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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality


These recommendations are designed to provide a template rather than specific action plans. What is most important in the development of school emergency plans is the understanding that a "one size fits all" plan will not work; schools should instead adapt basic guidelines for their own needs.

The creation of school-based emergency plans, along with their implementation, can be costly.  The cost for implementation, though, should not be borne by the school/school district but rather by local, State, or Federal resources designated specifically for school-based disaster planning. Federal grants are available to school districts to help develop and implement all-hazards approach school emergency response plans.

The overwhelming majority of children remain critically vulnerable to the consequences of a large-scale disaster that occurs while they are in school. Our findings demonstrate many opportunities for improvement that will help to assure that students remain safe and that they will be quickly reunited with their families. The Nation's schools completely carry this burden.

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AHRQ  Advancing Excellence in Health Care