Argonne National Laboratory

Advanced Photon Source
X-Ray Microscopy and Imaging (XMI)

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Welcome to the X-ray Microscopy and Imaging group (XMI)! 

X-ray Microscopy and Imaging is part of the X-ray Science Division at the Advanced Photon Source.

We develop and support a diverse and multidisciplinary user research program at Sectors 2 and 32 of the APS, with the overall goal to image and study materials structures at spatial and temporal resolutions that are most scientifically relevant to the cutting-edge advances in materials, biological, environmental, and biomedical sciences.  To achieve this goal, we actively engage in various research activities including

(a) collaborative research with user groups,

(b) outreach to broad scientific communities, and

(c) technical R&D in collaborations with other groups on     

  • nano-focusing x-ray optics,
  • image contrast mechanisms,
  • phase-retrieval methodology,
  • detectors and data analysis, and
  • new beamline initiatives to maintain state-of-the-art x-ray imaging capabilities at the APS. 

Experimental techniques supported or being developed in our group include

  • microfluorescence,
  • differential phase contrast imaging,
  • microdiffraction,
  • microtomography,
  • phase-contrast imaging,
  • topography,
  • time-resolved imaging,
  • diffraction-enhanced and USAXS imaging, and
  • coherent diffraction.

This website is intended to provide useful information about these techniques and their scientific applications. If you are interested in doing an experiment with us, or simply curious about what is going on, please feel free to contact me at or at 630-252-6405.

Enjoy your tour of our website!

Best Regards,

Barry Lai

X-ray Microscopy and Imaging

Advanced Photon Source

U.S. Department of Energy UChicago Argonne LLC Office of Science - Department of EnergyOffice of Basic Energy Sciences - Department of Energy
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