Partner Users Council (PUC)

PUC Members

PUC Executive Board Members

PUC Meetings

Partner Users Policy and Procedures

PUC Charter/Bylaws


Partner User Council Executive Board

Back Row (standing) from left: John Chrzas (SER-CAT, University of Georgia), Robert Fischetti (GM/CA-CAT, Argonne National Laboratory), Mark Rivers (GSECARS, The University of Chicago), Keith Brister (LS-CAT, Northwestern University), Tom Irving (Bio-CAT, Illinois Institute of Technology), Guoyin Shen (HP-CAT, Carnegie Institution of Washington)

Front Row (seated) from left: Jörg Maser (CNM/XOR, Argonne National Laboratory), Denis Keane, Chair, (DND-CAT, Northwestern University), J. Murray Gibson (Director, Advanced Photon Source), Robert Gordon (PNC/XOR Advisory Board, Simon Fraser University)

Not Pictured: Bruce Bunker (MR-CAT, Notre Dame), Keith Moffat (BIOCARS, The University of Chicago), Jim Viccaro (ChemMatCARS, The University of Chicago), Lisa Keefe (IMCA-CAT, The University of Chicago), Andrzej Joachimiak (SBC-CAT, Argonne National Laboratory), Malcolm Capel (NE-CAT, Cornell University), John Hill (IXS-CAT, Brookhaven National Laboratory), Stephen Wasserman (LRL-CAT, Eli Lilly and Company), Chris Benmore (BESSRC/XOR Advisory Board, Argonne National Laboratory), Paul Fenter (BESSRC/XOR Advisory Board, Argonne National Laboratory), J. Kent Blasie (CMC/XOR Advisory Board, University of Pennsylvania), Roy Clark, (MHATT/XOR Advisory Board, University of Michigan)


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Linda Carlson (