Advertising Eligibility Requirements

Who is eligible to advertise in Commercial News USA?

U.S. companies offering products or services that are manufactured in the United States or products manufactured outside of the United States that are marketed under the name of an American company, with U.S. content representing at least 51% of the finished product's value.

Are there requirements pertaining to products that can be advertised?

Yes. Products must be available for immediate export worldwide, unless they are custom-manufactured. Companies marketing products they do not manufacture must document that they have worldwide rights to the product(s) being advertised.

Are there any other restrictions?

Certain products are not eligible for inclusion Commercial News USA. These include:

  • Agricultural commodities
  • Embargoed commodities (15 CFR Parts 768-799.2)
  • Munitions (commodities on the U.S. Munitions List)
  • Sexually-oriented products
  • Alcoholic beverages
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