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Heart Health & Stroke
Heart Health and Stroke

Take care of your heart

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To learn more about healthy eating and physical activity, visit our special section on fitness and nutrition. Also, learn more about how healthy choices can make a difference in your risk for heart disease and stroke.

Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention

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Heart attack, stroke, and other forms of heart disease are a threat to so many women. But you can take steps to protect your heart and lower your risk. Steps include getting regular physical activity, making healthy food choices, and taking good care of yourself overall. It is also important to make sure you talk to your doctor about heart health and the use of menopausal hormone therapy or aspirin.

Heart Healthy Steps

Physical Activity

You don’t have to become a super athlete, but your body needs to move. The 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans state that an active lifestyle can lower your risk of early death from heart disease, stroke, and many other health problems. It can also boost your mood. Health benefits are gained by doing the following each week:

  • Aerobic activity that includes:
    • 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity, or
    • 1 hour and 15 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity, or
    • A combination of moderate and vigorous activity


  • Muscle-strengthening activities on 2 or more days of the week

So pick an activity you like, and do it often.

Healthy Eating

Eating fatty, greasy food can make you put on weight. But that’s not the only risk. Unhealthy eating has a direct impact on your arteries, your blood pressure, your glucose level, among other things. You don’t need to go on a special diet to eat healthy. Just make sure you focus on eating fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fat-free or low-fat dairy products, fish, beans, peas, nuts, and lean meats. The foods you eat should also be low in saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol (koh-LESS-tur-ol), salt, and added sugars. If you drink alcohol, do it moderately. Women should drink no more than one alcoholic drink per day.

Taking Care of Yourself

Stress, anxiety, depression, and lack of sleep have all been linked to increased risk of heart disease. And they’re not doing your mind or the rest of your body any good either. You may feel that you don't have enough time to take a break or get enough sleep now. But the possible results of overloading yourself, including heart attack and stroke, aren't worth it. In the midst of all you do, it's important to make time for yourself. Make sure to get those seven to nine hours of sleep each night. Take steps to keep stress in check, such as taking time each day to relax and unwind with friends or loved ones. And if you’re having trouble coping because of depression, anxiety, or other emotional health issues, get help. Your doctor or a counselor can teach you healthy ways to reduce stress or suggest treatment for depression or other mental health problems. Although we don’t know if treating emotional problems or reducing stress lowers heart disease risk, doing so will boost your overall health and well-being.

Does menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) prevent heart disease?

Once you reach menopause, your ovaries stop making estrogen, which protects against plaque buildup, and your heart disease risk goes up. You might wonder if menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) can help lower the risk. But recent studies confirmed that women should not use MHT to protect against heart disease. Rather, MHT is good at relieving moderate to severe symptoms of menopause and preventing bone loss. For now, the safest option for MHT is to use the lowest dose that helps for the shortest time you need it. Learn more about study findings and the benefits and risks of MHT in our Understanding Menopause section.

Do I need aspirin?

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends that women ages 55 to 79 take aspirin to lower their risk of ischemic stroke. This is advised when the benefit outweighs the possible harm of gastrointestinal bleeding. The benefit depends on your personal risk of both stroke and gastrointestinal bleeding. You should discuss your risk with your doctor and decide together if taking aspirin is right for you.

Additional Resources


  1. Federal resource  Aspirin for Reducing Your Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke: KNOW THE FACTS — Before you decide to use aspirin to lower your risk of heart attack and stroke, the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research suggests that you talk with your health care provider to learn the effects of aspirin on your health.

  2. Federal resource  Frequently Asked Questions — Heart Healthy Eating — This publication provides information on eating a heart-healthy diet. It includes information on how to start planning a heart-healthy diet, diets to help maintain or lower cholesterol, diets to maintain a healthy blood pressure, and other ways to keep your heart healthy.

  3. Federal resource  PDF file  Your Guide to Physical Activity and Your Heart — You know you should be more physically active. But are you confused, concerned, or just can't get started? This guide uses science-based information to help adults develop a safe and effective program of physical activity that can be sustained. All research indicates that regular, moderate physical activity will improve your heart health and how you look and feel. Find out about the importance of physical activity in reducing heart disease risk and how to begin or maintain an activity program that's right for you!

  4. ABCs of Preventing Heart Attack and Stroke (Copyright © AHA) — The American Heart Association has developed ABCs for preventing heart attack and stroke. These steps include: Avoiding tobacco, Becoming more active, and Choosing good nutrition.

  5. Avoiding Another Stroke (Copyright © ASA) — People who’ve had a stroke in the past are at higher risk of having another. These tips from the American Heart Association discuss how nutrition, physical activity, following your doctor’s orders, and other factors can help reduce your risk.

  6. Five Medication-Free Strategies to Help Prevent Heart Disease (Copyright © MFMER) — Five simple steps for preventing heart disease are outlined for people who are at risk of developing heart disease because of family history or their lifestyle. These steps include stopping tobacco use, eating a healthy diet, and exercising.

  7. Tests and Diagnosis: Misdiagnosis of Heart Disease (Copyright © — After being diagnosed with heart disease, you might want a second opinion from a health professional or you may think that you have received a misdiagnosis. This publication discusses how to prevent a misdiagnosis and what to do if you think you have been misdiagnosed by a health professional.


  1. Federal resource  Food and Drug Administration, HHS
  2. Federal resource  National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, CDC, OPHS, HHS
  3. Federal resource  National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, NIH, HHS
  4. American Heart Association

Federal resource = Indicates Federal Resources

Content last updated: March 27, 2009

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