453, 465n, 474

Oil Supply Advisory Committee, 425
O'Leary, John F., 334n
Oliver, Covey T., 541-544
Oliver, John G., 326n, 333n, 346-349, 352n, 359n, 370n, 373n, 375, 377n, 387n, 399n, 404n, 416-419, 424n, 438-439n, 446n, 474n
Ordaz, Diaz, 546
Organization of African Unity, 560
Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC), 407-408, 475-476
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 15-16

Industry Advisory Group, 424-425, 439-442, 448, 465-466
Oil Committee Small Group, 336-337
Science Ministers Conference, 1-2, 35-37, 40
Science Policy Committee, 13
Special Committee for Oil, 420, 424-425, 427-428, 433-435, 439-441, 447-451, 458-459, 465-466, 474

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) (see also Oil embargo crisis, 1967; Petroleum issues), 337

Aramco position, 323-324
Austrian position, 333
British position, 317-322, 337
Discounts, tax free, 346-349
Establishment of, 315
European position, 333, 326
Iranian membership, 322-323
Iraq Petroleum Company position, 321n
Kuwaiti position, 326
Negotiations with oil companies, 312n, 321-3224, 326, 340
Prices, 319, 347-348
Production programming, 348-349
Resolutions 71 and 72, 346-349
Saudi position, 322-323, 472-473
Tax liabilities reference prices, 347
U.S. position, 319-320, 322-323, 333, 337, 344-346
Venezuelan position, 472-473

Ortona, Egidio, 126-127
Osborne, Stanley De J., 207
Outer space. See Space.
Owen, Henry, 61, 107-108, 112, 193

Packard, Robert F., 103n, 112n
Page, Howard, 342
Pahlavi, Mohammed Reza Shah, 342-343, 349-351, 356, 360, 382-383, 388,390, 394-398, 405, 414
Pakistan, 170-171
Papal Commission on Justice and Peace, 500, 507
Papal encyclicals:

Humanae Vitae, 518-519
Pacem in Terris, 480
Populorum Progressio, 502-509, 512, 516-517

Parkhurst, George, 402-403
Parra, Alirio A., 464
Patman, Joseph E., 164n, 178n, 446n
Pauker, John, 519n
Paul VI, Pope, 518-519
Pelcovits, Nathan, 557n
Pendleton, John, 419, 462
Percival, Leroy F., 14n, 81n, 91n, 96n, 439n, 467n
Perry, Jack R., 42n
Persons, Edward B., 557n
Peterson, Dean F., 279, 286n, 306n, 308n
Petree, Richard, 510n
Petroleum issues (see also Oil embargo crisis, 1967; Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries; Six-Day War):

Abu Dhabi, 338-339, 343, 349, 397, 475
Aden, 318
Algeria, 339, 380, 383-386, 417, 475
Arab Federation of Petroleum Workers, 337
Arab nationalism and, 338
Aramco, 320-321, 367, 374, 400, 410-411
Bahrain, 376, 475
British-U.S. consultation and coordination, 315-320, 331-332, 334-340, 354-358
ENI, possible entry into market, 325, 380
ERAP, possible entry into market, 380
Esso and Mobil affiliates in Algeria, 383-384
Financing the international oil industry, 340
French policy, 339-340
Indonesia, 347-348, 417
Iran, 417-418

Offshore concessions, 326-327, 337
Soviet interest in oil, 350-351

Iranian Government (NIOC)-Consortium negotiations and settlement, 320-322, 339, 343, 349-361, 367-368, 374
Iranian Government-Consortium differences about production, 341-343, 373-378, 382-383, 387-407, 412-415

Offshore concession bidding, 326-327
Political situation and oil policy, 408-409
OAPEC membership, 475
Soviet interest in oil, 397

Iraq Oil Company, 320n, 321n, 368
Iraq Petroleum Company, see Iraqi Government-IPC dispute below; Syrian Government-IPC dispute below
Iraqi Government-IPC dispute over concessions, 324-325, 328-329, 338-339, 379-382

Law 80 issue, 324-325, 329, 379-380
Law 97 issue, 380-382

Kharg Island, 341
Kuwait, 343, 349, 397

Concessions, 337
And Kuwait Oil Company, 339, 368
Oil production and revenues, 349, 389, 397, 417-418
Political situation and oil policy, 338-339

Labor issues, 337
Libya, 340, 397, 408, 417-418, 460
Maintenance of oil supplies, Western concerns, 318-319, 334-335, 374-376, 387-389, 391-393
Nationalizations, 329, 330-331, 369n, 383-386, 419-420
Natural gas pipeline, 395
Nigerian production, 335-336, 417
North Sea production, 335
OECD Oil Committee and, 336-337, 386
Offshore concession bidding, 326-327
Oil companies' position, 316, 398-406
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, 315, 317-320, 333, 337, 344-349

Negotiations with oil companies, 321-324, 326, 340

Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries, 407-408, 475-476
Persian Gulf security, 401-402, 404-405
Romania, 341, 350-351
Saudi Arabia, 348, 349, 397, 364n, 370n

Oil production and revenues, 349, 389, 397, 417-418
Posted price system, 347-348

State-Interior Departments, dispute over U.S. policy, 331-332
Socony Mobil affiliates in Syria, 330-331
Syria, 330-331, 475
Syrian Government-IPC dispute, 362-366, 368-373, 376
United Arab Republic, 363, 417, 475

Petroleum Security Subcommittee, 417
Peyrefitte, M. Alain, 13, 96
Philippines, 396, 562
Piercy, George, 403
Pineau, Roger, 557n
Piret, Edgar L., 42n, 191n
Plimpton, Calvin, 421
Pollack, Herman, 39, 68-70n, 81-88, 91n, 92-93, 94n, 98n, 100n, 112, 165, 240, 242, 244-246, 247n, 258-262, 271-273, 284-285, 308n
Pompidou, Georges, 208n
Poole, Richard A., 519n
Poor People's Campaign, 576-582
Popper, David H., 575
Population growth issues, 495-498

Anti-contraceptives legislation, French, 515
Birth control, 477, 482, 495n, 499
British position, 516
Bureau of the Budget position, 488n, 489, 517n
Congressional position, 479, 485, 491-493, 504-505, 512
Family planning programs, 479, 494, 504-505, 512, 518-519
Fertility research grant, 477
French position, 515
Indian position, 494
Interdepartmental Working Group on Population Matters, 497
International Cooperation Year, 484n, 485-486
Japanese position, 511, 516
Pacem in Terris conference, 480-481
Papal Commission on Justice and Peace, 500, 507
Papal encyclicals:

Humanae Vitae, 518-519
Pacem in Terris, 480
Populorum Progressio, 502-509, 512, 516-517

Population growth vs. production acceleration, 482
Presidential Commission on Population, 478-480, 517-518
Research, 477, 483
UN position, 495n, 501, 516n
Vatican and Catholic position, 480n, 495n, 499-500, 502-509, 512, 518-519
White House Conference on International Cooperation, 484-489, 491-493
World Leaders' Statement on Population, 494-495, 501-502, 510-512, 514-517

Portugal, 451, 560, 564-566, 571-574
Post, Richard StF., 334n, 438n
Powell, A. Barry, 319-320
Pratt, N. K., 475n
Pridham (UK), 571
Prill (FAA), 209, 211-212
Project Orion, 61-62
Project Symphonie plan, French-German, 185n
Puhan, Alfred, 442n

Qatar, 318, 475
Quesada, Gen. Peter, 210-211

Radius, Walter A., 194n
Rambin, Howard, 461
Ramey, James T., 241, 246, 250n, 279, 288
Ranger VII moon shot, 70
Ravenholt, Reinert T., 510n
Razzaq, Arif Abdul, 409
Read, Benjamin H., 103, 200-201, 584-585
Refugees (see also Human rights issues), 585-586
Revelle, Roger, 238n
Richardson, E.R., 561-563, 567n, 574
Rielly, John E., 480-481, 499, 505-507
Rockefeller, John D., III, 478-480, 494-495, 501-502, 510-511, 514-515, 517n
Rockefeller, Laurence, 517n
Rockwell, Stuart W., 352n, 355-358, 359n, 399n, 472-473
Rogers, William D., 439n, 446n, 478n
Rogerson, Francis M., 557n
Romania, 341, 350-351
Rooney, John J., 305
Rosa, Joseph, 13, 247n
Rosenberg, Martin, 73n
Rostow, Eugene, 435n, 460n, 470n, 471
Rostow, Walt, 4-8, 50n, 61, 68n, 103, 107-108, 159n, 194n, 197-198, 199n, 201, 442-443, 491-493, 584-585

Petroleum issues, 352-353, 361, 387-389, 401-406, 410
Water desalination, 265-271, 275-276, 279-282, 285-286, 288-289, 291-293, 298n, 299-309, 311

Rothschild, Edmund de, 292n, 294n
Rouhani, Fuad, 317-318
Rowen, Henry, 253n
Rubinacci (Italy), 35
Rueda, Richard, 537n
Rusk, Dean, 104-107, 210n, 421, 426

Communication satellite issues, 152, 175-176, 187-190, 199-203
European launcher development crisis, 91-93, 95, 97n
Hijacking of commercial aircraft, 534, 541-547
Human rights issues, 555-556, 566n, 576-583
Petroleum issues, 372-375, 383-384, 412-415
Population growth issues, 478-480, 487, 494-498, 501-504, 510-512, 517-519
Space exploration programs, 46, 55n, 57-63, 66-67n, 69, 72, 98n, 100n, 106, 108n, 111-116, 119
Technology gap issues, 3, 6, 27-28
Water desalination, 258-260, 269, 304-305, 308-309

International cooperation, 242-250
Israeli nuclear project, 244-245, 289-291
UAR-Israel project, 264-265
Water for Peace program, 271-273, 276-277, 285-286n

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Volume XXXIV Index | Historian's Office | State Department