Sprint Employees Introduced to Tornado Safe Rooms 

Release Date: October 10, 2000
Release Number: R7-00-39

» 2000 Region VII News Releases

KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- Employees at two Sprint service facilities in Kansas will receive their first introduction to tornado Safe Rooms in the next few weeks from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Robert Franke, a civil engineer with FEMA's Region VII office in Kansas City, Mo., will conduct two one-hour seminars for Sprint in Garnett, Kan., on Oct. 11-12 and Junction City, Kan., on Oct. 17-18 at Sprint's Safety Fair. Franke will have with him models depicting safe room designs shown in FEMA's publication "Taking Shelter From the Storm: Building a Safe Room Inside Your House."

Beth Freeman, director of FEMA's regional office in Kansas City, Mo., applauded Sprint for thinking to include FEMA as part of its Safety Fair program.

"Anyone living in the Midwest needs to take tornado safety seriously, especially after witnessing the destruction brought on by tornados that struck the Wichita area in May 1999," Freeman said.

For more information on Safe Rooms, visit FEMA's website on the subject at www.fema.gov/mit/saferoom. For a copy of "Taking Shelter From the Storm," call 1-800-565-3896 and ask for publication FEMA 320. To obtain construction plans, request publication 320A.

Last Modified: Tuesday, 09-Dec-2003 16:47:48