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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Institutional Training Programs (T32s)

Harvard University (predoctoral), Boston

Harvard Medical School


Joseph Newhouse, Ph.D., Director
Predoctoral Training Program
Harvard Medical School
180 Longwood Avenue
Boston, MA 02115
Phone: (617) 432-1325

Web site:

Content Areas

  • Decision Sciences.
  • Economics.
  • Ethics.
  • Evaluative Science and Statistics.
  • Management.
  • Medical Sociology.
  • Political Analysis.
  • Environmental Health.
  • Health Care Services.
  • International Health.
  • Mental Health.
  • Public Health.

Program Description

The Harvard predoctoral Health Policy Ph.D. training program is a collaboration among five Harvard faculties (Arts and Sciences, Kennedy School of Government, Medicine, Public Health, and the School of Business). The aim of this program is to train individuals for research and teaching careers in health policy. Combining multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches, the program requires students to select one of seven concentrations (the first seven areas listed above) and one of five policy areas (the last five areas listed above); approximately 60 percent of students' coursework is within the selected area of concentration. In their dissertations, students apply knowledge gained from their area of concentration to health policy issues in one of five areas: environmental health; health care services; international health; mental health; or public health. All first-year students take at least one course together—the health policy core course.

Students must meet several requirements, including:

  • Two years of coursework, including a full-year core course.
  • Concentration in one academic discipline (decision sciences, economics, ethics, evaluative science and statistics, management, medical sociology, or political analysis) and specialization at the dissertation stage in one policy area (environmental health, health care services, international health, mental health, or public health).
  • A one-term course in three of the six concentrations that are not a student's field of concentration One of these courses must be statistics; a second term of statistics will be required of students entering the program in the fall term of 1998 and thereafter.
  • One course in epidemiology.
  • Written general and concentration examinations following two years of coursework; the general exam may contain an oral component.
  • A weekly research seminar starting in the third year.
  • A dissertation prospectus and oral examination.
  • A dissertation based on original research and a thesis defense.

Current as of August 2008

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Internet Citation:

Institutional Training Programs (T32s): Harvard University (predoctoral). Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.


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