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Auciello honored by Materials Research Society: speaks at first U.S.-Argentina nanotech conference

Orlando Auciello
Orlando Auciello

Argonne materials scientist Orlando Auciello (MSD) has been named a fellow of the Materials Research Society for his “seminal and pioneering research in diverse fields of materials science and technology such as surface-plasma interactions, ferroelectric and dielectric thin films, multifunctional ultrananocrystalline diamond thin films, and nano-bio-interfaces.”

The title of MRS fellow honors MRS members who are notable for their distinguished research accomplishments and their outstanding contributions to the advancement of materials research, world-wide. The maximum number of new fellow appointments each year is limited to 0.2 percent of the current MRS membership. The class of fellows will be recognized at the 2009 MRS Spring Meeting in San Francisco, April 13-15.

Auciello is a member of Argonne’s Materials Science Division and the Center for Nanoscale Materials. He is a member of several scientific societies, author or co-author in about 450 publications, and co-author in 15 patents on different subjects from electrodes for non-volatile ferroelectric memories to field emission cathodes for flat panel displays and other devices.

Auciello was also recently invited by the U.S. State Department through the U.S. embassy in Argentina to give a talk at the first U.S.-Argentina workshop on nanotechnology. The workshop was held March 15-19 in Bariloche, Argentina.

A dozen top-level scientists from prestigious research centers in the United States and more than 20 leading Argentine scientists discussed the progress of research, and ways to strengthen cooperation and networking. Auciello’s talk covered the work being conducted at Argonne on the science and technology of ultrananocrystalline diamond (UNCD), the first-ever affordable diamond film suitable for mass production. UNCD was developed and patented at Argonne and won an R&D 100 Award in 2003, jointly with IPLAS GmbH from Germany and in 2008 jointly with Advanced Diamond Technologies, the company founded by Auciello, J.A. Carlise and Neil Kane, which is now commercializing the UNCD technology worldwide.

April 2009

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