Biocomplexity Thesaurus

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Quick Tips for Users


  • Enter the desired term or phrase into the text box as plain text. Do not use Boolean logic, quotation marks, or parentheses.

  • The lookup tool performs automatic stemming for prefixes and suffixes. Entering the term "biology" (minus quotation marks) will yield biology, chronobiology, clinical microbiology, age (biology), cryobiology, dating (biology), ethnobiology, etc.

  • You can "rotate" the thesaurus to examine facets of your particular concept by clicking on the hyperlinked terms in your results list.

  • If you rotate the thesaurus to view a related term, you can navigate back to your original entry term by clicking on it in the related term results list. Warning: clicking your browser's "Back" button to navigate back to your original entry term may not work, or may require you to "refresh" your page.