BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Industry Focused Promotion

Analytica 2006

U.S. companies at Analytica 2008, Munich, Germany - April 1-4 looking for international partners and clients.

The following companies will be exhibiting their products and services at Analytica 2008. We can help you connect with them. Select the companies that you are interested in, provide your contact information below and we will e-mail you immediately direct contact information (contact name, personal e-mail, phone, fax) for the companies you checked.

This program is designed to generate relevant business leads for the U.S. companies it features, based on their product descriptions and objectives. In order to help us ensure the highest level of service to you and all participating firms, we ask that you please be discriminating when making your selection. Thank you.

Please review updated list of companies at Analytica 2008 at