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X-ray Science Division (XSD)

XSD develops state-of-the-art synchrotron radiation instrumentation and conducts world-class research at the forefront of science and technology, in a safe and environmentally sound manner.

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Science Highlight

A Mystery No More
The iron oxide ferrihydrite, which has potential for cleaning wastewater, is a material that has been both well-known and mysterious. Its crystalline structure is no longer one of nature's secrets, thanks to research at Sector 11 at the APS.

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Recent Publications

L.E. Levine, G.G. Long, J. Ilavsky, R.A. Gerhardt, R. Ou, C.A. Parker, Self-assembly of carbon black into nanowires that form a conductive three dimensional micronetwork (2007)

U. Linert, J. Almer, B. Jakobsen, W. Pantleon, H.F. Poulsen, D. Hennessy, C. Xiao, R.M. Suter, 3-Dimensional Characterization of Polycrystalline Bulk Materials Using High-Energy Synchrotron Radiaton (2007)