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Great Seal

1964-1968, Volume XXX

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National Intelligence Estimates:

NIE 10-2-64, "Prospects for the International Communist Movement," 62-63
NIE 11-12-66, "The Outlook for Sino-Soviet Relations," 479-489
NIE 13-64, "Economic Prospects for Communist China," 15-17
NIE 13-2-65, "Communist China's Advanced Weapons Program," 146-148
NIE 13-3-65, "Communist China's Military Establishment," 152-154
NIE 13-3-68, "Communist China's General Purpose and Air Defense Forces," 695-697
NIE 13-5-66, "Communist China's Economic Prospects," 241-242
NIE 13-5-67, "Economic Outlook for Communist China," 583-584
NIE 13-7-65, "Political Problems and Prospects in Communist China," 192-193
NIE 13-7-67, "The Chinese Cultural Revolution," 573-574
NIE 13-8-67, "Communist China's Strategic Weapons Program," 593-594
NIE 13-9-65, "Communist China's Foreign Policy," 168-170
NIE 13-9-68, "The Short-Term Outlook in Communist China," 678-679
NIE 43-64, "Prospects for the Government of the Republic of China," 31

National Policy Papers:

"The Republic of China," 86-94

National Security Council (NSC):

PRC nuclear capabilities, 108-112
Sino-Soviet relations, 33
UN representation issue, 388

Neidle, Alan E., 624n
Nelson, 60, 116
Nenni, Pietro, 609
Ni Yue-si, Adm., 235, 298
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 140
Nuclear weapons (see also Disarmament; Nuclear capabilities under China, People's Republic of):

State-Defense study, 187, 190, 198
U.S. nuclear deterrent, 51-52, 54-55, 156-160
U.S.-ROC discussions, 44, 47, 51-52, 54-55, 350-351
Warsaw talks, 134-135, 307

Offshore Islands, 56, 59-60, 130n, 537-538

ROC statement request, 684-685, 690-692
Rostow policy summary, 664
Shoesmith paper, 700-701
Sullivan proposals, 533, 535-536, 565-566
U.S. military aid to ROC and, 692-693
U.S. presence, 585-588
U.S.-ROC discussions, 683-685, 688-689

Orwat, Maj. Gen., 706n

Pakistan, 199, 204, 337
Pearson, Lester B., 304-306, 372-373, 420, 424n
Pedersen, Richard F., 304
Peng, Gen., 155
P'eng Chen, 363, 399, 528
P'eng Te-huai, 43, 330
Philippines, 336-337, 470, 735
Pickering, Laurence G., 495
Planning Group, 96-99, 109n
Platt, Nicholas, 723n
Polansky, Sol, 115n
Policy Planning Council, 39-40, 57-58
Popper, David H., 469-470, 608n
Popple, Paul M., 4n, 8n, 23n, 27n, 34n, 61
Powell, Ralph L., 513n
Puhan, Alfred, 723n
Pye, Lucian W., 513n, 634-635, 673

Quemoy. See Offshore Islands.

Ramundo, Col., 193n
Read, Benjamin H., 109n, 293n, 296n, 490
Reedy, George, 125
Reichner, Col., 245n
Reischauer, Edwin O., 181, 249-251, 634-635, 663n
Rice, Edward E., 181n

Cultural Revolution, 326-333, 596-599
Hong Kong, 252-254, 568n
U.S. policy toward PRC, 64, 256-259, 282-284
U.S. policy toward ROC, 226, 228n, 534-536

Ridge, Col., 706n, 718n
Ridge, T. L., 324n, 623n, 671n
Riemer, Reynold A., 743
Ritchie, A. E., 304, 372, 396, 408n, 412-414, 681-683
Ritchie, Charles S. A., 124-125
Roberts, George B., Jr., 308n
Roberts, Peter M., 412
Robinson, Dana, 680
Robinson, H. Basil, 137, 372, 396
ROC anti-mainland operations:

Blue Lion Committee, 32, 82-83, 202-203, 246-247, 258-259, 403

JCS position, 225-226
U.S.-ROC discussions, 190-191, 202, 213, 226-227, 243, 245, 353-354, 393

Chiang-Johnson correspondence, 133, 212-213, 539-540
CIA role, 476-478, 495
Country team assessments, 81-82, 507-508, 524-525, 591-592, 612-614, 674-676
Cultural Revolution and, 392-394, 524-525, 571-572
Great Torch Five proposal (Sept. 22, 1965), 211-213, 221, 224-226

U.S. responses, 245-249
U.S.-ROC discussions, 236-237, 242-244

Grosbeak operation, 477-478, 495-496
Hong Kong and, 252
HU-16 incident, 239-240
Kwangtung raid, 612
Matsu incident (Oct. 1966), 405-407
Media involvement, 170-171
Political action plans, 552-553, 557-558, 572, 599-600, 602, 670

U.S.-ROC discussions, 604-606, 660-661

PRC fear of, 256-259
ROC propaganda, 612
Thailand/Burma irregulars, 84-85, 520-521, 675
U.S. policy, 91-92, 231-232, 259-260, 283
U.S.-ROC discussions, 43-45, 48-49, 141, 211, 236-237, 242-245, 350-351, 402-403
U.S.-ROC high-level talk proposals, 227-228
U.S.-ROC intelligence cooperation, 403, 595-596, 599-602
U-2 incident (Jan. 1965), 144

Roche, John P., 512-513, 519, 634n
Romania, 582-583
Ropa, Donald, 388n, 409n, 517n, 523n, 527n, 548n
Rosen, Samuel, 275
Rostow, Eugene V., 606n, 743-744
Rostow, Walt W., 286n, 293n, 308n, 531n, 645n, 650n, 690n, 709n

Cultural Revolution, 360-364, 374, 396, 499-503, 521-522, 545-547, 570-571, 663

China Panel meetings, 513
Jenkins reports, 388, 517, 523, 527, 548, 580, 590, 687, 701-702, 720, 725
Alexis Johnson speech, 519n
Rice papers, 598-599

Hong Kong, 568n
National Policy Papers, 56n
PRC economic situation, 694
PRC foreign policy, 728
PRC military capabilities, 553-555
PRC nuclear capabilities, 24, 39n, 57n, 96n, 98-99, 109n, 512
Sino-Soviet relations, 644
UN representation issue, 120, 379, 418n, 420, 432, 606

Goldberg paper, 294-296
Jenkins reports, 380, 409
Presidential adviser meetings, 313, 387n
Study committee proposals, 457n
Successor state resolution proposals, 294-295, 303-304
U.S.-Italian discussions, 602-604

U.S. policy toward PRC, 282, 416, 550-551, 634

Radio propaganda, 354-355
Trade, 364, 680, 729-730

U.S.-PRC relations, 630n, 641-642
U.S.-ROC relations, 544-545, 672, 703
Vietnam conflict, 555

Rowe, David N., 606-608
Rowen, Henry, 96-99
Roy, J. Stapleton, 374n, 402n, 496n, 569n, 753n
Royster, Vermont, 206
Rubin, Alfred P., 193n
Rusk, Dean, 86n, 190n, 539n, 686n, 728n, 747n, 755n

Cultural Revolution, 433-435, 515, 526, 560, 589
French PRC recognition, 4-5, 23

U.S.-French discussions, 1-3, 5-7
U.S.-ROC discussions, 8-12

French-ROC relations, 1, 7-8, 10-12, 13n, 23
Hong Kong, 568
Mongolia, 173, 745, 748n, 753
Offshore Islands, 690-692
PRC nuclear capabilities, 39n, 50-51, 109, 114-115

Reconnaissance flights, 77-78, 94-96, 106

ROC anti-mainland operations, 84-85, 245-247, 476, 601-602

Political action plans, 602, 670
U.S.-ROC discussions, 43-45, 48-49, 350-351, 402-403

ROC-Japanese relations, 53-54
Sino-Soviet relations, 33, 41-43, 559, 569-570
Tibet, 733-734, 737-738
UN representation issue, 120, 261, 289, 301-303, 322, 432n

Canadian position, 124-125, 137-140
Canadian Two-China resolution, 413n, 418-419, 430-431

ROC reactions, 427-430
U.S.-British discussions, 425-426
U.S.-Canadian discussions, 420-425, 455-457
U.S.-ROC discussions, 437-439

Circular telegrams, 85-86, 390-391
Goldberg paper, 296n
Nov. 1966 General Assembly vote, 469
Nov. 1967 General Assembly vote, 611
Presidential adviser meetings, 387
Study committee proposals, 409n, 418n, 419, 430-431

Circular telegram, 453-454
ROC reactions, 441-445, 457-461
U.S.-British discussions, 426
U.S.-Canadian discussions, 423-424
U.S.-ROC discussions, 428-430, 437-440, 608-610

Successor state resolution proposals, 301-303, 314, 344n, 348-350
U.S.-Canadian discussions, 358-360, 396-399, 705
U.S.-Italian discussions, 602-604
U.S. position, 125-128
U.S.-ROC discussions, 53, 55, 562-564

U.S. nuclear deterrent, 51-52, 54-55
U.S. policy toward PRC, 645-650

Bundy Cincinnati speech (Feb. 1968), 638-641
Containment without isolation, 271, 281, 296-297
Mansfield visit proposals, 551
Reischauer appointment proposal, 251n
State-Defense studies, 180-183, 197-201
Trade, 541, 729-730
Travel restrictions, 174, 196n, 281, 471, 666

U.S.-PRC relations, 285, 299, 641-642
U.S.-ROC relations, 207-209, 271

Bundy Cincinnati speech (Feb. 1968), 638-641
Chiang-Johnson correspondence, 27-29, 142-143
ROC visits, 41-54, 319-321, 344-352, 489-492
Security pact proposals, 49-51
U.S. military aid, 266-269, 706-709, 718-720
U.S. military presence, 193, 623, 671-672
Yen visit, 556, 562-564

Vietnam conflict:

British-PRC discussions, 321-323
ROC troop participation, 555n
U.S.-ROC discussions, 45-47, 351-352

Warsaw talks, 34, 36, 52-53, 203n, 265, 632

U.S. meeting guidance, 65-71, 254-255, 306, 307n, 308-313, 374-378, 492, 496-498, 500-501, 574-579

Russell, Richard, 3-4

Salade, Pierre, 22
Salans, Carl F., 65n, 745n
Sanborn, Gen., 155, 157, 159
Sato, Eisaku, 612n, 613
Saudi Arabia, 470, 611
Saunders, Harold K., 380n
Scalapino, Robert A., 513n, 634, 637
Schneider, David T., 733n, 737n
Schultze, Charles L., 544
Schwartz, Abba, 177
Seaborg, Glenn T., 113-114
Seligmann, Albert L., 296n
Senegal, 470
Shannon, Brig. Gen. James A., 641
Sharp, Adm. U. S. Grant, 202-203, 298, 534, 568n
Sharp, W. Mitchell, 681-683, 705
Shen, James, 19, 29, 53, 235

U.S.-ROC relations, 41, 49, 209, 215-216, 218

Shen, Sampson C., 240n, 297n, 520n, 556, 562, 745

UN representation issue, 440-441, 445, 462, 467-469

Shen Chang-huan, 29-30, 41, 60n, 115-116

French PRC recognition, 10n, 19, 22n

Shepard, Adm., 718n
Shlaudeman, Harry W., 753n
Shoesmith, Thomas P. 564, 601n, 621n, 623n, 638n, 666n, 670-671n, 672-674, 690n, 700-701, 705n, 706n, 718n, 723n, 753n
Shub, Anatole, 727
Sierra Leone, 470
Sieverts, Frank A., 624n
Singapore, 336
Sino-Soviet relations:

Border areas, 569-570, 644
Cultural Revolution and, 479, 481, 485, 512-513, 521, 531-532
French PRC recognition and, 6
Jenkins reports, 655-656
Mongolia and, 220, 569-570, 752
National Intelligence Estimates, 62-63, 479-489
NSC meetings, 33
PRC economic situation and, 16, 154
PRC nuclear capabilities and, 58, 70
ROC anti-mainland operations and, 44
Rusk report, 647-648
Soviet position, 105
UN representation issue and, 421
U.S. policy toward PRC and, 131
U.S.-ROC discussions, 41-43, 558-560
Vietnam conflict and, 483-484

Sisco, Joseph J., 129n, 289n, 308n, 390n, 418n, 420n, 430n, 441n, 443n, 453n, 539n, 733n, 748n

UN representation issue, 261n, 289-292, 314, 344n

Canadian Two-China resolution, 413n, 425-427
General Assembly resolutions (Nov. 1966), 437-439
Nov. 1967 General Assembly vote, 611
Presidential adviser meetings, 387-388
Study committee proposals, 291-292, 407-409, 426, 437-438
U.S.-British discussions, 425-426
U.S.-Canadian discussions, 304, 705
U.S.-ROC discussions, 437-440, 564

U.S.-ROC relations, 562
Warsaw talks, 307n

Smith (CIA), 245n, 495
Smith, Abbot, 399-402
Smith, Bromley, 151n, 190n, 326, 457n, 523n
Smith, Frederick, Jr., 666n
Smith, Jack, 111
Smith, Capt. Philip E., 278, 310, 316, 510, 578, 629
Smith, Rufus Z., 372, 412, 420n, 705n
Smith, William Y., 55n, 56n
Sneider, Richard L., 281n, 296n, 433, 748n
Snow, Edgar, 275
Solbert, Peter, 144
Sontag, John P., 569n
Southeast Asia. See Laos; Thailand/Burma irregulars under ROC anti-mainland operations; Vietnam conflict.
Souvanna Phouma (Prince of Laos), 67-68
Soviet Union (see also Sino-Soviet relations; U.S.-Soviet subheadings under other subjects), 44, 53, 112, 180, 403

Cultural Revolution and, 394-395
Czechoslovakia occupation, 703
Mongolia, 749
State-Defense studies, 180, 185-186, 197
Tibet, 743-744
Warsaw talks eavesdropping, 255, 265

Spaak, Paul-Henri, 121
Sparkman, John J., 207
Special Group, 731
Special Memorandum No. 14-66 (CIA), 399-402
Special National Intelligence Estimates:

SNIE 13-4-64, "The Chances of an Imminent Communist Chinese Nuclear Explosion," 78-81, 107
SNIE 13-8-66, "Communist China's Advanced Weapons Program," 415-416

Spivy, Gen., 197-198, 200
Sprouse, Philip D., 513n
Stabler, Wells, 602n
Steadman, Richard C., 623n, 671n, 690n, 706n
Stephens, Robert P., 569n
Stevenson, Adlai, 115, 125-128
Stevenson, Robert A., 471n
Stewart, Michael N. F., 174n, 425-426
Stoessel, Walter J., Jr., 254n, 265n, 455, 471n, 722-723
Stover, Carl F., 634
Straus, Richard, 681n
Stuart, Richard K., 595-596
Stuart, Richard K., 737n
Sullivan, William H., 532-536
Sung Jen-ch'iung, 504
Sylvester, John, Jr., 569n
Symington, James W., 556, 562
Syria, 469, 611

[End of Document]

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