Message from Dr. Meghan Cronin, lead scientist

Over 70% of the Earth is covered by ocean. Satellites, ships, floats, drifters, and moored buoys gather data that is routinely ingested into numerical models to produce weather maps that extend over and into the ocean. Within the constellation of ocean observing systems, moored buoys play an important role by providing high quality in situ data that can be used to:

  • assess biases and uncertainties in the ocean “weather maps”,
  • detect rapid changes and episodic events, as well as long-term changes in the climate system, and
  • identify mechanisms and relationships within the climate system.

The NOAA PMEL Ocean Climate Station program works in partnership with the JAMSTEC IORGC Kuroshio Transport and Surface Flux Group, and the Canadian DFO Line P Program. These stations contribute to the global network of OceanSITES time series reference sites, a system within the Global Earth Observing System of Systems.

The NOAA PMEL Ocean Climate Station program encourages broad use of the data and welcomes collaboration.

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