BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Jordan Local time: 05:40 PM

Get Market Research

Fast, accurate information is the key to making good business decisions. Whether you're looking for a general market overview or a detailed report on best prospects for your product, we can help.

Contact Muna Farkouh for costs and details

Customized Market Research

Customized Market Research is a concise, 7-10 page report that is written at your request and answers questions such as the overall marketability of your product or service, market trends and size, customary distribution and promotion practices, market entry requirements, regulations, product standards and registration, key competitors, and potential agents, distributors, or strategic partners. The Research is defined by company request following a standard 9-question format.

Other customized market research

  • Screened/Unscreened Contact List
  • Market Profile Report
  • Competition
  • Contact Lists
  • Market entry issues
  • Market Size
  • Market Trends
  • Regulatory issues
  • Sales channels
  • Standards/Product Registration
  • And more


Industry Sector Analysis

Succinct market intelligence on specific industries in Jordan, with information on market potential, market size, and international competitors.

Video Market Briefing

Meet via videoconference with U.S. Commercial Service experts in Jordan who will answer your questions on market conditions and prospects for your company. You will also receive a written report.