Foreign Relations, 1964-1968, Volume VII, Vietnam, September 1968-January 1969

Released by the Office of the Historian


Abrams, General Creighton, Commander, Military Assistance Command, Vietnam

Acheson, Dean, former Secretary of State 1949-1953 and informal adviser to the President

Agnew, Spiro T., Vice-Presidential nominee of the Republican Party; after November 5, Vice President-elect

Albert, Carl, Representative (D-Oklahoma)

Algard, Ole, Norwegian Ambassador to the People's Republic of China

Allott, Gordon, Senator (D-Colorado)

Ball, George, Representative to the United Nations, May 14-September 25, 1968

Beech, Keyes, reporter, Chicago Daily News

Berger, Samuel R., Deputy Ambassador to Vietnam

Black, Eugene, Adviser to the President on Southeast Asian Economic and Social Development

Bogomolov, Sergei, First Secretary, Soviet Embassy in Paris

Brown, General George S., Commander, 7th Air Force

Brown, Harold, Secretary of the Air Force

Bui Diem, South Vietnamese Ambassador to the United States

Bundy, McGeorge, President, Ford Foundation and informal adviser to the President

Bundy, William P., Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs

Bunker, Ellsworth, Ambassador to Vietnam

Calhoun, John A., Political Officer, Embassy in Saigon

Califano, Joseph, Special Assistant to the President

Carver, George A., Special Assistant for Vietnamese Affairs to the Director of Central Intelligence

Chapman, General Leonard, Marine Corps Commandant

Chennault, Anna, Co-chair, Women for Nixon

Christian, George A., Special Assistant to the President and White House Press Secretary

Clifford, Clark M., Secretary of Defense

Colby, William, Deputy Director, Civil Operations and Revolutionary Development Support, to November 1968; thereafter Director

Dang Duc Khoi, Special Assistant to the Vice President, Republic of Vietnam

Davidson, Daniel I., Special Assistant to the Ambassador-at-Large and member, U.S. Delegation to the Paris Peace Talks

Davis, Saville, reporter, The Christian Science Monitor

De Gaulle, Charles, President of France

DebrĀŽ, Michel, French Minister of Foreign Affairs

Deepe, Beverley, correspondent, The Christian Science Monitor

DeLoach, Cartha Dekle, Deputy Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Dirksen, Everett, Senator (R-Illinois)

Dobrynin, Anatoliy, Soviet Ambassador to the United States

Duong Van Minh, General, exiled South Vietnamese general

Eisenhower, Dwight D., President of the United States, 1953-1961

Elsey, George M., Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense

Enthoven, Alain, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Systems Analysis

Finch, Robert, California Lieutenant-Governor and adviser to Presidential candidate Richard Nixon

Flowerree, Charles C., staff member, Vietnam Working Group, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Department of State

Ford, Gerald R., Representative (R-Michigan)

Fortas, Abe, Associate Justice, Supreme Court

Fowler, Henry (Hugh), Secretary of the Treasury

Ginsburgh, Robert N., member, National Security Council Staff

Goldberg, Arthur J., former Representative to the United Nations and informal adviser to the President

Goodpaster, General Andrew J., Deputy Commander, Military Assistance Command, Vietnam

Gorton, John, Australian Prime Minister

Goulding, Phil G., Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs

Gromyko, Andrei, Soviet Foreign Minister

Ha Van Lau, Deputy Chief, North Vietnamese Delegation to the Paris Peace Talks

Habib, Philip C., Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, and member, U.S. Delegation to the Paris Peace Talks

Halperin, Morton, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs (Plans and Arms Control)

Hardesty, Robert, Assistant to the President

Harlow, Bryce, adviser to the Nixon Presidential campaign and the President-elect's spokesman

Harriman, W. Averell, Ambassador-at-Large; Head, U.S. delegation to the Paris Peace Talks

Helms, Richard R., Director of Central Intelligence

Herz, Martin F., Country Director, Cambodia and Laos, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs

Hickenlooper, Bourke, Senator (R-Iowa)

Ho Chi Minh, President, Democratic Republic of Vietnam

Hoang Xuan Lam, General, Republic of Vietnam Commander, I Corps

Holbrooke, Richard C., staff member, U.S. Delegation to the Paris Peace Talks

Holdridge, John, Deputy Director, Office of Research and Analysis for East Asia and the Pacific, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State

Hoover, J. Edgar, Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Hughes, Thomas L., Director, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State

Humphrey, Hubert H., Vice President

Jackson, Henry, Senator (D-Washington)

Johnson, Lyndon B., President

Johnson, W. Thomas (Tom), Assistant Press Secretary to the President

Jones, James R. (Jim), Special Assistant to the President

Jorden, William J., member, U.S. Delegation to the Paris Peace Talks

Kaplan, Harold, member, U.S. Delegation to the Paris Peace Talks

Karamessines, Thomas, Deputy Director for Plans, Central Intelligence Agency

Katzenbach, Nicholas deB., Under Secretary of State

Kissinger, Henry A., informal adviser to the Nixon Presidential campaign and principal foreign policy adviser to President-elect Nixon

Komer, Robert W., Deputy for Civil Operations and Revolutionary Development to the Commander, Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, and Special Assistant to the Ambassador to Vietnam, to October 28; thereafter Ambassador-designate to Turkey

Kosygin, Alexei, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union

Kuchel, Thomas, Senator (R-California)

Le Duc Tho, Special Adviser to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam Delegation to the Paris Peace Talks

Le Nguyen Thang, General, Republic of Vietnam Commander, III Corps

LeMay, Curtis, Vice Presidential candidate, American Independent Party

Loan. See Nguyen Ngoc Loan

Lodge, Henry Cabot, Ambassador-at-Large to May 7, 1968; Ambassador to Germany after April 22, 1968

Mai Van Bo, Democratic Republic of Vietnam Representative to France

Mansfield, Mike, Senator (D-Montana)

Marks, Leonard, Director, United States Information Agency

McCain, Admiral John S., Commander in Chief, Pacific

McCloskey, Robert J., Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Public Affairs, and Department Spokesman

McConnell, General John P., Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force

McCormack, John, Speaker of the House of Representatives (D-Massachusetts)

McGovern, Goerge, Senator (D-South Dakota)

McNamara, Robert S., President, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank)

McPherson, Harry C., Special Counsel to the President

Middleton, Harry, Staff Assistant to the President

Moorer, Admiral Thomas, Chief of Naval Operations

Mundt, Karl E., Senator (R-South Dakota)

Murphy, Robert, Adviser to President-elect Nixon and Head of the Transition Team

Negroponte, John, staff member, U.S. Delegation to the Paris Peace Talks

Ngo Minh Loan, Democratic Republic of Vietnam Ambassador to Norway

Ngo Quang Troung, General, Republic of Vietnam Commander, 1st Division, I Corps

Nguyen Cao Ky, Vice President, Republic of Vietnam; after December 8, also Adviser to and Coordinator of the South Vietnamese Delegation at the Paris Peace Talks

Nguyen Chan, Democratic Republic of Vietnam Ambassador to the Soviet Union

Nguyen Dinh Trinh, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Democratic Republic of Vietnam

Nguyen Minh Vy, member, Democratic Republic of Vietnam Delegation to the Paris Peace Talks

Nguyen Ngoc An, Chieu Hoi Minister, Republic of Vietnam

Nguyen Ngoc Loan, General, Director General of Police, Republic of Vietnam

Nguyen Thanh Le, member and spokesman, Democratic Republic of Vietnam Delegation to the Paris Peace Talks

Nguyen Van Thieu, President, Republic of Vietnam

Nguyen Van Vy, Minister of Defense and Minister of Veteran's Affairs, Republic of Vietnam

Nguyen Xuan Phong, member, South Vietnamese Delegation to the Paris Peace Talks

Nitze, Paul H., Deputy Secretary of Defense

Nixon, Richard M., Republican candidate for President to November 5; thereafter President-elect

Oberemko, Valentin, Minister-Counselor of the Soviet Embassy in France

Palmer, General Bruce, Chief of Staff, U.S. Army, Vietnam

Park Chung-hee, President, Republic of Korea

Percy, Charles, Senator (R-Illinois)

Perry, Jack, Political Officer in the Embassy in France

Pham Dang Lam, Republic of Vietnam observer at the Official Conversations on Vietnam to December; thereafter head of the Republic of Vietnam delegation to the expanded Peace Talks in Paris

Pham Van Dong, Prime Minister, Democratic Republic of Vietnam

Phan Hien, member, Democratic Republic of Vietnam Delegation to the Paris Peace Talks

Phan Quang Dan, Minister of State and Chieu Hoi Minister, Republic of Vietnam

Pursley, Colonel Robert E., Military Assistant to the Secretary of Defense

Read, Benjamin H., Executive Secretary, Department of State

Rebozo, Bebe, friend and adviser of Richard Nixon

Ridgway, Rozanne, Political Officer, Embassy in Oslo, Norway

Rivers, Mendel, Representative (D-South Carolina)

Roche, John, Special Assistant to the President

Rostow, Walt W., Special Assistant to the President

Rowe, James R., Washington lawyer

Rusk, Dean, Secretary of State

Russell, Richard B., Senator (D-Georgia)

Sainteny, Jean, unofficial French envoy to North Vietnam

Sidle, Winant, Major General, Chief, MACV Office of Information

Smathers, George A., Senator (D-Florida)

Smith, Abbott, Admiral, Chairman, National Board of Estimates

Smith, Bromley, Executive Secretary, National Security Council

Symington, Stuart, Senator (D-Missouri)

Taylor, Admiral Rufus, Deputy Director, Central Intelligence Agency

Taylor, Maxwell, General, Special Consultant to the President

Thanh Le, see Nguyen Thanh

Thanom Kittikachon, Prime Minister of Thailand

Thant, U, United Nations Secretary-General

Thompson, Llewelyn E., Jr., Ambassador to the Soviet Union

Tibbets, Margaret Joy, Ambassador to Norway

Ton That Thien, Minister of Information, Republic of Vietnam

Tower, John G., Senator (R-Texas)

Tran Buu Kiem, member, National Liberation Front Delegation to the Paris Peace Talks

Tran Chanh Thanh, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Vietnam

Tran Lu-Y, Refugee Minister, Republic of Vietnam

Tran Thien Khiem, Minister of Interior, Republic of Vietnam

Tran Van Don, Senator, Republic of Vietnam

Tran Van Huong, Prime Minister, Republic of Vietnam

Tran Van Lam, Senator, Republic of Vietnam, and chief of unofficial South Vietnamese Delegation in Paris.

Trueheart, William, Deputy Director for Coordination, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State

Truong Dinh Dzu, political leader, Republic of Vietnam

Vance, Cyrus R., member, U.S. Delegation to the Paris Peace Talks

Vo Nguyen Giap, General, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Defense, Democratic Republic of Vietnam

Vuong Van Bac, member, South Vietnamese Delegation to the Paris Peace Talks

Wallace, George, American Independent Party candidate for President

Wallner, Woodruff, Deputy Chief of Mission of the Embassy in France

Walsh, John P., Deputy Executive Secretary, Department of State

Warnke, Paul, Assistant Secretary of Defense for International and Security Affairs

Westmoreland, General William C., Army Chief of Staff

Wheeler, General Earle G., Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff

Xuan Thuy, Chief, Democratic Republic of Vietnam Delegation to the Paris Peace Talks

Zorin, Valerian, Soviet Ambassador to France


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