APS Renewal: "Science and Technology of Future Light Sources" White Paper

Four U.S. Department of Energy laboratories, Argonne National Laboratory, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and SLAC National accelerator Laboratory, worked over the holidays to produce the document "Science and Technology of Future Light Sources," which is intended to brief the Obama administration about the exciting promise of fourth- generation light sources.

The document can be found at http://www.aps.anl.gov/Renewal/Science_and_Technology_of_Future_Light_Sources.pdf. Here at the APS, our immediate focus is on the proposed APS renewal program, which would radically improve the x-ray capabilities at our beamlines and expand the capabilities of this third-generation source for our users. But in the longer term, we would also wish to develop a fourth-generation hard x-ray source that would serve the needs of the hard x-ray user community, and this document addresses such possibilities.