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Fragile X Syndrome Research Centers (FXRSC)

Fragile-XThe FXSRC program, supported through the Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities (MRDD) Branch, connects with the existing MRDD Research Centers program to support research that would improve the diagnosis and treatment of, and find a cure for FXS. NICHD MRDD Branch staff developed this initiative, primarily in response to the Children’s Health Act of 2000 (P.L. 106-310). The Act provided for the establishment of at least three FXSRCs to conduct and support basic and biomedical research into the detection and treatment of Fragile X syndrome.

These “Centers-within-Centers” stimulate research relevant to Fragile X by encouraging studies of developmental neurobiology, pathophysiology, genetics, proteomics, epidemiology, structure-function correlations, clinical populations, and behavior and biobehavior. The NICHD FXSRCs are a national resource that fosters communication, innovation, and high-quality research in Fragile X, and that provides a stimulating, multidisciplinary environment to attract both established and new investigators. Sites include:

  • Baylor College of Medicine (Houston, Texas), with an affiliated site at Emory University (Atlanta, Georgia)
  • University of Washington (Seattle, Washington), with an affiliated site at University of California at Davis (Davis, California)
  • University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill, North Carolina), with an affiliated site at University of Kansas (Kansas City and Lawrence, Kansas)