APS Sectors and Research Teams Directory

Sectors at the APS are either managed and operated by X-ray Operations and Research (XOR) groups in the X-ray Science Division, or by a Collaborative Access Team (CAT).

Find out more information about beamlines and the APS.

Sector 1XORMaterials Characterization
Sector 2XORX-ray Microscopy and Imaging
Sector 3XORInelastic X-ray and Nuclear Resonant Scattering
Sector 4XORMagnetic Materials
Sector 5DND-CATDuPont-Northwestern-Dow Synchrotron Research Center
Sector 6MU-CATMidwest Universities CAT
Sector 7XORTime Resolved Research
Sector 8XORTime Resolved Research
Sector 9XOR/CMCInelastic X-ray and Nuclear Resonant Scattering
Sector 10MR-CATMaterials Research CAT
Sector 11XOR/BESSRCBasic Energy Sciences Synchrotron Radiation Center
Sector 12XOR/BESSRCBasic Energy Sciences Synchrotron Radiation Center
Sector 13GSECARSConsortium for Advanced Radiation Sources (CARS)
Sector 14BioCARSConsortium for Advanced Radiation Sources (CARS)
Sector 15ChemCARSConsortium for Advanced Radiation Sources (CARS)
Sector 16HP-CATHigh Pressure CAT
Sector 17IMCA-CATIndustrial Macromolecular Crystallography Association
Sector 18Bio-CATBiophysics CAT
Sector 19SBC-CATArgonne Structural Biology Center
Sector 20XOR/PNCPacific Northwest Consortium
Sector 21LS-CATLife Sciences CAT
Sector 22SER-CATSouth East Regional CAT
Sector 23GM/CA-CATGeneral Medicine and Cancer Institutes CAT
Sector 24NE-CATNortheastern CAT
Sector 26CNM/XORCenter for Nanoscale Materials
Sector 30XOR/IXSInelastic X-ray Scattering
Sector 31SGX-CATSGX Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Sector 32XORX-ray Microscopy and Imaging
Sector 33XOR/UNIUniversity - National Laboratory - Industry
Sector 34XOR/UNIUniversity - National Laboratory - Industry