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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Appendix 3-A. Clearance Process for Press Releases

Press releases about research from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) require clearance from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The clearance process begins with AHRQ's Office of Communications and Knowledge Transfer (OCKT) and proceeds as follows:

  1. AHRQ's Director of Media Relations and the OCKT Strategic Planner review an early draft of the release. Edits are incorporated.
  2. The AHRQ Task Order Officer reviews the next draft. Edits are incorporated
  3. The draft then goes to the grantee, contractor, or partner for review. A quote from a grantee, contractor, or partner representative can be incorporated, if appropriate.
  4. Edits from the grantee, contractor, or partner are reviewed and incorporated as appropriate. The AHRQ Task Order Officer will arbitrate any questions about edits.
  5. The press release then undergoes AHRQ clearance.
  6. When AHRQ clearance is completed, the release is sent to the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs at HHS for review and approval.
  7. If the grantee, contractor, or partner wants to create its own local press release, the Task Order Officer, OCKT Strategic Planner, AHRQ Director of Media Relations, and the OCKT staffer assigned to the release establish the terms under which this can occur. At a minimum:

    • The press release must be directed to local media only.
    • The press release must acknowledge AHRQ sponsorship.
    • AHRQ must approve the press release.
    • The press release should include a quote from the lead Federal spokesperson.
    • The press release must not precede AHRQ's release.

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