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1964-1968, Volume XXXIV
Energy, Diplomacy, and Global Issues

Department of State
Washington, DC

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Index G-M

Ganley, Oswald H., 14n, 39n
Gardner, Richard, 135n, 478n, 491, 517, 569-570
Gatch, John N., Jr., 344n
Gaud, William S., 308n, 511, 519n
Gazdik, Julian, 523, 525-527, 530, 532-533, 536
Gemini space program, 70, 73-74, 113-114
George, Scott, 61n, 164n
Germany, Federal Republic of:

Communication satellite issues, 72, 167
European Launcher Development Organization, 90, 92n
Gelensburg Oil Company takeover, 403-404
Human rights issues, 573
Oil embargo crisis, 442-443, 445-446, 450, 451n, 468-469
Project Symphonie plan, 185n
Space exploration programs, 81-83, 88, 106
Technology gap issues, 23, 25, 35
Water desalination research, 307

Giraud (France), 427-428
Glenn, John, 73
Goddard, Robert, 68
Goldberg, Arthur, 115n, 488
Goldstein, Ernest, 510n, 575
Goodby, James E., 85n
Goodpaster, Gen. Andrew, 292-293
Gordon, Kermit, 239-241
Gotzlinger, Leopold, 183n
Grant, Lt. Gen. J., 208n, 326n
Gravatt, Joan S., 566n, 573n
Greece, 23, 170, 245, 434, 451
Green, James F., 585n
Gregory (UK), 420
Gremillion, Monsignor Joseph, 507-509
Grewe, Wilhelm, 23
Grey, Robert, 183n
Grissom, Virgil, 113
Gromyko, Andrei, 66, 116, 123
Gruening, Ernest, 479

Halaby, Najeeb, 206, 208, 212, 213n, 216-219
Halsted, Ann Roosevelt, 585n
Hamilton, Edward, 159n
Hammarskjold, Knut, 521-523, 527-536, 539-540, 543
Hammond, R. Philip, 287-288
Handley, William J., 372-373
Hare, Raymond A., 352n, 359n
Hargrove, John L., 573n
Harmel, Pierre, 13, 37
Harrar, George, 287
Harriman, W. Averell, 61n, 274, 324n, 394
Harris poll, 462
Harrison, Sir Geoffrey, 317-320, 322, 352-353
Hart, Parker T., 321-324
Hartman, Arthur, 39n
Hathaway, William D., 303n
Held, C., 438n, 462n
Heller, Walter, 240, 305
Helms, Jesse, 452n
Henry, David H., 73n
Herzog, Yaacov, 313
Hickenlooper, Bourke, 504
Higgins, Peter, 73n
Hijacking of commercial aircraft:

Canadian diplomatic role, 552-554
Chicago Convention of 1944, 520
Colombian position, 530
Congressional position, 520
Cuba-U.S. bilateral agreement, 547-552
Cuban hijackings, 520, 524-533, 539-547
Cuban position, 525n, 527, 529, 533n, 535-536, 539, 545-547, 549
El Al hijacking to Algeria, 529
Extradition issue, 530, 532, 542-543, 546, 549n
International Air Transport Association, 521-523, 525-526, 528-532, 534-535, 538-540, 543
Jurisdiction issue, 520
Mexico and, 527-528, 531, 533-534, 537-538, 546-547
Passenger repatriation, 545-546
P.L. 87-197 air piracy law, 520
Refugee Airlift Agreement, 532
Reward deterrent, 527n, 530-532
Tokyo Convention, 520-522, 530, 534-535, 542
Venezuelan position, 530

Hilliker, Grant G., 324n
Holifield, Chet, 126, 128-130
Hollomon, J. Herbert, 66n
Holum, Kenneth, 241, 246, 250n
Hornig, Donald F., 66, 89, 104n, 132-133, 513

Technology gap, 1-2, 4-5, 10-13, 19-21, 24-26, 28-29, 36-39, 42
Water desalination, 237-238, 242, 251-253, 258n, 275-276, 278-279, 281-282, 285n, 293-294, 295n, 298, 300-301, 305

Houghton, Robert B., 370n, 372n
Hoveyda, Amir Abbas, 341-342, 350-351, 389, 414-415
Huffcutt, Gordon L., 185n
Hughes, Thomas L., 57-61, 187-190, 383-384, 412-413, 544
Human rights issues:

African states position, 560
American Indians' treaty rights, 578, 581
Anti-Semitism, 556, 588
Apartheid, 560, 579
Conference on Human Rights, Tehran, 1968, 558, 568, 575
Costa Rican position, 561-562
Department of Defense employment policies, 578, 581
Freedom of speech, 555-556
Human Rights Advisory Services Program, 558
Immigration policies, U.S., 576-577, 581
International Civil Aviation Organization meeting, 560, 564-565, 571-574
International Human Rights Year, 557-560
Mexican-American treaty rights, 577-578, 581, 583
Philippines position, 562
Poor People's Campaign, 576-582
Portugal, exclusion from ICAO meeting, 560, 564-566, 571-574
Portuguese colonies in Africa, 579
Poverty marchers, 583
Presidential Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees, 585-586
President's Commission for the Observance of Human Rights, 584-586
Race discrimination, 555-556, 560, 588
Racist nations, U.S. relations with, 576, 579
Refugees, 585-586
Religious freedom, 556
Slavery, abolition of, 558
South Africa, 560, 564-565, 571-574, 579-580
Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo grievances, 577-578, 581, 583
Tunisian position, 566n
Turkish position, 561-562
UN Commissioner on Human Rights, proposed, 569-570
UN Commission on Human Rights, 555, 587-588
UN Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, 555
UN International Conference on Human Rights, 567-568, 570-571, 574-575
UN International Human Rights Year, 561-563, 557-560
UN Resolutions:

1961 (XVIII), 563n
2081 (XX), 563n

White House Conference on the Advancement of Human Rights, 584-585

Humphrey, Hubert H.:

Population growth issues, 480-481, 500, 505-509
Space exploration programs, 63, 67-69, 83n, 85-89, 98n, 111-113, 164-165
Soviet-U.S. cooperation, 116-119
Supersonic transport development, 229-231
Technology gap issues, 12

Hyde, Rosel H., 156, 205

Idris, King, 457
India, 494
Indonesia, 347-348, 417
Inoue (Japan), 36
International Air Transport Association (IATA), 521-523, 525-526, 528-535, 538-540, 543
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), 560, 564-565, 571-574
International Cooperation in Space, 80
International Human Rights Year, 557-560
International Telecommunications Satellite Consortium (INTELSAT). See under Communication satellite issues.
International Telecommunications Union (ITU), 200, 203
Intersputnik proposal (see also Space exploration proposals), 194-200, 204
Iran (see also Pahlavi, Mohammed Reza Shah; Iran and Iranian subheadings under Oil embargo crisis, 1967; Petroleum issues), 318-319

Abu Dhabi, 338-339, 349, 397
British position, 329, 352-358, 374, 376-378, 387
Earth station establishment, 170
Economic situation, 350, 355-356, 393
Export-Import Bank aid, 360n
Kharg Island, 341
Oil embargo crisis, 473
OPEC membership, 322-323
Romania, relations with, 341, 350-351
Saudi position, 367
Six-Day War, 382n
Soviet Bloc, relations with, 350-351
U.S. military assistance, 360

Iraq (see also Iraq and Iraqi subheadings under Oil embargo crisis, 1967; Petroleum issues), 318, 338-339

Kharg Island, 341
Kurdish question, 338-339, 366
Kuwait, threat to, 318
Law 80, 324-325, 329, 379-380
Law 97, 380-382
OAPEC membership, 475
Political situation, 365-366, 409
Soviet Union, relations with, 397

Iraq Oil Company, 321n, 368
Iraq Petroleum Company (IPC). See under Petroleum issues.
Israel (see also Six-Day War), 417

Dimona nuclear project, 290
Hijacking of El Al plane, 529
Nuclear desalination project, see under Water desalinization.

Italy, 3n, 6-8, 16, 21-22, 35, 72, 92n, 96n, 186, 307

Jacobs, George R., 379-380, 404n
Jacobsen, Jake, 486
Jacquet (France), 213n, 216, 218-219
Japan, 36, 434, 439, 511, 516
Jenkins, Roy, 211, 213n, 216, 218-219, 222n
Jernegan, John D., 240n, 324n, 329
Jha, L. K., 494
John XXIII, Pope (see also Papal encyclicals), 480, 502
Johnson, Charles E., 54, 55n, 108n, 114-115, 147-148, 151-152n, 159n, 164-165, 194n, 216n, 246-247, 253n, 254-255, 258n, 260-262, 288-289, 300
Johnson, John A., 131, 205
Johnson, Lyndon B., 62, 585-586

Communication satellite issues, 124-125, 128-130, 135, 141-148, 155-157, 171, 173, 180-184, 187, 199-200, 202

Soviet-U.S. cooperation, 192-193
Technical assistance policy, 148-151, 153-154, 163-164

European-U.S. cooperation, 104-107
Human rights issues, 575-578, 585n, 587-588
Mexican-Americans, 581, 583
Oil embargo crisis, 461-462
Petroleum issues, 332
Population growth issues, 480, 482, 483n, 484-490, 497-498, 501, 510-514, 517-518
Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees, 585-586
Six-Day War, 453-454
Space exploration programs, 45-49, 54-56, 63-66, 73-74, 81-83, 100n, 117
Supersonic transport development, 207, 220, 230-231
Technology gap issues, 4-5, 8-9, 19-21, 24-34, 37-39
Water desalination, 239-240, 259, 261, 279-280

Congressional resolution, 303-305
Economic feasibility, 309n
Eisenhower initiative, 200-294
Israel nuclear project, 235-236, 275-276, 298-299, 301n, 305, 310-314
Soviet-U.S. cooperation, 235-238
UAR-Israel project, 262-271
Water for Peace program, 272, 276-277, 278n, 281, 285-286, 288

World food problem, 513

Johnson, U. Alexis, 86n, 91-92n, 93, 94n, 95, 100n, 125n, 165, 176n, 271n
Johnstone, Jack R., 573n
Jordan (France), 427-428
Jordan, 423
Jorden, William, 159n
Joyce, James W., 5-8, 100n, 247-250
Jurgensen (France), 44
Justice Department anti-trust suit against oil companies, 322

Kahan, Jerome H., 90n
Katz, Abraham, 194n
Katzenbach, Nicholas deB., 39-41, 435-436
Keeney, Spurgeon, 4n, 94n, 108n, 114-115, 246, 254
Keldysh, M., 65-66, 74
Kelly, John M., 331-332, 470n
Kennan, George, 206
Kennedy, John F., 45n, 73, 117, 149, 207, 477
Kerrigan, William M., 14n, 39n
Kharg Island, 341
Khrushchev, Nikita S., 58, 60, 73, 236
Kinsolving, Lucien L., 370n, 372n
Kiselyak, Charles A., 547n
Kitchen, Jeffrey C., 112n
Kling (FRG), 468-469
Knight, William E., 208n
Kohler, Foy, 116n, 123, 242, 283, 285n
Komarov, Vladimir, 114
Komer, Robert W., 147, 151-152n, 247, 253-254, 261, 263n, 482-483
Korea, 170-171
Korry, Edward M., 144
Kosygin, Aleksey, 192, 292, 510, 514
Kotschnig, Walter M., 271n
Kovach, Eugene, 5n
Kreogh, Peter, 579n
Kretzmann, Edwin M., 61n, 63
Krimer, William D., 115n
Ku'baazi, 457
Kurdish people, 338-339, 366
Kuwait (see also under Oil embargo crisis, 1967; Petroleum issues):

British position, 318-320
Iranian position, 343, 349, 397
Iraqi threat, 318
Oil workers' strike, 431-433
OPEC, 326
Political situation, 338-339

Latin America, 203, 442-443, 580
Lattes, M., 43
Lattu, Adm., 416
Lebanon, 453, 455
Leddy, Raymond G., 222n
Lee, Phil, 478n, 517
LeFevre, Theodore, 13
Lesh, Donald R., 39n
Levy, Walter, 375, 377, 405-406n, 435-436
Libya (see also under Oil embargo crisis, 1967; Petroleum issues), 340, 397, 408
Lieblich, William C., 583n
Lightner, E. Allan, Jr., 271n
Long, Richard G., 208n
Lorenz, Joseph P., 194n
Losada, Benito Paul, 464
Lowenfeld, Andreas F., 324n
Loy, Frank E., 94n, 155, 158, 164n, 178n, 183n, 185n, 194n, 198, 199n, 205

Hijacking of commercial aircraft, 521-523, 525-533, 537n, 538n, 541, 547n, 550n, 551n, 552n
Water desalination, 222-225, 227-228, 231-234

Luppi, Hobart, 222n
Luzio, Frank di, 303

Maaziq, Hussain, 430, 457
MacArthur, Douglas II, 196-197
Mackey, Cecil, 208
Makhus (Syria), 369n
Malmborg, Knute, 399n, 538n, 541n
Mann, Thomas, 155, 223, 244n, 247n, 331
Manned Orbital Research Laboratory, 99, 110
Mansfield, Mike, 282n
Margolies, Daniel F., 24n
Marks, Leonard H., 86, 125-127, 148-151, 154-155, 205
Marshall, Burke, 569-570
Maxwell, Gen. Jewell C., 227-229
McAvoy, Paul W., 306n
McClelland, Donald H., 401n, 404n
McCloy, John J., 421
McCone, John, 452-456
McCormack, James, 205, 282n
McDivitt, James, 73
McGhee, George C., 445-446, 451n, 459n
McGrath, John B., 467n
McKee, William F., 223, 229-230
McKillop, David H., 566n
McNamara, Robert, 85n, 86, 101, 112, 129, 133-134, 210n, 261
McNaughton, John T., 210n, 221n
Meadows, John, 521n, 534n, 540n
Means, John E., 557n, 561n
Meehan, Francis J., 404n
Mendelsohn, Allan J., 530, 534n
Mexico, 245, 249, 259

Hijacking of commercial aircraft, 527-528, 531, 533-534, 537-538, 546-547
Mexican-American treaty rights, 577-578, 581, 583
Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo grievances, 577-578, 581, 583

Meyer, Armin H., 341-343, 349-351, 353n, 354n, 361n, 375-376, 389-390, 395-399
Meyers, Howard, 90n
Middle East Emergency Committee, 425
Miller, William K., 194n, 201n
Milner, James W., 73n, 87n
Mobil, 383-386
Molkenboer, 336-337
Molniya satellite communications system, 118, 173, 187-189
Mondello (Italy), 6
Monsma, George N., 573n
Moore, Hugh, 499
Moore, J. Cordell, 332, 334, 424-425, 426n, 433, 439n, 446n, 474
Moose, Richard M., 73n
Morgan, Thomas E., 305
Monroney, A.S. Mike, 207
Morris, Robert J., 42n, 94n
Morris, Willie, 355-358
Mosasdeq, Mohammed, 350n
Moses, Henry, 381, 409n
Moyers, Bill, 12, 146n, 482n, 494
Muhieddin, Zakaria, 362
Mulligan, John P., 377n
Murphy, C. H., Jr., 326-327
Murray, Percival, 90n
Murrow, Edward R., 206
Muusa, Khalifah, 430, 437-438, 469
Myerson, Jacob M., 14n

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Volume XXXIV Index | Historian's Office | State Department