X-Ray Science Division: Groups

XSD comprises ten groups, seven of which focus on beamline operations, theory and research. Three groups are dedicated to user and technical support or instrumentation development.

X-Ray Operations and Research

Chemistry, Environmental and Polymer Science

Research Disciplines: Chemistry, Materials Science
Primary Contact: Randy Winans, rewinans@anl.gov
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Beamlines: 11-BM-B, 11-ID-B,C,D, 12-ID, 12-BM
Techniques and Capabilities:
  • Powder diffraction
  • High energy diffraction and scattering
  • Time resolved spectroscopy
  • Small angle X-ray scattering with anomalous and grazing incidence
  • Surface and interface scattering

Inelastic X-Ray and Nuclear Resonant Scattering

Research Disciplines: Condensed Matter Physics, Geophysics, Materials Science
Primary Contact: Thomas Gog, gog@aps.anl.gov
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Beamlines: 3-ID-B,C,D
Techniques and Capabilities:
  • Momentum-resolved inelastic x-ray scattering (IXS)
  • Nuclear resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (NRIXS)
  • Synchrotron Mössbauer spectroscopy (SMS)
  • High-resolution x-ray optics

Magnetic Materials

Research Disciplines: Physics, Materials Science
Primary Contact: Jonathan Lang, lang@aps.anl.gov
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Beamlines: 4-ID-C, 4-ID-D
Techniques and Capabilities:
  • Magnetic circular dichroism
  • Magnetic x-ray scattering
  • Anomalous and Resonant Scattering
  • X-ray magnetic linear dichroism (XMLD)
  • X-ray Photoemission electron microscopy (X-PEEM)
  • X-ray Photoemission spectroscopy (XPS)

Materials Characterization

Research Disciplines: Materials Science and Engineering, Solid-State and Inorganic Chemistry, Condensed-Matter Physics, Geosciences
Primary Contact: Brian Toby, brian.toby@anl.gov
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Beamlines: 1-BM, 1-ID, 11-BM, 11-ID-B,C, 33-BM-B,C,D,E, 34-ID-C,E
Techniques and Capabilities:
  • Microdiffraction (monochromatic and Laue)
  • Grain-growth studies
  • Residual-stress characterization
  • Texture studies
  • Surface scattering
  • Coherent x-ray scattering
  • Powder diffraction
  • Pair-distribution-function analysis
  • Resonant scattering
  • Single-crystal diffraction
  • Diffuse scattering.

Time-Resolved Research

Research Disciplines: Materials Science, Condensed Matter Physics, Atmospheric Science
Primary Contact: Jin Wang, wangj@aps.anl.gov
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Beamlines: 7-ID-B,C,D, 8-ID-E
Techniques and Capabilities:
  • Laser-pump-x-ray-probe
  • Time-resolved scattering and spectroscopy
  • Ultrafast x-ray imaging
  • X-ray intensity correlation spectroscopy

Synchrotron-Related Theory

Synchrotron-Related Theory (SRT) provides a link between x-ray experiments and materials science and theory. Areas of expertise include x-ray spectroscopy, magnetism, spin transport and strongly-correlated materials. SRT is a joint program supported by Northern Illinois University and the APS.
Primary Contact: Michel Van Veenendaal, michel@aps.anl.gov

X-ray Microscopy and Imaging

Research Disciplines: Materials Science, Biology, Physics, Life Sciences
Primary Contact: Barry Lai, blai@aps.anl.gov
[ View beamlines and techniques ]
Beamlines: 2-BM-B, 2-ID-B,D,E, 26-ID-C, 32-ID
Techniques and Capabilities:
  • Microfluorescence and microdiffraction
  • 3D microtomography
  • Time-resolved phase-contrast imaging and topography
  • Phase-contrast microscopy
  • Coherent scattering imaging methods
Support and Development

Beamline Technical Support

Beamline Technical Support maintains an x-ray detector pool to assist APS users with data collection, and an equipment pool to provide various experimental hardware for short-term loan.
Primary Contact: Patricia Fernandez, fernandz@aps.anl.gov

Optics Fabrication and Metrology

Optics Fabrication and Metrology (OFM) operates and develops instruments to fabricate and characterize x-ray optical elements, such as single crystal-monochromators, mirrors, multilayers, and other special substrates. In addition, OFM works with the APS user community to develop new optics for special beamline applications.
Primary Contact: Albert Macrander, atm@aps.anl.gov

User Administration and Support

User Administration and Support (APS User Office) provides direct and indirect administrative and support services to APS and CNM users. Direct services include registration, orientation/training/badging, developing and maintaining user information Web pages, writing and distributing electronic newsletters and other electronic communications, and administering scientific access systems (General and Partner User programs). Indirect services include workshop, conference, and meeting support, (especially for the annual Users Meeting, the quarterly APSUO Steering Committee and Partner Users Council meetings, the annual Scientific Advisory Committee meeting, and Sector Reviews), as well as outreach activities that promote the availability of beam time at the APS.
Primary Contact: Susan Strasser, strasser@aps.anl.gov