Scientific Interest Groups

Self-organizing groups that offer forums for discussion among users and beamline staff who are interested in advancing synchrotron research in a particular area.

View monthly meetings
on calendar

Contact: Randall Winans, APS

The Catalysis group meets at noon on the second Tuesday of each month in the LOM 433 conference room.


High Pressure
Contact: Michael Lerche, HP-CAT

The High-Pressure group promotes awareness of the high-pressure research activities and associated facilities at the APS and elsewhere. The group meets monthly on one Thursday at 3:00 pm in the LOM 434 conference room.

Liquid and Soft-Matter Surface Scattering
Contact: Ivan Kuzmenko
Contact: Binhua Lin

The Liquid and Soft-Matter Surface Scattering group promotes awareness of the facilities for this research at the APS and elsewhere. The group meets on the third Monday of each month at 12:00 pm in the LOM 434 conference room. A schedule is provided on the group's web site.

Powder Diffraction
Contact: Brian Toby, APS
Contact: Peter Lee, APS

This group is currently inactive, but will resume meeting monthly in the future.


Small Angle Scattering
Contact: Pete Jemian, APS

This group meets monthly (first Tuesday at noon, LOM 438 conference room) and maintains a email distribution list to promote awareness of the small-angle scattering facilities at the APS, Intense Pulsed Neutron Source, and elsewhere on the Argonne campus and to foster communications among the various research groups.


Is your group missing from this list?
Are you interested in forming a new group?
Send e-mail to Susan Strasser
in the User Office


Surface & Interface Scattering
Contact: Paul Zschack

The Surface & Interface Scattering Group meets monthly to promote awareness of surface and interface scattering science and facilities at the APS. This focus group meets for lunch on the third Tuesday of each month in the LOM 438 conference room. All interested parties are welcome to attend. 

Contact: Robert Winarski, CNM
Contact: Francesco De Carlo, APS

The microtomography special interest group of the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory has been created to promote awareness of the microtomography facilities at the APS and to foster communications between the various research groups. Through this group, we believe we can build a strong user community for microtomography at the APS. The web site includes a list of microtomography beamlines.

Contact: Eric Dufresne, APS

This group organized on the theme of "Science and techniques that use the pulsed structure of the APS to study time-resolved phenomenon from a few picoseconds to microseconds". The group meets once a month on the third Thursday of the month from noon to 1h15, in the 432C conference room.


Contact: Robert Gordon

The XAFS group meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month to discuss x-ray absorption fine-structure and related spectroscopies. The lunch-time meetings feature talks on recent scientific results as well as discussion on advances in technique, analysis, education and instrumentation. To receive announcements, please subscribe to the Mailing List on

X-ray Microscopy & Imaging
Contact: Qun Shen (APS)

Weekly presentations will be held on Tuesdays, at about 2:20 pm, in LOM 431, Room C010, following regular XMI group meetings. The topics of these presentations will cover research and developments in all areas of x-ray microscopy and imaging, including user scientific highlights, techinical project reports, novel ideas in methodology, and new developments in the literature. All interested are welcome to attend.