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Cyclical Science Programs

Beyond USGS base funds, which are distributed to Cost Centers via the USGS program planning  process, there are a number of competitive funding sources available through USGS.  Often termed 'cyclical' programs, these opportunities are typically specific in scope and designed to meet the needs of a particular partner agency or resource.  What follows is a general list of these program, with basic information on the function and management of each cyclical program.  Additional details may be found through the program contacts or web pages, if available.

Amphibian Research and Monitoring (ARMI)
Fish & Wildlife Service Science Support Partnership (FWS SSP)
Global Climate Change (GCC)
Invasive Species Research
National Park Monitoring Project
Outer Continental Shelf (OCS)
Park Oriented Biological Support (POBS)
Priority Ecosystems (PES)

Download .xls file with all cyclical information (future addition)

Name: Amphibian Research and Monitoring (ARMI) (revised by Ball 10/31/2006)
USGS Program: Wildlife

Lianne Ball,, (703) 648-4028,

Primary Client: DOI, States, Academia
Funding in FY 2005: $2,795,408, Funding is apportioned among: Monitoring (73%), Research (21%), and Database Development & Management (6%).
Project Duration: 5 years for Monitoring and Database projects. Research projects can be awarded for 1-3 years
Call within BRD for Proposals, or Program Announcement: Competitive RFP held every 1 or 2 years for the Research component; developed and distributed in October-November with peer review in December and awards in January.
Decision Process: In the seven ARMI regions, Lead Science Centers for monitoring status and trends of amphibian populations get equal amounts of funding for regional monitoring. Database management funding goes to PWRC and WERC which have responsibility for a centralized ARMI database. $100,000 of ARMI research funding supports a pathologist position at NWHC.
Funding Date: January
Additional Notes: Process will be reevaluated after 5 years or as the program develops
Name: Fish & Wildlife Service Science Support Partnership (FWS SSP)
USGS Program: Wildlife / Fisheries
Contact: Steve Hilburger,, (703) 648-4036,
Primary Client: FWS
Funding in FY 2005: $2,369,461 (W), $1,539,172 (F), Each of the 7 FWS Regions and HQ will have an equal amount of funding dedicated to addressing needs. Because of multiyear projects, total amount will not be available each year.
Project Duration: Projects can be single or multiyear. Continued funding depends on project progress.
Call within BRD for Proposals, or Program Announcement: None, FWS issues call in February for June submission date.
Decision Process: Specifically to address FWS research needs. FWS Regions and Headquarters identify priority information needs and issue an internal call for proposals. FWS Project Officer and USGS PI develop proposals addressing priority needs. Proposals approved by Center Director or Unit Leader are submitted to FWS Regional Research Coordinators. FWS Regions and HQ decide on funding of proposals based on funding amount available
Funding Date: By September 1, FWS Director sends approved projects to USGS. Projects funded upon submission of reviewed and approved study plans.
Additional Notes: The previous Species at Risk Program has been combined with this program with the caveat that at least $750,000 must be allocated to declining and at-risk species projects during each funding cycle
Name: Global Climate Change (GCC)
USGS Program: Ecosystems
Contact: Jack Waide, (703) 648-4053
Primary Client: DOI, USGCRP, &, Academia
Funding in FY 2005: $4,054,864
Project Duration: 3-5 years
Call within BRD for Proposals, or Program Announcement: Competitive RFP developed and issued every 5 years. Last call in FY2004 for FY2005-2010 funded projects.
Decision Process: Project proposals reviewed and ranked based on scientific peer review by panels of external experts. Awards recommended by Global Change Coordinator for decision by Associate Director for Biology.
Funding Date: Target distribution date is first quarter of Fiscal Year (depending on Budget allocation)
Additional Notes: None
Name: Invasive Species Research
USGS Program: Invasives
Contact: Sharon Gross, (703) 648-4076
Primary Client: Multiple
Funding in FY 2005: $1,907,459 (includes earmark to MSU)
Project Duration: Variable
Call within BRD for Proposals, or Program Announcement: None
Decision Process: The Invasive Species Program works cooperatively with the National Invasive Species Council annually to develop a crosscut performance budget. This process was initiated for the FY04 budget year and has continued for every budget year. Priority initiatives are established cooperatively, with the other Federal agencies who are part of the NISC, and the individual agencies work to develop agency budgets to support those initiatives. The Invasive Species PC contacts individual centers with expertise in areas identified within the initiatives and staff from those centers participate in the crosscut budget development. USGS has committed much of its increase funds to conduct research to support the priorities established jointly with the NISC. The activities are described in the Greenbook and BASIS projects are developed to support these activities. 
Funding Date: Target distribution date is first quarter of Fiscal Year (depending on Budget allocation)
Additional Notes: Engaging in NISC and cross-cut process provides opportunity in future to be considered if new funding opportunities arise.
Name: National Park Monitoring Project (Revised by Geissler 10/30)
USGS Program: Status & Trends of Biological Resources
Contact: Paul Geissler,, (301) 497-5780
Primary Client: NPS
Funding in FY 2005: $1,028,720 [$976,247 in FY2006]
Project Duration: Usually 3-5 years
Call within BRD for Proposals, or Program Announcement: Annually in August
Decision Process:

1. Research theme is agreed to by USGS S&T Program and NPS I&M Program
2. RFP
3. Peer review of proposals by USGS & NPS
4. NPS advises on priority
5. USGS decision

Funding Date: Target distribution date is first quarter of Fiscal Year (depending on Budget allocation)
Additional Notes: None.
Name: Outer Continental Shelf (OCS)
USGS Program: Ecosystems
Contact: Jack Waide, (703) 648-4053
Primary Client: MMS
Funding in FY 2005: $2,387,278, (Budget cuts have reduced the $4.5 m in project funding originally transferred from MMS to BRD)
Project Duration: Variable
Call within BRD for Proposals, or Program Announcement: None
Decision Process: Annually MMS Regions prioritize new biological research needs. With BRD Regional OCS Coordinators and Centers, MMS Regions identify priority projects consistent with BRD Centers' expertise and interests. MMS HQ combines and prioritizes Regional lists and submits projects recommended for funding to BRD HQ. BRD HQ reveiws MMS priorities and allocates funds to BRD Regions (which allocate to Centers) to continue uncompleted studies and begin new projects. Centers submit work plans for peer review.
Funding Date: Target distribution date is first quarter of Fiscal Year (depending on Budget allocation)
Additional Notes: Supports MMS mgt decisions for OCS Oil and Natural Gas Program and the Marine Minerals Program. Needs flow from MMS's responsibility to assess and manage environmental effects of mineral, oil, and gas extraction on the OCS and in some coastal areas. Recent MMS planning, assessments, and potential lease sales have been in the Gulf of Mexico, along the West Coast, and off Alaska. Future MMS info needs could lead to projects in other U.S. waters such as along the East Coast.
Name: Park Oriented Biological Support (POBS),
USGS Program: Status & Trends
Contact: Dan James, (703) 648-4253
Primary Client: NPS
Funding in FY 2005: $337,313
Project Duration: 2 years
Call within BRD for Proposals, or Program Announcement: RFPs are issued biennially. Next RFP will be issued in early FY2005 for projects to be funded in FY2006
Decision Process: A peer review panel of scientists and natural resource specialists from USGS and NPS evaluate and rank proposals and select projects for funding based upon established selection criteria. USGS manages the peer review panel and administers the selected projects.
Funding Date: Target distribution date is first quarter of Fiscal Year (depending on Budget allocation)
Additional Notes: A final report that describes the research or technical assistance completed, provides a non-technical summary of results, and describes the utility of the project to NPS is due 3 years after award of funding. In addition, USGS PIs are asked to complete the NPS Investigator's Annual Report (IAR).
Name: Priority Ecosystems (PES)
USGS Program: Ecosystems
Contact: Martha Garcia, (703) 648-6960 Jack Waide, (703) 648-4053
Primary Client: DOI and other Land & Water Management Agencies
Funding in FY 2005: $1,400,000 (Program total = $10.5M)
Project Duration: No major BRD project with a significant level of funding has been discontinued or phased out
Call within BRD for Proposals, or Program Announcement: None
Decision Process: PBS Study Area Coordinators solicit local input from scientists and managers about ongoing and new study needs. Study Area Coordination Teams establish priorities and recommend changes. Study Area Coordinators, in conjunction with Center Directors and/or Regional Chief Biologists, notify BRD HQ about any needed changes in funding allocations. Emphases - Everglades; San Franciso Bay; Chesepeake Bay;Yellowstone; Mojave; Platte River
Funding Date: Target distribution date is first quarter of Fiscal Year (depending on Budget allocation)
Additional Notes: Bureau-wide coordination was discontinued in mid-2000 and regional oversight began. Changes in BRD funding of projects over the period FY00 to FY02 have been minor.
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